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The debt the British people owe to Gerry Adams...

or the spanish conquistadors.

Smallpox & other fancy-pants diseases, relying on your enemy to eviscerate themselves, and that for the locals their arrival was an Outside Context Problem - they'd never had the experience of a hostage situation. Military force barely entered into the equation.
in ireland the loyalists are the minority , a very smal one . And theyve successfully forced their views on the majority purely by the threat of armed force for the past few hundred years . Remove British back up to their threats from that equation and democracy in Ireland will flourish .
OK, but what if the loyalists don't see it that way, and see their corner of Ireland as different and distinct etc, and are prepared to defend that difference by force. What then - call their bluff, or sit & wait till there's a nationalist majority in the 6 counties?
OK, but what if the loyalists don't see it that way, and see their corner of Ireland as different and distinct etc, and are prepared to defend that difference by force. What then - call their bluff, or sit & wait till there's a nationalist majority in the 6 counties?
In a united Ireland the Loyalists will have about the same level of support as ETA does in Spain, which I suppose is a headache that the Republic's gov doesn't want to take on.
In a united Ireland the Loyalists will have about the same level of support as ETA does in Spain, which I suppose is a headache that the Republic's gov doesn't want to take on.
The Irish Gov would love that I bet,havin to take on an IRA style bombing and shooting campaign by the Loyalists,bombs going off in major Irish cities,Irish police and soldiers being shot etc,bollix to that
There's none. However the claims made by the IRA and SF that Mc Conville was a tout and therefore had to die, are equally non existent.

I'm sure that's the case.
In which case, surely the lesson here is that while it's all very well to retail the claims of various interested parties in the cause of having a fair old set-to of a debate, no claim constitutes proof without supporting evidence, however much one side or t'other wants those claims to be true.
What type of biscuit, though? Something proletarian, like a good honest digestive or Rich Tea, or some namby-pamby semi-confectionery creation like a Jammy Dodger?

Jammy Dodgers were the height of proletarian sophistication when I was a kid. Posh people never seemed to have them.
Did you bite into yours, or bite the top bit off, lick the fondant, then bite the bottom around the jam so you were left with just a bit of jam on a tiny piece of biscuit?

And yes, I eat the chocolate off my bounty bar, and the chocolate case off a magnum. I've tried the technique with Daim/Dime bars but their insides are too rigid.
Fondant? Fuckin fondant!?! how fuckin bourgeois is that?

Having said all that. yes. i eat jaffa cakes and magnums in the same way... and the odd bounty
Oh please don't get me wrong - I've never doubted that Adams was PIRA, and OC in them, and I totally and completely accept the blokes a weaselling, lying little fucker. The problem I have is the lack of substantial enough evidencde on McConville. I guess it's bloody difficult to get such a thing, given the passage of time etc. I'll grant you the Hughes claims are the most convincing bit yet - but is it possible he was motivated by personal animosity towards adams, as a result of their disagreements over the Good Friday Agreement? (i.e. he wanted to stitch Adams up beyond the grave)

Well the PIRA have admitted they killed Jean McConville and secretly buried her . She was abducted from the Lower Falls area by them . Adams was the man in command of that area at that time. Brendan Hughes pointing out that Gerry Adams was his OC at that time and the man runnig the Lower Falls D company at that time is hardly a stitch up , everyone from there knows it . Adams was once even arested while attending an IRA command meeting with Hughes in the Lower Falls . Hughes is simply one of the very few republicans who has stated it in a public forum . But he's not the only one .

Furthermore Brendan Hughes was a man noted for his honesty and strength of character . The notion that he'd do such a thing to a personal freind becaause of a political disagreement is absolutely absurd . I met Brendan Hughes on a number of occasions socially . Often he sat drinking with a schoolyard freind of his who is still a " sticky" . The sticks murdered his cousin Charlie Hughes , a man Brendan had been very close to . But those widely differing political opinions didnt lead to that type of bitterness . Dishonesty simply wasnt in the mans make up .

The shinners have trotted that excuse out to defend the great leader but its preposterous
Good thread Liam. Yes the British people have a lot to thank Gerry Adams for. As you say, it was he and Martin MGuinness, NOT intransigent British politicians who broke the cycle of violence and there's no doubt that their bravery has saved many lives.
Well the PIRA have admitted they killed Jean McConville and secretly buried her . She was abducted from the Lower Falls area by them . Adams was the man in command of that area at that time. Brendan Hughes pointing out that Gerry Adams was his OC at that time and the man runnig the Lower Falls D company at that time is hardly a stitch up , everyone from there knows it . Adams was once even arested while attending an IRA command meeting with Hughes in the Lower Falls . Hughes is simply one of the very few republicans who has stated it in a public forum . But he's not the only one .

Furthermore Brendan Hughes was a man noted for his honesty and strength of character . The notion that he'd do such a thing to a personal freind becaause of a political disagreement is absolutely absurd . I met Brendan Hughes on a number of occasions socially . Often he sat drinking with a schoolyard freind of his who is still a " sticky" . The sticks murdered his cousin Charlie Hughes , a man Brendan had been very close to . But those widely differing political opinions didnt lead to that type of bitterness . Dishonesty simply wasnt in the mans make up .

