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The debt the British people owe to Gerry Adams...

** Can a passing Mod please correct the typo in Gerry Adams name above? Ta very much.

This is aimed at British posters.

It may seem a provocative viewpoint, and I know there are many who harbour ill-will towards the bould Gerry, but these are some very plain facts...

There are many thousands of republican ex-prisoners and activists. Over the years the majority of these, for various political and/or personal reasons, walked away, perhaps disillusioned.

Gerry Adams (and his cohort) also came to view the armed strategy as being a zero sum, no-win situation. The difference is that they - and Adams in particular - stayed, developed a new strategy and eventually brought the Republican movement with them. This broke the deadlock and introduced new thinking.

They did this at considerable personal risk. That they pulled this off without getting shot by their own still amazes me, as does the fact that there was no large-scale feud.

If the British people were waiting on their politicians to break the cycle and have the vision and balls to break the cycle, they would still be waiting - and the IRA would still be blowing up your major cities.

No matter what your politics, it is hard to deny these plain and simple truths - although I don't expect that will stop lots of people getting their knockers in a twist over it.

THAT is why, instead of whinging and uttering banalities on the other G. Adams thread, you should have the grace to acknowledge his contribution to the Peace strategy that has helped the British govt out of the corner they had painted themselves into.

Please note:

1. If you are replying to this it might be helpful if you could try to answer the points above, rather than ranting and raving about 'whataboutery' and 'whaddiffery'.

2. (for Irish posters) I am well aware that the Republican Movement that Gerry A and co built - and certainly the Tankie entity that is Sinn Féin - would tolerate no such dissidence from it's orthodoxy today. That does not change Adams' contribution, which history (and future generations) will judge.

e2a 'whadiffery' and to embolden point 1

Much of what you say deserves arguement and discussion but must you spell bold with a U? I can only inferr that it is celctic spellings from old linguistic drifts. I shall start saying 'londonderry' with a straight face if you persist with this 'bould' talk. Of course language and the ownership thereof feeds right into a fuck many struggles but you are talking to reasonable people here. Womyn and persyns, to appropriate the juvenile language of american anarchists
It's a claim made by Brendan Hughes on his death bed...
Does the fact of it being a deathbed claim somehow make it more substantive than a claim made by a non-dying man?
theres plenty of other circumstantial evidence that Adams had a senior position in the IRA in Belfast at the time.
There's plenty of hard evidence of that too, but a deathbed claim and the fact that he was in the IRA as well as Sinn Fein still isn't proof,whichever way you care to cut it.
so he sorted out the monster he was responsible for building cheers for that.
pity they could'nt figure it out in the 70s that the armed struggle was going nowhere although the loyalists helped keep it going for a bit.

I think you'll find that the IRA and Republican violence (as well as Loyalist violence) pre-existed Adams by a good few centuries.
I think you'll find that the IRA and Republican violence (as well as Loyalist violence) pre-existed Adams by a good few centuries.

It's always a 'dissedint minority' being 'whipped up' by those 'corrupt demagouges'. Never,or almost never, a complex socio-economic problem. Admit that past policies over a century scale can feed into a current crises? NEVER!
The claim against Adams comes from a reliable IRA source, and death bed confession. The claims about Adams IRA membership come from Hughes, Ed Moloney, Peter Taylor, and Richard English all of whom are journalists who have written some of the most definitive accounts of the troubles.
I don't dispute his (or McGuinness's for that matter) membership of the IRA.

As I've said, what I do dispute is that there's any proof that Adams was involved in Jean McConville's murder at all.

Adams has called these accounts libellous, but has never challenged them in court.
Perhaps it's not his membership, but what accompanies those claims of membership in what's been written about him that's supposedly libellous?

And since when did refusal to undertake legal action constitute anything but refusal to take legal action? You appear to be taking it as evidence of something else.
Sorry Hughes is a former IRA man, and English is a historian specialising in the troubles. Moloney and Taylor are journalists. All maintain that Adams a senior member of the Belfast IRA.

The fact is Adams and McGuinness were more than likely IRA men. Adams possibly ordered the execution of Mc Conville.

A possibility is exactly that.
Gerry Adams (and his cohort) also came to view the armed strategy as being a zero sum, no-win situation. The difference is that they - and Adams in particular - stayed, developed a new strategy and eventually brought the Republican movement with them. This broke the deadlock and introduced new thinking.

