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That vile, lying Tory peer, Michelle Mone

The guy was already a billionaire. It's staggering that wasn't enough for him. He had to profiteer out of death like this.

And equally staggering whoever has been advising them that it was a good idea to do a tell all interview on Kuennsberg
The guy was already a billionaire. It's staggering that wasn't enough for him. He had to profiteer out of death like this.

And equally staggering whoever has been advising them that it was a good idea to do a tell all interview on Kuennsberg
They have the means to hire people to tell them what they want to hear.
I watched that interview. She almost, sort of, held it together with her heatfelt apologies until right to the end when she said something like 'I don't know what I've done wrong'. It's not a crime to lie to the press'

Which is true. But fucking hell, optics. Her PR must have been standing to the side having a heart attack.
maybe Mone hired Prince Andrew's PR team. must be looking for work now he's not allowed any public engagements.
I just read her Wikipedia page, hoping to recap her time on docusoap TV as the mad boss who chastised her staff for not placing the sellotape-dispensers the right way round in a cupboard - my ultimate aim to make a joke about Maureen from Driving School being given a £200m haulage contract - but it just reads like a lengthy charge sheet.
as per one of the Graun comments"hideously, nauseatingly obscene". but this is how "business" and politics seems to work nowadays. shameless.
The guy was already a billionaire. It's staggering that wasn't enough for him. He had to profiteer out of death like this.

He said something like "that's what privileged rich people do"

I may have taken that quote (only marginally) out of context. I give zero fucks.
You get this sort of shit in Russia but even there they understand the requirement to cover it up, at least a bit. They probably wouldn't, for example, come up with the phrase 'вип lane' and then allow it to become public knowledge.

I know this sounds really naive right. But when this was all going on, I presumed at least the companies brought in had a track record of producing PPE. That this was to help them scale up or whatever. Not just if you were able to contact an overseas factory and were chummy with an MP you got handed a contract.
I know this sounds really naive right. But when this was all going on, I presumed at least the companies brought in had a track record of producing PPE. That this was to help them scale up or whatever. Not just if you were able to contact an overseas factory and were chummy with an MP you got handed a contract.
Welcome to 2020.

For what it's worth I'm enjoying the fact that if she's going down, she's taking the rest down too. Imagine the panic in the halls of Whitehall
WTF? Does she realise that this could imply blackmail on her own account?

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Wow! I can imagine some Tories were quite prepared to throw her to the wolves because she's Not Our Type, because she came from very humble beginnings. Not realising that she might turn on them and think 'If I'm going down, I'm taking you down with me.'

Would be funny if the government was taken down not by useless Starmer but by a Conservative peer.

You know the Labour leader's shit when a Conservative government peer Mone and a former gameshow co-host Carol Vorderman and Gary Lineker and Marcus Rashford are a better opposition than the actual Opposition.

Anyway, must dash and stock up on popcorn before the shops shut.
Mone has published a statement from her husband today and Dan Niedle is on the case. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion, that in the face of obvious criminality, the CPS, NCA and Companies house are ignoring the situation because they have been most likely told to:

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