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The American mass shooting thread

which looks like a submachine gun it just doesn't fire fully automatic and was the preferred weapon of unsuccessful drug dealers as looks like a machine pistol but very cheap and ideal for hosing down a classroom although it will probably jam before you empty the magazine surprisingly the MoD never tried to buy any :hmm:
Ah, online ones I expected. I was just picturing them on the shelves with Take a Break. :D
ISIS Propaganda Magazine Dabiq For Sale On Amazon, Gets Taken Down

From May 24 to June 6, Amazon’s global website was selling Dabiq, an English-language magazine that promises “photo reports, current events, and informative articles on matters related to the Islamic State.” For the cost of $22 you could get all nine editions, printed, bound and shipped to your home in 48 hours, via Amazon’s fulfillment center.

The magazine remains available online for free in a glossy, full-color PDF format; no print edition had been known to exist before it was offered, briefly, for sale on Amazon.
Not surprised, but this explains the Federal Express reluctance to follow the other firms distancing themselves from the NRA.

"Federal Express: When it absolutely, positively has to . . . corner the market on shipping firearms."

EXCLUSIVE: FedEx’s secret deal with the NRA and the gun industry

The United States Postal Service (USPS) won’t mail handguns except under certain rare circumstances, mostly for relic collection and museum purposes, meaning almost all handgun shipments need to go through either the United Parcel Service (UPS) or FedEx.

UPS requires all handguns be shipped overnight, according to their website.

FedEx’s public policy, like UPS’s, is that “[f]irearms must be shipped via FedEx Priority Overnight service,” according to the company’s 2018 Service Guide, which also states that FedEx will not transport handguns via FedEx Ground.

But FedEx does not apply its public rules to everyone. According to the document, the company has struck a deal with dozens of major gun manufacturers and dealers in an effort to woo the industry away from competitors with lower cost shipping. The agreement, which has not been previously reported, shows how important the handgun shipment business is to FedEx.

The confidential policy allows these customers to ship guns at a much lower cost and has allowed FedEx to maintain its advantage in shipping guns. According to a source at FedEx, the exceptions to FedEx’s handgun policy started within the last five years in response to increased competition from UPS.

The document, labeled “Confidential information. Internal use only,” was provided to ThinkProgress by a FedEx employee, who asked to remain anonymous due to concern that disclosing the document would cause the source to be terminated.
So these fuckers are sticking their beaks in. :mad:

In Oath Keepers Webinar, Student Gun Control Activists Are 'The Enemy'

The Oath Keepers militia group on Monday issued an official “call to action” asking their members to serve as voluntary armed guards at U.S. schools, in order to intervene in the event of a mass shooting.

But the group doesn’t seem to think much of some of the students they say they want to protect.

During a meandering Monday night webinar held by the far-right, anti-government group, the gun writer David Codrea referred to Emma González and David Hogg, survivors of the Valentine’s Day school shooting in Parkland, Florida as “the enemy.”

Codrea, a writer for the Oath Keepers and War on Guns blogs, also said that Gonzalez’s father is a “refugee from Castro’s Cuba,” and lamented that the National Rifle’s Association 595,000 Twitter followers paled in comparison to the one million that follow “this young Communist girl.”
Judging a book by its cover big in America I see

i thought the point simple enough for you to get. sad.
Let me spell it out for you then.

People who ascribe to right wing political views in the US tend to support the NRA, but condemn ISIS. The two posts simply demonstrated how both organisations use very similar imagery to promote their causes. One could go further and note their similar tactics of generating fear to sustain and grow support.

You're welcome! :)
Let me spell it out for you then.

People who ascribe to right wing political views in the US tend to support the NRA, but condemn ISIS. The two posts simply demonstrated how both organisations use very similar imagery to promote their causes. One could go further and note their similar tactics of generating fear to sustain and grow support.

You're welcome! :)
yeh? go on then. btw you don't "ascribe to" (presumably you mean subscribe to), you ascribe x to y, so i might ascribe your support for the feeble point you'd make to a lack of critical faculties.

you're very welcome :thumbs:

From that:

Rhodes and other speakers also talked about the group’s effort to station armed Oath Keepers volunteers, who are military and police veterans, at schools across the U.S., “whether they want us to or not,” as Rhodes put it at the start of the webinar.

Rhodes spoke to TPM about that idea Monday.

Another speaker on the webinar, Matt Bracken, said that sending armed guards to schools, “if handled right, could be very good PR” for the group. Bracken is the author of several books promoting gun rights, including “Enemies: Foreign and Domestic,” “Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista” and “Foreign Enemies and Traitors.”

So far, only Indiana member Marc Cowan appears to have taken up the call to arms, stationing himself since Friday on the perimeter of Fort Wayne’s North Side High School’s campus with an AR-15 and handgun.

Given their past form for actually turning up this could be grim. For one thing they, at the very least, are going to imagine themselves arriving as authority figures over school kids, free to 'take control' of the environment and act like pricks, especially to anyone who makes anti-gun comments. They're not exactly a stable lot either, so you'd be mad to want them armed and near your kids. Plus, if anything ever did happen, any actual police who turned up wouldn't just be facing a rogue shooter but a random smattering of heavily armed militia types getting into the middle of things and playing John Wayne. No way to move them on either is there? If it's an open carry state then they can go where they like more or less.

On (their) plus side it probably would be positive marketing for gun lobbyists though, if I were going to a school where they were hanging around outside with AR15s I'd be looking to invest in firepower of my own.
From that:

Given their past form for actually turning up this could be grim. For one thing they, at the very least, are going to imagine themselves arriving as authority figures over school kids, free to 'take control' of the environment and act like pricks, especially to anyone who makes anti-gun comments. They're not exactly a stable lot either, so you'd be mad to want them armed and near your kids. Plus, if anything ever did happen, any actual police who turned up wouldn't just be facing a rogue shooter but a random smattering of heavily armed militia types getting into the middle of things and playing John Wayne. No way to move them on either is there? If it's an open carry state then they can go where they like more or less.

On (their) plus side it probably would be positive marketing for gun lobbyists though, if I were going to a school where they were hanging around outside with AR15s I'd be looking to invest in firepower of my own.

Absolutely. Similar folk turned up after the unrest at Ferguson, MO, and basically only served to inflame the situation.

On a related note, I expect to see more militia/sovereign citizens/oathkeeper types turning up at polling stations during the forthcoming primaries. There were quite a few who turned up at the GE last year. Nothing intimidating about a bunch of white supremacists armed to the teeth outside a polling station. Nope, nothing at all. :hmm:
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