Heres were your wrong im afraid old bean . Your memory must be dreadfully faulty . Theres no new thinking here at all , MI5 were putting all this on the table back in 1972 . The SDLP were secretly putting it to the republican movement from that period - Daithi OConaill rebuffed John Humes offer of a blank cheque should they get into the power sharing institutions back in that period .
And the issue here isnt the armed strategy - remember they personally ridiculed and pilloried earlier leaders for calling ceasefires in the past in order to personally undermine them , right into the 90s when they had been planning this stuff for a very long time before. Their strategy involved the acceptance of British rule in Ireland as legitmate, not an unarmed rejection of it by any means . Thats a huge difference . Irish legitmacy - the right of our sovereignty to be inalienable and indefeasible , our inherent right to national self determination free from foreign occupation - was abandoned and British legitimacy in Ireland accepted .
Their strategy and the long term British strategy of Ulsterisation , normalisation , criminalisation and making some form of British rule workable and acceptable were one and the same thing . It wasnt new , it was Britian strategy since the early 70s and the failure of the orange statelet .
They did this at considerable personal risk. That they pulled this off without getting shot by their own still amazes me, .

well not really , they posed as diehard militarists for many years to cement their position and then took a very long time picking off , isolating and neutralising any of their internal opponents until they arrived at a situation where there werent really any left . Putting the likes of Fred Scappitici and other MI5 agents , actually handpicking British security force agents to be in charge of your organisations internal security , and others like denis donaldson in charge of liasing and organising nationally and internationally , over many years , made this job considerably easier and risk free . Lying through your teeth for decades also helped considerably .

And denis Donaldson did end up shot .

Just for future reference old bean heres the intelligence report from Briagdier general Michael Oatley of MI5 and cheif spook Frank Steele dating back from 72 and their frequent vists and sounding out of their well placed agents and assets in the Bogside and Creggan no go areas . Youll note that despite the Britsh army and RUC being unable to enter these areas Britians cheif spooks could come and go as they pleased outwardly posing as NIO officvials interested in reforms . Martin McGuinness of course knew they were the spooks top brass, having personally sat accross a table from them . And on every occasion it was Martin McGuinness using his very cultivated persona of ultimate militarist hardliner who advocated talks with these people , whose object was the destruction of republican seperatism and the defence of the realm .


the other 2 pages here



and the white paper on constituional proposals for power sharing and devolved british rule , pretty much what we have now .


as does the fact that there was no large-scale feud

all those who live in these communites should be very grateful for that but im quite sure that was also down to a lot of people other than Gerry Adams .
THAT is why, instead of whinging and uttering banalities on the other G. Adams thread, you should have the grace to acknowledge his contribution to the Peace strategy that has helped the British govt out of the corner they had painted themselves into.

I think youll find he was the chap who painted himself , and indeed everyone else , into a corner . As Ive said just have a read of what the British had ben putting on the table since 72 .

2. (for Irish posters) I am well aware that the Republican Movement that Gerry A and co built - and certainly the Tankie entity that is Sinn Féin - would tolerate no such dissidence from it's orthodoxy today. That does not change Adams' contribution, which history (and future generations) will judge.

Im sure his place in history alongside Mahmoud Abbas is well assured . Tony Blair seems to think so . The hand of history was on their shoulders too at one point i believe . Large numbers of his own supporters have already judged him and have voted with their feet as im sue your well aware .
I don't dispute his (or McGuinness's for that matter) membership of the IRA.

As I've said, what I do dispute is that there's any proof that Adams was involved in Jean McConville's murder at all.

well a number of former hungerstrikers have claimed that gerry adams personally ordered the disappearance of McConville and others . That he was the man in command of that district at that time . Including one who personally took part in a disppearance .
Perhaps it's not his membership, but what accompanies those claims of membership in what's been written about him that's supposedly libellous?

or more likely its just him disavowing any personal responsibility for some pretty heinous acts .
And since when did refusal to undertake legal action constitute anything but refusal to take legal action? You appear to be taking it as evidence of something else.
it amazes me when otherwise sensible people feel they have the personal duty to encourage others to completely suspend disbelief on behalf of this serial liar and egotist . No cause is served by this other than one extremely dodgy and dysfunctional mans massive ego . An ego and incessant need to be perceived as outwardly respectable which was most likely a result of his being raisedby a man re4sponsible for a heinous campaign of physical , emotional and sexual abuse against his own children .
Gerry Adams personal insecurities in my view should not obligate others to cosset the bubble that he very painstakingly constructed around hmself to sheild himself from realities and responsibilities . Its his personal fantasy world , no form of politics are served by everyone else indulging it .
You know what dear boy, I find your post frightfully tiresome and most of your points thoroughly disengenuous.

Is there anything in your post that we have not dicussed, ad nauseum, over tea and cucumber sandwiches at our gentlemen's Club? No.

Therefore, could I be arsed rebutting your post point by point? I could in me hole...
You know what dear boy, I find your post frightfully tiresome and most of your points thoroughly disengenuous.

Is there anything in your post that we have not dicussed, ad nauseum, over tea and cucumber sandwiches at our gentlemen's Club? No.

Therefore, could I be arsed rebutting your post point by point? I could in me hole...

Your failure and inbility to address in any manner the issues raised , pertinent ones , is duly noted . Consider yourself black balled . Do the decent thing and retire to the room for non members with a stiff brandy and a revolver .