The shinners have trotted that excuse out to defend the great leader but its preposterous
CR, thanks for that. now that is a lot more convincing. yeah, I'd buy all of that
Well the PIRA have admitted they killed Jean McConville and secretly buried her . She was abducted from the Lower Falls area by them . Adams was the man in command of that area at that time. Brendan Hughes pointing out that Gerry Adams was his OC at that time and the man runnig the Lower Falls D company at that time is hardly a stitch up , everyone from there knows it . Adams was once even arested while attending an IRA command meeting with Hughes in the Lower Falls . Hughes is simply one of the very few republicans who has stated it in a public forum . But he's not the only one .

Furthermore Brendan Hughes was a man noted for his honesty and strength of character . The notion that he'd do such a thing to a personal freind becaause of a political disagreement is absolutely absurd . I met Brendan Hughes on a number of occasions socially . Often he sat drinking with a schoolyard freind of his who is still a " sticky" . The sticks murdered his cousin Charlie Hughes , a man Brendan had been very close to . But those widely differing political opinions didnt lead to that type of bitterness . Dishonesty simply wasnt in the mans make up .

The shinners have trotted that excuse out to defend the great leader but its preposterous

Spot on the Sinners also claim that Mc Conville was a tout, and she was caught with one or even two transmitters (depending on who you speak to) so they were "forced" to kill her.

As if she was touting not once but twice, if she was caught once and given the warning as the IRA claim, the Brits would never have used her twice, and they never ever released the transmitter that she was apparently using to contact her handlers.

Yet none the less on irish message boards SFers will trot this crap out. Mary Lou refused to consider that the murder was a crime. And they continue to slander Robert McCartney, who's killers still walk free. Although the IRA did offer to shoot them, which was nice. This was all the way back in 2005. So you can see how far Adams and his boys have come. 8 years after the Good Friday Agreement, and Adams urged witnesses to come forward to "the family, a solicitor, or any other authoritative or reputable person or body".

Thats right six years ago, Adams stopped short of telling witnesses to a pub brawl to go to the Police.

The sisters of Robert Mc Cartney suffered intimidation and were forced to leave the area that they grew up in. And fair fucks to them they were offered Women of the Year Awards in 2008, and they declined it because it would have involved being on stage with Thatcher.
Do you seriously think the loyalists would accept being part of a united ireland without kicking up a stink?

In fairness, Loyalist Paramilitaries are just a bunch of Neanderthal violent brutal drug dealing scum bags. It would be like having a terrorist wing of the EDF having a go. Their campaign of violence was incredibly vicious and violent, but by the end it was pretty fucking shite. Oh no don't get me wrong, back in the 1970s and 1980s they caused over a thousand deaths. But lately they're just killing each other over drug feuds.

Right now a loyalist campaign of violence would consist of badly made pipe bombs, and when looking for a suspect you'd just stop every NI registered car till you find, some cheap jazzed up Honda Colt driven by two nordies coked off their tits, caked in Unionist tats on the arms and face.

But the thing about a United Ireland is; would the Republic even want it?

You guys spent 6 Billion every year on Northern Ireland. It's got a massively bloated civil service for a start. If you handed it back to us? You really think the south can afford the North right now?

This will melt Casually Red's brain (and the shrivelled desiccated raise that bounces around LiamO's skull cavity), on boards.ie there was a long thread arguing that we should repeal the act of union and rejoin the UK. The argument being that surely the tories can't do a worse than the shower of wankers we elect. Plus we're have sterling, which is looking a fuck of alot better than the Euro right now. And we'd get the NHS which is a hell of alot better than our botched health service.

I had to get a prescription renewed yesterday. A prescription renewed. Cost me 30 euro for the doctor. 30 euro for the pills. That'd have been six quid tops if I was back in London.

Sure LiamO will come out with some swearing effing and blinding about swearing allegiance to the queen. But fuck it, we managed that for nearly 10 years when we were a free state (Fianna Fail, under DeV used Edward and Mrs Simpson to chuck that out).

I'm make this very clear I'm not advocating we rejoin the UK thats Not my position at all. Any party in Ireland that repeals NAMA, gets my vote over here.
Or FREE in the north of Ireland.

Yes, that reads FREE. As in nobody pays. God bless her brittanic majesty.
I would of thought Irish politrics would be pretty dull after his previous career, they'll just be doing what the banks want.
Yes. it is jolly generous of her maj isn't it?

All you have to do is bring in your script to the Chemist and hand it in. Then you just have to bend your knee, in front of a pictire of Good Queen Bess (and Cromwell), sing 'God save the queen' and bingo - free drugs.

Obviously the bit in blue is made up. But we DO get free prescriptions - which should annoy some british posters no end.
what, it is the proverbial free lunch? :eek:

Well see, since the people of NI rejected violence the amount hardcore INLA, RIRA, and LVF types are spending on anti depressants, Is simply shocking.

No but seriously the sheer naked bribery of the British Government in Northern Ireland is something you know nothing about. And it makes sense. Better to set up oodles of "community projects" to give old terrorists "jobs". It's not like they have marketable skills;

Job interview said:
"Lets see Mr Mulachy, you're an expert in chemistry and electronics, but have had no formal training, and there appears to be a gap in your CV from 1978-1988, were you perhaps out of the country?"
And it helps of course that the IRA got together like Oceans 11, and put together one last job, to keep the pension coffers nicely topped up.
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