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The debt the British people owe to Gerry Adams...


between calling someone "Bould Gerry Adams" and refering to someone as "the bould Gerry". The first is different, almost reverential and the second is anything but reverential.

This is quite challenging to explain - and obviously I addressing the readers of this post because 8den already knows.

Jesus wept this was about the spelling mistake and your insistence at mocking my typo. You really just like running with your bullshit.
He did, didn't he? Canary Wharf was the result, which brought the british gov back to the table.

erm..after the IRAs entire London operation was rounded up both sides of the Irish sea ? One unit after aother after another intercepted - they admitted later the guy whod been vetting them all - high up shinner from the south - was an agent the entire time . After countless bombs simply did not go off . After the apprehension of a south armagh sniper unit by more high up tip offs ? The Brits were hardly shitting themselves by any means . They had them firmly under control .

And when we look at what was on the table - the fucking mitchell principles , stormont , the unionist veto , British police, and the hoops they had to jump through to even be allowed sit at the table , the table was were the final ignminious defeat took place . The Brits most definitely did not need to be bombed to get them to sit at any such table . Getting the provos there under those preconditions was their goal along .

Im afariad that an phoblacht/ connolly house narrative is a ripping yarn when telling the gullible - we won the war. Joe Cahill was though - as ever - full of shit .
erm..after the IRAs entire London operation was rounded up both sides of the Irish sea ? One unit after aother after another intercepted - they admitted later the guy whod been vetting them all - high up shinner from the south - was an agent the entire time . After countless bombs simply did not go off . After the apprehension of a south armagh sniper unit by more high up tip offs ? The Brits were hardly shitting themselves by any means . They had them firmly under control .

And when we look at what was on the table - the fucking mitchell principles , stormont , the unionist veto , British police, and the hoops they had to jump through to even be allowed sit at the table , the table was were the final ignminious defeat took place . The Brits most definitely did not need to be bombed to get them to sit at any such table . Getting the provos there under those preconditions was their goal along .

Im afariad that an phoblacht/ connolly house narrative is a ripping yarn when telling the gullible - we won the war. Joe Cahill was though - as ever - full of shit .
there's a couple of interesting books talking about this, gunsmoke and mirrors: how sinn fein dressed up defeat as victory by henry mcdonald and good friday: the death of irish republicanism by anthony mcintyre
actually, I noticed that; 8den, guilt requires evidence, convincing evidence. If you were ever accused of anything seriously dodgy you'd require and expect that from your accusers. So hop0w can you say that Adam's 'most likely' had McConville killed, without that evidence. As VP said, all you've given is hearsay

well theres no doubt whatsoever that both Brendan Hughes and Dolores Price were quite formidable and experienced operators from the west Blfast district , both of them former hungerstrikers and republican icons with a fair degree of credibility in their day . Both went on the record stating clearly that Gerry Adams was their OC, that he directed their activities and gave them the orders and that Gerry Adams was personally responsible for the practice of making various people disappear , including Jean McConville among others . Dolores Price in particular claimed Adams was giving her the orders when she personally played a role in one of those dispearances .
I think thats a bit more than mere hearsay to be quite frank .

And witghout any doubt whatsoever Adams has been caught out lying on this from the beginning . He toldthe McConville family he'd been interned when the disappearance took place therefore couldnt have been responsible and even said he would have prevented it only he'd been interned . Which was a lie as the dates proved he was at large . He would have no need to tell that family he'd been interned other than to try and convince them he wasnt responsible because of his abence . When in fact he wasnt absent . His liebacks up Brendan Hughes account .
there's a couple of interesting books talking about this, gunsmoke and mirrors: how sinn fein dressed up defeat as victory by henry mcdonald and good friday: the death of irish republicanism by anthony mcintyre