Ill stick to milk
The claim against Adams comes from a reliable IRA source, and death bed confession. The claims about Adams IRA membership come from Hughes, Ed Moloney, Peter Taylor, and Richard English all of whom are journalists who have written some of the most definitive accounts of the troubles.

Adams has called these accounts libellous, but has never challenged them in court.

it wasnt a death bed confession , it was made by Hughes some years prior to to his death . Former Hungerstriker and Old Bailey bomber Dolores Price has made similar claims as regards others and admitted her personal involvement while acting under Gerry Adams instructions, her Officer Commanding at that time . .
Where is the united Ireland so many died fighting for? He and Sinn Fein betrayed the aspirations of the entire republican movement and negotiated what amounts to a surrender to the British state. If I was an Irish republican I would be asking the question "what was it all for?

as an irish republican ill quite candidly tell you it was for absolute fuck all
it wasnt a death bed confession , it was made by Hughes some years prior to to his death . Former Hungerstriker and Old Bailey bomber Dolores Price has made similar claims as regards others and admitted her personal involvement while acting under Gerry Adams instructions, her Officer Commanding at that time . .

I stand corrected. Weren't the tapes released after his death?

Excellent posts btw
You mean John 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' Hume...? Hardly forgotten..!

you realise that this man was involved in trying to have internment implemented both sides of the border in 1979 , just after Thatcher came to power ? Irish diplomats that he approached went ballistic as revealed in papers just released last year . He was Thatchers stooge and the stooge of British governments before and since . A miserable wretch .

When thinking of either John Hume or Gerry Adams its well worth having a wee think about Mahmoud Abbas too .

AS for Adams' position, if Major's government had pulled down the negotiations, all he'd have done is turn around to his people and say "see? We gave them every chance, and they still fucked us over. Bring on the semtex!".

would he have said this to Fred Scappitticci or Denis Donaldson ?

Adams positon and way forward was laid down in the Hume Adams document- a document the British , Free state and American governments were allowed to read but kept totally secret to this day . His bottom line was no different from Humes , theyd agreed the same position . Some form of British rule was acceptable to him , as was the unionist veto . Hume and Adams had the same position . From that point on he was committed to one course and one course only .
The only reason the Hume Adams document remians unpublished is to spare his blushes .
If at any time he'd attenmpted - not that he wanted to in my view - to deviate from the path outlined in that document then the brits and anyone else had him by the balls . The release of that document to Irish republican scrutiny in the mid 90s would have sealed his death warrant , little doubt about that .
Today when its outworkings are fully apparent many years later and after many activists trusted him it is not anger but apathy and resignation which is the result . Too many people became complicit in his deal thinking it was all about soething else . He compromised a generation .

Adams was only going one road and it was the road Major and Blair congratulated him on . He served their interests well . A model politician andexample to the world from their perspetive .
I always feel sorry for the likes of John Hume. Completely forgotten when it comes to acknowledging the architects of peace.

His alzheimers condition has largely kept him out of the media . Something I wouldnt wish on anyone . But he didnt gracefully retire on his own intitative or anything like that .
Having read this thread I can only assume that is the ultimate troll.

I cannot express sufficiently my utter disgust that this murdering piece of shit is even considered to be anything other than that. Having had friends murdered at the hands of this piece of shit, and having experienced at first hand the bombing in London I look forward to him suffering the sort of death that even Thatcher would not deserve.

What debt does the British public owe the IRA? Absolutely nothing at all. Murdering scum of the worst possible type.

My regiment served in N Ireland so, as yo will guess, I have no sympathy at all for these people. The sooner they are got rid of the better. Give Ireland to the Irish? Yes please.

And now I feel pissed off that I have risen to the troll bait!

the guy on the far right btw , no pun intended , is congressmman peter king . Former head honcho of Bushes homeland security outfit , cheif proponent of the sanctions policy against Cuba and Gerry Adams longest standing ally in the US Congress .
Having read this thread I can only assume that is the ultimate troll.

I cannot express sufficiently my utter disgust that this murdering piece of shit is even considered to be anything other than that. Having had friends murdered at the hands of this piece of shit, and having experienced at first hand the bombing in London I look forward to him suffering the sort of death that even Thatcher would not deserve.

What debt does the British public owe the IRA? Absolutely nothing at all. Murdering scum of the worst possible type.

My regiment served in N Ireland so, as yo will guess, I have no sympathy at all for these people. The sooner they are got rid of the better. Give Ireland to the Irish? Yes please.

And now I feel pissed off that I have risen to the troll bait!

yes well , given the clean record of your army in Ireland elsewhere its understandable youd have such an attitude towards murder and stuff like that . Good for you .

BTW way do you know if thres any sign of your army co-operating in assiting the relatives of the 1974 Dublin Monaghan bombings ? Bearing in mind a number of your officers and intelligence bods have been prime suspects in Irelands biggest terrorist massacre for the past 30 years .

And that was just on one day .
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