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The American mass shooting thread

I don't think there is much he can do... Guns are prolific both legal and illegal, the entire weight of the NRA and lunatics is against him. If anything is going to change it has to come from the people and they seem to be a bit 'school shootings happen sometimes' like they are normalised

I'd have more respect for him if he had the balls to make a stand, to put forward a case for tighter gun controls, even if it does make him less popular. Apparently, he is going to do something, but we've heard that before...
I understand training teachers/kids for earthquake drills or other naturally occurring dangerous events but there is something so utterly sad about training them to survive a school shooting :( its like you are mitigating against something unavoidable... but it isn't unavoidable, it's surely preventable somehow? How depressing

at my childrens primary school in the middle of nowhere they had a regular emergency/lock down drill, just like fire drills. One child would go and shut the windows, another turn the lights off, the teacher would lock the door and they would all get under their desks. all to the sound of 'sunshine after the rain' over the speaker system as this was the designated 'terrorist" alarm sound!
at my childrens primary school in the middle of nowhere they had a regular emergency/lock down drill, just like fire drills. One child would go and shut the windows, another turn the lights off, the teacher would lock the door and they would all get under their desks. all to the sound of 'sunshine after the rain' over the speaker system as this was the designated 'terrorist" alarm sound!

at my childrens primary school in the middle of nowhere they had a regular emergency/lock down drill, just like fire drills. One child would go and shut the windows, another turn the lights off, the teacher would lock the door and they would all get under their desks. all to the sound of 'sunshine after the rain' over the speaker system as this was the designated 'terrorist" alarm sound!
It's good they didn't choose the beatles' 'happiness is a warm gun'
That wasnt my suggestion thats seriously suggested by yanks not all of them of the swivel eyedvloons awaiting the un helicopters
I'd sort of avoided reading this thread and news stories about the incident. I was busy today, and truth be told, you see a headline of 'Mass Shooting in [x state]', and it's almost like old news these days.

But, I just read a news story.

The last few years, there have been incidents where these mass killers either target young children, or don't care if they get in the crosshairs. I don't remember it being that way before. Little kids were kind of off-limits, even for unbalanced people. But something has changed. I don't know what; I don't know why.

There was that other thread: something like 'is it better now, or was it better before?' This part isn't better.
I understand training teachers/kids for earthquake drills or other naturally occurring dangerous events but there is something so utterly sad about training them to survive a school shooting :( its like you are mitigating against something unavoidable... but it isn't unavoidable, it's surely preventable somehow? How depressing
At the high school I was working at here we went over lockdown procedures every year. Lock doors, turn off lights, close curtains, everyone away from the windows etc. They also said we would never, ever have a drill of it.

A couple of years ago the lockdown sounded, it was terrifying. Sitting in a classroom with no idea of what was going on, trying to keep the kids calm, not knowing how long we would be in lockdown for, it was awful. Turned out to be OK (kid claimed there was someone outside the school with a shotgun or a rifle) but I hope I never have to go through that again.

Still processing what happened today, it's devastating.

Everyone wanted to reveal the killer’s ID. And when CNN quoted a source saying a ‘Ryan Lanza’ was the suspect, hundreds of thousands of professional and amateur hacks scoured Facebook and Twitter to tweet or broadcast the first photo.

One feed belonging to Ryan Lanza was held up to be the killer’s because he’d tweeted in the past that he got a bit depressed from time to time.


In fact the Ryan on Facebook turned out to be Adam Lanza’s brother and the first he knew his mother was dead was falsely being alleged by the TV networks that he killed her.

Before the internet and rolling news, we had time to consider the facts, establish the truth and then publish our stories.

Now the truth is secondary to the need to be first with something that resembles it.

It doesn’t matter if their are casualties along the way to breaking news. The old adage of ‘not wrong for long’ is now the excuse for those who fail to wait to corroborate.

But social media isn’t breaking news.

It has broken it.
So basically he is saying that his god is a complete cunt who lets little kids get murdered because people don't worship him enough

I took him to be saying that God had actively arranged this mass killing to express his displeasure about the lack of religion in schools, rather than merely knowing about it and letting it happen.

Either way, he's clearly mental and so is anyone who takes him the least bit seriously.
It's not as simple as that though.
I want to agree with this. I want to argue that there is something else going on, a culture of violence, the legacy of global empire coming home, the alienation and isolation of so many, the paranoia which arises from a culture historically armed against its own black population etc. I want to argue this. Ideologically I want to argue that guns don't kill people, people kill people etc etc.I don't discount all these factors and I understand that Finland and Switzerland are heavily armed countries that don't have this almost routine mass gun violence.

I want to argue this but I can't. The overwhelming evidence in front of our eyes demonstrates that its impossible to ignore the simple fact that the US is the most heavily armed nation on Earth by far and that this kind of mass violence is a direct consequence of the easy availability of so many firearms. There are 90 guns for every 100 people in the US. To say that gun ownership in the US is disfunctional, is to barely do justice the scale of the problem and we have to accept that the US is way way past the point where isolated incidents have become a sociological pattern.
Its not only easy access to weapons.
Plenty of other ways of causing mass murder if you want to.
But guns are possibly the quickest and easiset way to go:(.

Not that it matters but he left the assualt rifle look alike in his car and used a couple of pistols. He apprantly stole the weapons off his mum and friend.

Places like somali afghanistan and any other deeply fucked up place cunt like the shooter could get him selved invovled inna war or killed in some fucked up way.

Its the casual way a middle aged women can have a couple of automatic pistols about the house.
His friend have a military rifle etc.
I understand training teachers/kids for earthquake drills or other naturally occurring dangerous events but there is something so utterly sad about training them to survive a school shooting :( its like you are mitigating against something unavoidable... but it isn't unavoidable, it's surely preventable somehow? How depressing

We had to practice "huddling" when I started back at college. The intercom would announce "code purple", and we had to cover the windows and "huddlie" under/around the teacher's desk. They told us that the teacher's desk was the strongest piece of furniture.

I asked if the code purple was something that started after a student was stabbed, but they said it was provincial legislation.
I want to agree with this. I want to argue that there is something else going on, a culture of violence, the legacy of global empire coming home, the alienation and isolation of so many, the paranoia which arises from a culture historically armed against its own black population etc. I want to argue this. Ideologically I want to argue that guns don't kill people, people kill people etc etc.I don't discount all these factors and I understand that Finland and Switzerland are heavily armed countries that don't have this almost routine mass gun violence.

I want to argue this but I can't. The overwhelming evidence in front of our eyes demonstrates that its impossible to ignore the simple fact that the US is the most heavily armed nation on Earth by far and that this kind of mass violence is a direct consequence of the easy availability of so many firearms. There are 90 guns for every 100 people in the US. To say that gun ownership in the US is disfunctional, is to barely do justice the scale of the problem and we have to accept that the US is way way past the point where isolated incidents have become a sociological pattern.

How does it compare to places like Finland and Switzerland in terms of gun ownership vs. massacres per capita?
How does it compare to places like Finland and Switzerland in terms of gun ownership vs. massacres per capita?
I have heard of two such incidents in Finland. One in 2007 at the Jokela school when an 18 year old kid killed 8 people before shooting himself in the head and one in the Raumanmeri school in 1989 when a 14 year old pupil shot and killed 2 people. I don't know about Switzerland but I think its fair to say that the US has a unique sociological problem with gun violence. In the US guns are used to kill over 80 people per day and injure twice that number!

edit to add. There was one more incident in Finland in 2008 at the Kauhajoki University when a 22 year old student killed 10 and himself.
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