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The Independents Immigration lies....

cockneyrebel said:
Although I think tbaldwin talks crap on this issue I have to say that the fact that the Independent gave space on page 2 for "Sir" Digby Jones shows their liberalism for all it is. Middle class stuck up wankers who will say progressive stuff about certain things (the war, human rights etc) but when it comes down to working class action such as the pensions strike they are reactionary fuckers and all their middle class prejudices come out.

Well said, I'm sick of the middle class liberal scum who try to shove their self righteous pro immigration rants down our throats:mad:
cockneyrebel said:
Although I think tbaldwin talks crap on this issue I have to say that the fact that the Independent gave space on page 2 for "Sir" Digby Jones shows their liberalism for all it is. Middle class stuck up wankers who will say progressive stuff about certain things (the war, human rights etc) but when it comes down to working class action such as the pensions strike they are reactionary fuckers and all their middle class prejudices come out.
I'm a middle class Liberal. One who's posts on Urban have consistently supported increased trade union rights and any recent strike you care to name.

Sir Digby speaks for Sir Digby, not an entire political philosophy.
TeeJay said:
tbaldwin straight question who has made these 'smears', 'lies' and 'accusations' on this thread?

A quote from bluestreak

so waht to do - the benefits of immigration effect us all, which is why so many people love living in multicultural areas. the negatives however include such things as lower wages for the poor. so shall we kick all the foreigners out and rant and rave about the failures of immigration and the wiberals who love it (and they often like immigration for very different reasons that digby and his vile ilk do). or shall we instead try and do something worthwhile and organise and unionise and try and change the system. theres enougn pie for everyone, working class people uniting against immigration is stupid, and accusations of racism should stick - if you'd rather attack your fellow poor because of their nationality rather than the captains of industry who keep you all poor then you ARE a racist, bigot or xenophone to my mind. working class people of all nationalities should fucking unite against those who exploit the poor and divide them against each other.
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tbaldwin said:
No it was the Independent that backed the Tories in 87...Sorry if i didnt make the point clear enough.

You weren't clear but I suspect there was reason for that, eh balders?

If you aren't an old school racist, then I'm Alf Garnett.
tbaldwin said:
People cant appreciate the point because it means looking at their own lazy assumptions and prejudices....
To name names Nino and VP often will say that im right wing,despite the fact that ive continuosly said i believe in a massive redistribution of wealth and power...That for years i was in and around left groups and did looads of militant anti fascist stuff.

This is the reason you begin these threads: to draw attention to yourself. What's the matter? Have you no friends (apart from the decidedly weird durrut)?

Your idea for the "redistribution of wealth" is no different to Chesterton.

You're a militant fantasist and liar is what you are.
Good to see a few letters in the Independent today echoing the thoughts of the ever modest and charming tbaldwin man of the people etc etc...
tbaldwin said:
I said on a thread that i found the ideas of distributism interesting....But i am hardly an authority on or advocate of distributism...
Maybe you could start a thread on it Alf?

You're still claiming to be something that you aren't balders. You're a bit of a Walter Mitty/Billy Liar type.

I'm just waiting to see what your next thread will look like. I'm sure it will contain the usual shite about 'race' and immigration.
tbaldwin said:
People cant appreciate the point because it means looking at their own lazy assumptions and prejudices....
To name names Nino and VP often will say that im right wing,despite the fact that ive continuosly said i believe in a massive redistribution of wealth and power...That for years i was in and around left groups and did looads of militant anti fascist stuff.

Whoop-de-doo, balders "did loads of militant anti-fascist stuff".

So did loads of us, but most of us don't tout the fact that we did so as part of some spurious set of left-wing credentials in the way you do.

As for your "massive redistribution of wealth and power", again, set out decent ideas rather than vague rants and people might pay attention to what you're saying, but you don't.

What you have espoused, as I've repeatedly challenged you on for the last week, is incredibly close to the shite A.K. Chesterton and Oswald Moseley were spewing out pre and post WW2. If you favour ideas that such people supported, then how are you any different from them?
ViolentPanda said:
Whoop-de-doo, balders "did loads of militant anti-fascist stuff".

Yeah right.....I bet the Liberal Lefties on Urban have whacked loads of Fascists..........Like shit.............
ViolentPanda said:
What you have espoused, as I've repeatedly challenged you on for the last week, is incredibly close to the shite A.K. Chesterton and Oswald Moseley were spewing out pre and post WW2. If you favour ideas that such people supported, then how are you any different from them?

Cos i think anyone who believes in a jewish conspiracy is a total prat...
Cos i think that Racism is Poison.
Cos i hate the Class system,the judiciary and the education system.....
tbaldwin said:
Cos i think anyone who believes in a jewish conspiracy is a total prat...
Cos i think that Racism is Poison.
Cos i hate the Class system,the judiciary and the education system.....