tony blairs cheif of staff Johnathon Powells account well and truly cuts through pretty much all of this getting the brits to the table malarkey . He claimed he felt proud of adams and McGuinness as they left the table , like watching his kids go off to school for the very first time .
Far from defeating the britih twelve years on Adams cant even resign from his seat without becoming Baron St John of chipping fucking sodbury or whatever it is .
whatver the british government were paying these cunts was peanuts as regards their true worth .
still does'nt solve the problem of the loyalists that are the problem in the north they still outnumber catholics and weren't that keen on joining the south which was very poor in the 60s and 70s and is now utterly fucked:(.
a minority attempting to force its views on a majority by armed force is never going to work.
why the fuck would they sign up? Why would the British go for that?
VP IRA bring on the semtex Major reinstates shoot to kill and lets the SAS do their thing. The ira will run out of bodies before the britsh forces do:(

in ireland the loyalists are the minority , a very smal one . And theyve successfully forced their views on the majority purely by the threat of armed force for the past few hundred years . Remove British back up to their threats from that equation and democracy in Ireland will flourish .
still does'nt solve the problem of the loyalists that are the problem in the north they still outnumber catholics and weren't that keen on joining the south which was very poor in the 60s and 70s and is now utterly fucked:(.
a minority attempting to force its views on a majority by armed force is never going to work.
why the fuck would they sign up? Why would the British go for that?
VP IRA bring on the semtex Major reinstates shoot to kill and lets the SAS do their thing. The ira will run out of bodies before the britsh forces do:(
why not? it seems to have worked for the british government in countries around the world, eg india, aden, ghana etc etc ad nauseam.

None of which negates my point that:
As for Adams' position, if Major's government had pulled down the negotiations, all he'd have done is turn around to his people and say "see? We gave them every chance, and they still fucked us over. Bring on the semtex!". :)

except his people were hand pciked chaps such as Denis Donaldson , Fred etc . And all the brits had to do was release the Hume Adams document to the press to point out -- I say you chaps , you appear to be fighting to be let into stormont and to have the unionist veto upheld . Upon which Gerard immediately goes for his Tiffin .

so he wasnt going anywhere .
CR regards Gerry as a cunt because he feels Adams was responsible for STOPPING it, thereby 'betraying' Republicanism.

with the greatest respect old bean , thats not my problem at all . My problem with the man , among other things , is that he needlessly prolonged it for the specific purpose of enhancing his own credibility when he'd already decided to work within a form of British rule and accept British institutions in Ireland while seding other out to die for nothing . And Im not a militarist by any means . My major disagreement with him is the acceptance of those instituions as legitimate , his acceptance of British sovereignty over Irish territory as legitmate , his acceptance of their undemocratic preconditions as to how political opposition to British rule should manifest itself , and his acceptance of the unionist veto and British armed forcesin Ireland as legitimate . He conceded republican legitmacy and accepted British legitmacy instead . Thats the issue .

Armed struggle is an enitirely seperate issue altogether . One does not need to support an armed struggle to profoundly disagree with the direction Mr Adams foisted upon the republican position largely by stealth and deceit and primarily by the use of militarist rhetoric . I regard militarists with a very jaundiced eye indeed . Its ones actual political position which is the real issue as far as Im concerned . Those who say they dont have one other than militarism often use it as a ruse not to have their motives and postion scrutinised democratically .

not having a go at you in the slightest old mate , just clarifying my position in a respectfiul fashion
Jesus wept this was about the spelling mistake and your insistence at mocking my typo. You really just like running with your bullshit.

So you did think my use of the word 'bould' was a spelling mistake? Why did you not just state that clearly?

The spelling was deliberate and perfectly legitimate use of vernacular. It is no more a spelling 'mistake' than if I invited you to 'ask me bollix'. I am puzzled as to why I need to explain this common spelling to an Irish person.

Are you really so blind that I need to point out - once again - that the person who started with the mocking of typos on this tread was..... oh yeah... you.

Incidentally who's Gerry "Admas"?

and you did so in a post where you acknowledged you yourself had corrected a typo - editing being a luxury not available to those making an OP if the typo is in the title, you silly, silly boy.
So you did think my use of the word 'bould' was a spelling mistake? Why did you not just state that clearly?

The spelling was deliberate and perfectly legitimate use of vernacular. It is no more a spelling 'mistake' than if I invited you to 'ask me bollix'. I am puzzled as to why I need to explain this common spelling to an Irish person.

Really show me a example of it being used?

