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Tory Mark Menzies, who are these bad people?

I was reading this morning about the 78 year old he first called at 3am demanding £6k to get him out of the locked flat - she contacted the Tory Whip and is seething that they took ages to look into this and do anything about it - felt she was ignored because she is old - I guess she is having the last laugh now :hmm:
I was reading this morning about the 78 year old he first called at 3am demanding £6k to get him out of the locked flat - she contacted the Tory Whip and is seething that they took ages to look into this and do anything about it - felt she was ignored because she is old - I guess she is having the last laugh now :hmm:
I read that too. If things weren't bad enough for the Tories, they're now alienating a woman who said her faith in the party was like her faith in God! :eek:

Eta: The God bit's gone from the article now. Odd. Was there this morning. Maybe the Beeb overdid it.

Come on SNP (misusing party funds and buying a fucking motor home) and Labour (not paying £500 in tax or something)

This is a proper scandal, coke dealers* , not paying rent boys* and getting dogs drunk. Well done the Tories!

*Legal note, may not actually involve debts to cocaine dealers and/or male prostitutes.
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Come on SNP (misusing party funds and buying a fucking motor home) and Labour (not paying £500 in tax or something)

This is a proper scandal coke dealers* , not paying rent boy*s and getting dogs drunk. Well done the Tories!

*Legal note, may not actually involve debts to cocaine dealers and/or male prostitutes.
iirc, Menzies drug of choice when employing sex workers was mcat
What’s going on with this Tory?

Middle of the night phone calls for money?

Who are the “Bad people”?

Hopefully wondering if this is the tip of the iceberg (not Truss in this instance but who knows) of something rife and sinister in the Tory party.


Answers on a postcard.
Here's the full story:

BBC is reporting he's left the vermin party and says he won't be standing at the general election, but is staying on as an MP until then, so there won't be a by-election (and think that way he gets some sort of pay-off for MPs standing down at an election)

Or is there something newer than that?
This says they'll get 4 months salary as of the next election, though I'm pretty sure that's not all the money they will get. Have a feeling there's a separate pot for winding up their office (wording is a bit ambiguous on that point in the article). It also repeats the deeply offensive point that they need £91000 to allow those without private means to stand. FFS!

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