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The debt the British people owe to Gerry Adams...


None of which negates my point that:
As for Adams' position, if Major's government had pulled down the negotiations, all he'd have done is turn around to his people and say "see? We gave them every chance, and they still fucked us over. Bring on the semtex!". :)

He did, didn't he? Canary Wharf was the result, which brought the british gov back to the table.
Incidentally how is "bould Gerry Adams?"

Are you suggesting my use of the word 'bould' was a spelling mistake? Should I refrain from using hiberno-english vernacular terms? Should I only use the queen's english?

Or are you suggesting I used the phrase "bould Gerry Adams"? Because I did not.
And now you have betrayed your ignorance of your own Country's colonial legacy.

From America in 1776 onwards the British Government has always done business with the leaders of the former insurgent group. This is the case in the Irish Free State, Cyprus, Palestine, Kenya, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, China, Aden, South Africa, etc etc etc. (feel free to add more countries, this list is far from definitive)
OKI'll chip in with Burma and Malayas, and that's without really trying hard.
Liam - ta for a brilliant thread, reAading itn has been an educational process in itself, I don't know enouigh about the issues from an Irish perspective, but I am glad that - for whatever reason - the majority of the IRA have turned to a peaceful path (especially including the abandonment of mainland bombings) and I acknowledge Adams's role in this, so in that case, yes I suppose we do have a debt of sorts.
The other arguments about betrayal etc I'll keep well clear of, thanks!
See. That didn't hurt, did it? Much.

But just because "there's none" (evidence) doesn't stop you throwing the allegation around, does it? How many times in this thread alone?
actually, I noticed that; 8den, guilt requires evidence, convincing evidence. If you were ever accused of anything seriously dodgy you'd require and expect that from your accusers. So hop0w can you say that Adam's 'most likely' had McConville killed, without that evidence. As VP said, all you've given is hearsay
The only thanks I feel I owe Gerry are a thank you for inspiring a Day Today sketch.

The one where a law is passed that states all political activists statements can only be made after inhaling helium (to undermine their gravitas)
hmmm a message from Gerry 30 mins ago:

Last week I sent a letter of resignation to the Speaker of the British Parliament. I had no other contact with the British system until today when David Cameron said I had accepted a paid post 'under the crown'. Not true. I simply resigned. I was not consulted nor was I asked to accept such an office. I am an Irish republican. and have had no truck with these antiquated aspects of the British system.

So Cameron is stirring the shit regarding Gerry accepting a 'crown position......
The tory leader calling Gerry A a liar? Another one for 8den's gang then.

Surely CR must resign immediately after this latest addition to 8do's motley crew?

btw. Aka (that rhymes, that does)... I take it this wasn't a personal message (as in on your own phone) from the ex-MP for west belfast? Or was it?
a feeble attempt to talk down to me, and all the while your post a attempt to fellatio casually red's ego.

Missed this amongst your ramblings and thought I would quote it for CR's benefit. He suffers from homophobia.

I don't mean that his politics are in any way anti-gay, notr that he would discriminate personally or politically against gay people. Merely that he suffers from a genuine phobic reaction at the mention (and mental picturing) of man on man sex.

So Casually Red... fancy a blow-job? :D
** Can a passing Mod please correct the typo in Gerry Adams name above? Ta very much.

This is aimed at British posters.

It may seem a provocative viewpoint, and I know there are many who harbour ill-will towards the bould Gerry, but these are some very plain facts...

There are many thousands of republican ex-prisoners and activists. Over the years the majority of these, for various political and/or personal reasons, walked away, perhaps disillusioned.

Gerry Adams (and his cohort) also came to view the armed strategy as being a zero sum, no-win situation. The difference is that they - and Adams in particular - stayed, developed a new strategy and eventually brought the Republican movement with them. This broke the deadlock and introduced new thinking.

They did this at considerable personal risk. That they pulled this off without getting shot by their own still amazes me, as does the fact that there was no large-scale feud.

If the British people were waiting on their politicians to break the cycle and have the vision and balls to break the cycle, they would still be waiting - and the IRA would still be blowing up your major cities.

No matter what your politics, it is hard to deny these plain and simple truths - although I don't expect that will stop lots of people getting their knockers in a twist over it.

THAT is why, instead of whinging and uttering banalities on the other G. Adams thread, you should have the grace to acknowledge his contribution to the Peace strategy that has helped the British govt out of the corner they had painted themselves into.

Please note:

1. If you are replying to this it might be helpful if you could try to answer the points above, rather than ranting and raving about 'whataboutery' and 'whaddiffery'.

2. (for Irish posters) I am well aware that the Republican Movement that Gerry A and co built - and certainly the Tankie entity that is Sinn Féin - would tolerate no such dissidence from it's orthodoxy today. That does not change Adams' contribution, which history (and future generations) will judge.

e2a 'whadiffery' and to embolden point 1

What an ill-conceived thread. So much for Internationalism, eh? ;)

Might I suggest to the OP that if he wants an 'adult' discussion, as he said on the other thread he's just started, he should start by losing the arrogant tone.
Might I suggest to the OP that if he wants an 'adult' discussion, as he said on the other thread he's just started, he should start by losing the arrogant tone.

And might I suggest you actually read this thread before commenting?

I've read the first couple of pages. You prejudge the discussion.


might I suggest you actually read this thread before commenting?

:facepalm: Two whole pages? Sorry but you do seem to present as a might arrogant... one might even say imperious. :facepalm:
Are you suggesting my use of the word 'bould' was a spelling mistake? Should I refrain from using hiberno-english vernacular terms? Should I only use the queen's english?

Or are you suggesting I used the phrase "bould Gerry Adams"? Because I did not.

LiamO said:
the bould Gerry

Pathetic little pedant.
Pathetic little pedant.

Pedantry ma thón.

As an Irishman you are perfectly well aware that there is a world of inferential difference between the two phrases. You are a mischievous little monkey.

In anticipation of your snottery reply... I shall have to give some thought for how to express this difference (in the written word, for a largely english audience) but Irish people, particularly from the West maybe, just know it.
Pedantry ma thón.

As an Irishman you are perfectly well aware that there is a world of inferential difference between the two phrases. You are a mischievous little monkey.

In anticipation of your snottery reply... I shall have to give some thought for how to express this difference (in the written word, for a largely english audience) but Irish people, particularly from the West maybe, just know it.

between Gerry and Gerry Adams?

between calling someone "Bould Gerry Adams" and refering to someone as "the bould Gerry". The first is different, almost reverential and the second is anything but reverential.

This is quite challenging to explain - and obviously I addressing the readers of this post because 8den already knows.

between calling someone "Bould Gerry Adams" and refering to someone as "the bould Gerry". The first is different, almost reverential and the second is anything but reverential.

This is quite challenging to explain - and obviously I addressing the readers of this post because 8den already knows.
what about steve bould?

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