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The weird investigation into the Legacy Independent Funeral Directors, Hull

I would have thought onsite cremation would be unlikely as it would be noticed pretty quickly of they were just slinging them on a bonfire out back.

Their industrial storage unit does have a flue. :hmm:


If, and it's only wild speculation, they were doing their own cremations, I wouldn't expect them to do it at their premises, but have a furnace at some more remote location.
No business owner has ever made terrible or criminal decisions to solve an immediate cash flow issue or to avoid a bill.

Cash flow makes sense. My dad was cremated a week ago and we had absolutely no contact with the crematorium at all, just the funeral director, as the service was at a church and the cremation was unattended. So if that’s reasonably common, it’s a plausible way for a funeral director to build up £1k each time while waiting for a loan or whatever to come good. And presumably they’d intend to get the bodies properly cremated at some point with the appropriate paperwork.
Cash flow makes sense. My dad was cremated a week ago and we had absolutely no contact with the crematorium at all, just the funeral director, as the service was at a church and the cremation was unattended. So if that’s reasonably common, it’s a plausible way for a funeral director to build up £1k each time while waiting for a loan or whatever to come good. And presumably they’d intend to get the bodies properly cremated at some point with the appropriate paperwork.

This lot have their own chapel, we had mother's service in the local FD's own chapel last year, they then took her to a private crematorium in Brighton a few days later, saving us about £300 compared to the rip-off council run crematorium in Worthing, that money went to charity.

However, I had to obtain a 'green form'* from the registry office, to give to the funeral directors, which grants permission for a body to be buried or cremated, and that's dated, so I assume eyebrows would be raised if that wasn't used at a crematorium within days of issue.

* This is normally sent direct by the registry office to the FDs, but we only had a couple days until the service, as it was fitted in very quickly, before my brother was setting off on holiday.
Probably didn't cremate the bodies hence 'preventing lawful burial.' and that's why there's bodies lying about the place. :hmm:

Yeah but they are going to rot/smell/take up space (which isn't unlimited). It doesn't make sense but i'm sure it'll become clearer eventually.
Points to serious financial difficulties flogging your sports bikes and associated crap, mostly from your premises and then possibly pretending to send bodies for cremation whilst pocketing the cash.
My step brother is a funeral director, even did my dads funeral, well and a bunch of people they both knew. My dad did 'removals' if there was a lack of available people. Step brother wins local awards, inherited business(ish) but he runs it way better. Spent 10 years coked up to the gills then kinda got screwed over as he doesn't own the place as discussed when running everything for I think 20 years. His grand dad now just turns up and tries to take money out the til, this does not go down well, then he ends up out the cost cos otherwise its fraud and the guy has dementia with clarity he utilises well for his own benefit.

Dude has gone well for himself but always was selling services people wanted more than needed, but still needed. Coke and pills then dead body services, don't have much choice in general and its pricey per hour rate. Idk what he earns but it gets him at least 4 foreign golfing holidays a year with 3-4 kids in tow and his wife, who I was introduced to when I had to leave the 'afterparty' cos they were off to the back room and we only ended up there since he didn't find anyone else. Her younger sister appeared to be interested but that was too weird for me (age appropriate and both over 18). Walked home and never thought about it til now. Hi Nat if this makes any sense to you lol, hope you did ok.
Good luck getting the dead to walk into the chiller. :eek: :(
Lettuce doesn't put up much of a fight.
Sorry, not sure how I quoted you, I was replying to moochedit, basically pointing out they were cremated.

What I found odd was them saying they removed a “quantity” of suspected human ashes, which implies a lot, whereas from my experience ashes are normally available to collect in a day or two, they don't tend to have loads knocking about the place.

They could have been saving on crematorium fees, by doubling-up bodies, but I would expect the crematorium staff would notice that fairly quickly. Hence my very wild speculation that they could have been carrying out their own 'in house' cremations.
Last week I picked up my mums ashes 13 years to the day she died, which might seem weird, but my brother and I couldnt face it, as it made everything real after the way she died. Undertakers do keep them.
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