Are you really so blind that I need to point out - once again - that the person who started with the mocking of typos on this tread was..... oh yeah... you.

You fucking liar. Post 19 By you on this thread.

and you did so in a post where you acknowledged you yourself had corrected a typo - editing being a luxury not available to those making an OP if the typo is in the title, you silly, silly boy.

I defy you to give a example of "bould"
with the greatest respect old bean , thats not my problem at all . My problem with the man , among other things , is that he needlessly prolonged it for the specific purpose of enhancing his own credibility when he'd already decided to work within a form of British rule and accept British institutions in Ireland while seding other out to die for nothing . And Im not a militarist by any means . My major disagreement with him is the acceptance of those instituions as legitimate , his acceptance of British sovereignty over Irish territory as legitmate , his acceptance of their undemocratic preconditions as to how political opposition to British rule should manifest itself , and his acceptance of the unionist veto and British armed forcesin Ireland as legitimate . He conceded republican legitmacy and accepted British legitmacy instead . Thats the issue .

While the word accepted could be used correctly here, I think compromised is far more fitting.
Really show me a example of it being used?

I defy you to give a example of "bould"

bold and bould are interchangeable, often depending on context.

(e2a edited at request of Editor. See below.)


Just let me know if you need any more examples, but you did ask for just one, amadán. There would be thousands of examples throughout the last 22 years of Irish literature but I have no notion of searching for them.
No cut and paste odysseys in the politics forums please. Please edit your post and add a link to the original material. Ta.
LiamO - I'd like to thank you for posting this thread. Without it, I probably wouldn't have found this spot on my face, which could have erupted into something much bigger, had I not addressed it at such an early stage... Continuous face-palming, great for finding spots. Thank you :)
LiamO - I'd like to thank you for posting this thread. Without it, I probably wouldn't have found this spot on my face, which could have erupted into something much bigger, had I not addressed it at such an early stage... Continuous face-palming, great for finding spots. Thank you :)

Happy to be assistance.
So, you post this...

You fucking liar. Post 19 By you on this thread.

I defy you to give a example of "bould"

and when I immediately prove you incontrovertibly wrong - in the process achieving the virtually impossible... making you look like a bigger shower of cunts than you have already shown yourself, repeatedly, to be - you concede this...

I bow to your superior knowledge of shite Irish trad.

If this was a prizefight the ref would've stopped it, to save you further punishment, long ago. Entering a battle of wits with you is not really fair - you only have one half to play with. Why can't you just accept what is plain to any reader? You have lost. Heavily. Again.

Now, please flounce off and sulk for at least a couple of weeks, there's a good Garsún I know public defeat can be a bitter pill to swallow, but you are well used to it by now, Buachaill amaideach.
well theres no doubt whatsoever that both Brendan Hughes and Dolores Price were quite formidable and experienced operators from the west Blfast district , both of them former hungerstrikers and republican icons with a fair degree of credibility in their day . Both went on the record stating clearly that Gerry Adams was their OC, that he directed their activities and gave them the orders and that Gerry Adams was personally responsible for the practice of making various people disappear , including Jean McConville among others . Dolores Price in particular claimed Adams was giving her the orders when she personally played a role in one of those dispearances .
I think thats a bit more than mere hearsay to be quite frank .

And witghout any doubt whatsoever Adams has been caught out lying on this from the beginning . He toldthe McConville family he'd been interned when the disappearance took place therefore couldnt have been responsible and even said he would have prevented it only he'd been interned . Which was a lie as the dates proved he was at large . He would have no need to tell that family he'd been interned other than to try and convince them he wasnt responsible because of his abence . When in fact he wasnt absent . His liebacks up Brendan Hughes account .
Oh please don't get me wrong - I've never doubted that Adams was PIRA, and OC in them, and I totally and completely accept the blokes a weaselling, lying little fucker. The problem I have is the lack of substantial enough evidencde on McConville. I guess it's bloody difficult to get such a thing, given the passage of time etc. I'll grant you the Hughes claims are the most convincing bit yet - but is it possible he was motivated by personal animosity towards adams, as a result of their disagreements over the Good Friday Agreement? (i.e. he wanted to stitch Adams up beyond the grave)
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