Another list. Are we meant ot be impressed? Even those who deny they are racists say this sort of thing.
tbaldwin said:
Yeah right.....I bet the Liberal Lefties on Urban have whacked loads of Fascists..........Like shit.............

And I'll bet you whacked yourself off thinking about all those "Liberal Lefties" too. :D

Anyone who uses the phrase "Liberal lefty" as often as you do, is obviously pursuing an agenda other than the one they have stated.

You're a fantasist.
TonkaToy said:
A quote from bluestreak
Arte you saying that this:

"if you'd rather attack your fellow poor because of their nationality rather than the captains of industry who keep you all poor then you ARE a racist, bigot or xenophone to my mind"

is the same as:

"if you support immigration controls you are a racist"

TeeJay said:
Arte you saying that this:

"if you'd rather attack your fellow poor because of their nationality rather than the captains of industry who keep you all poor then you ARE a racist, bigot or xenophone to my mind"

is the same as:

"if you support immigration controls you are a racist"


Yes. He is. He know's he is. He is saying that stopping poor people from coming to the UK is an attack on the poor.
tbaldwin said:
Yeah right.....I bet the Liberal Lefties on Urban have whacked loads of Fascists..........Like shit.............

Maybe, unlike you, those who have don't boast about it and try to big themselves up at every opportunuty?
tbaldwin said:
Cos i think anyone who believes in a jewish conspiracy is a total prat...
Moseley didn't either, he just saw it as a handy vehicle to garner middle class support.
Cos i think that Racism is Poison.
About your only redeeming quality.
Cos i hate the Class system,the judiciary and the education system.....
As I've repeatedly said, Chesterton, Moseley et al wanted to dismantle the education system, including the universities, they also wanted to dismantle the judiciary and rebuild it on the US model with elected judges and officials (just like you do). Can you guess why?
ViolentPanda said:
Maybe, unlike you, those who have don't boast about it and try to big themselves up at every opportunuty?

BULLSHIT.....I bet most of the Liberal Lefties on Urban have never hit anyone let alone attacked members of the NF or BNP...

Im not trying to big myself up,but just pointing out that unlike most people on U75 i have actually put my personal safety/liberty on the line time after time fighting fascism and i do have some lovely photos to prove it.........................
tbaldwin said:
nino......Your brain is toooooooo bigggggggg.
Mmmm, anti-intellectualism.

In political history it's often a precursor to anti-democratism. Something authoritarians are quite fond off.
Dissident Junk said:
I do have a few concerns about the Polish immigration issue, the main one being that something about all this isn't very fair towards British people......

good post.
ViolentPanda said:
Moseley didn't either, he just saw it as a handy vehicle to garner middle class support.

About your only redeeming quality.

As I've repeatedly said, Chesterton, Moseley et al wanted to dismantle the education system, including the universities, they also wanted to dismantle the judiciary and rebuild it on the US model with elected judges and officials (just like you do). Can you guess why?

This really is the last refuge of the scoundrel.........I bet there is also a lot that i would agree with Stalin and Hitler about........So what.........It doesnt make me a Stalinist or a Nazi......

And if Chesterton and Moseley wanted to dismantle the Judiciary to cleanse it of Jews???? Then that is totally different from why id like to see elected judges....

Its a silly slur to keep trying to pretend im some closet member of the far right.....If your really that interested you could always meet with me.
ViolentPanda said:
Mmmm, anti-intellectualism.

In political history it's often a precursor to anti-democratism. Something authoritarians are quite fond off.

Im in favour of extending Democracy and Authoritarianism.....
tbaldwin said:
BULLSHIT.....I bet most of the Liberal Lefties on Urban have never hit anyone let alone attacked members of the NF or BNP...
How would you know?

Come on, how do you know well enough to be willing to bet on something?

You don't.
Im not trying to big myself up,but just pointing out that unlike most people on U75 i have actually put my personal safety/liberty on the line time after time fighting fascism and i do have some lovely photos to prove it.........................
Like I said, big deal. Some of us haven't had any choice but to fight fascism, racism or anti-Semitism and risk getting our heads kicked in or worse.

How many people on U75 do you actually know, that you can make your sweeping judgements about what they might have done or be doing? You're bigging yourself up and trying to score points by denigrating other people with your assumptions that you've done something they haven't.

Oh, and "nice photos"?

Most sets of photos of anti-nazi actions I've seen over the years all came from the same source.
Did anyone note that the report in the guardian said that most poles et al only plan to stay here for a couple of years (to make some cash) ad then return, and that if such temporary immigration is subtracted from the figures, we actually have more people leaving the country than staying?
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