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The American mass shooting thread

when there was a shooting at an army recruitment centre various "patriots" turned up to defend the military until the military asked them kindly to go away one patriot got arrested for swearing at passers-by one shot himself in the foot :facepalm: and one turned up in full medieval plate:hmm:.

the oath keepers are at the more serious professional/sane end of the militia pool and managed not to shoot anyone at Ferguson or detain journos under dubious circumstance so more professional than Ferguson pd:rolleyes:. still not want you to want or need but unlikely to be barking mad other would be patriots not so much.:facepalm:
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Teachers with guns, huh?

DALTON, Ga. -- A teacher is in custody after police say he barricaded himself inside a classroom at a high school in northwest Georgia Wednesday, police say.

Police responded to the report of shot or shots fired at Dalton High School in Dalton and reported via Twitter that a person, believed to be a teacher, was barricaded inside. A Dalton police spokesperson tells CBS News the teacher had a gun.

Police later tweeted that the teacher was in custody.

No children are in danger, Dalton Police said.

One student apparently sustained an ankle injury while running inside the school during the evacuation, police said.

Police say they don't have information to release about the teacher's identify or what caused the incident.
Cops: Teacher in custody after barricading self in classroom with gun
Well, most of them do. I know I wouldn't take a job teaching and I do tech support.

A very few are batshit to begin with.
Some of the nuttier ones were the best ones in my experience, but I'm damn glad none of them brought guns to school.

A high school senior who survived the mass shooting at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida two weeks ago now has nearly twice as many followers on Twitter as the National Rifle Association.

Emma Gonzalez, a high school senior, has become one of the most prominent voices calling for gun control legislation following the attack, which resulted in the death of 17 people in Parkland, Fla. Gonzalez joined Twitter last week, and already has amassed more than 955,000 followers, compared to the 584,000 followers the NRA has gained since joining Twitter in 2009.

Her name began trending on the social platform on Feb. 17, when she delivered a speech at an anti-gun rally calling out politicians who take donations from the NRA.

She specifically called out President Trump, who took millions from the NRA for his campaign.

Parkland student Emma Gonzalez has more followers than NRA days after joining Twitter
Absolutely. Similar folk turned up after the unrest at Ferguson, MO, and basically only served to inflame the situation.

On a related note, I expect to see more militia/sovereign citizens/oathkeeper types turning up at polling stations during the forthcoming primaries. There were quite a few who turned up at the GE last year. Nothing intimidating about a bunch of white supremacists armed to the teeth outside a polling station. Nope, nothing at all. :hmm:

At least polling stations, I assume, have some profile to them - the news are paying attention, people are paying attention. Compare that to thei

Reading, writing, 'rithmatic and RAPID FIRE!

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): But there were -- the whole point, Dr. Gorka, is you need guards on every floor. You need the perimeter secure, you need a full threat assessment, security assessment. If we do that for every school, and we have the manpower, and they're on the floor, they're in the building. That's where they should be.

GORKA: Right. Totally agreed. Let's neutralize that threat.

While Gorka stands at the window machine gunning passersby Sean Hannity's lobbying for heavily armed hall monitors. If you left the pair of them alone to talk long enough they'd probably end up concluding that only by executing everyone under the age of 18 could you truly guarantee their safety.
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I'ts sorta creepy and pathetic the way these grown men are talking about school shootings as they would as arm chair comandos playing Call of Duty. Yeah, you've got to neutralise the threat, total lock down, lay down suppression fire...


I could get why people might feel aggrieved about the paid armed employee doing nothing to mitigate the damage, but that shit is weird as fuck
what bollocks the whole thing was over in 6 minutes an armed teacher/Guard might make a difference if they react and are lucky.
But if your arming teachers maybe its time to look at letting anyone tool up no questions asked.
although the shooter was known to the authorities and nobody did anything useful.
Apparently Trump has said "...I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon...".

Quick, get Trump to a mass shooting, now! (Make sure he doesn't have a weapon)
Not enough toilet paper in the world to deal with the all the assholes coming out now. This one though, fuck me this is awful. :mad:

Republican tells gun debate Holocaust happened because Jews weren't armed

An Alaska Republican and most senior member of the US House argued against gun control by wondering how many Jewish people “were put in the ovens” because they were not armed.

Don Young, who has a history of off-the-cuff remarks, made the comments at a meeting last week in the state capital of Juneau when responding to a question about what the federal government and cities can do to stop school shootings.

“How many millions of people were shot and killed because they were unarmed?” Young said at a meeting of the Alaska Municipal League, a lobbying group for local communities. “Fifty million in Russia because their citizens weren’t armed. How many Jews were put into the ovens because they were unarmed?”
Not enough toilet paper in the world to deal with the all the assholes coming out now. This one though, fuck me this is awful. :mad:

Republican tells gun debate Holocaust happened because Jews weren't armed
Speaking of which . . .

Shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz had swastikas on ammunition magazines

Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz had swastikas on ammunition magazines he brought into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, a federal law enforcement source with direct knowledge of the investigation told CBS News on Tuesday. Cruz has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.
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