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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

The question I usually have is - what are you planning to do about building council rent housing here?

But usually when this discussion comes up it turns into a discussion about nimbys, planning law and how crap private developers are about meeting demand.
Sure, to be clear this isn't how I see myself.

More of an assessment that there is a cohort of people out there who will vote and they'll vote Green because they see themselves as centrist, have voted for all of the other three parties (or more if you live in Wales or Scotland)and now see the Greens as the only remaining option.
The Greens also got the Nimby anti housing vote in the council seats around Herts and Bucks.
Andrew Rawnsley:

The possibility that the Conservatives could be staggering towards near annihilation is taken seriously at high levels of government. Talking to a member of the cabinet recently, he remarked, without any prompting from me, that he didn’t find it inconceivable that his party would suffer a fate similar to that which befell Canada’s Progressive Conservative party in 1993. A nine-year stretch in power was brutally terminated when they were reduced to a rump of just two MPs.

This by Richard Murphy does not paint a rosy picture. One can buy only hope he is wrong, however....

This by Richard Murphy does not paint a rosy picture. One can buy only hope he is wrong, however....

Paints a depressingly plausible picture.

People I know who defend Labour insist that Labour have a plan but don't want the Tories to steal their ideas, but as the article points out things that Streeting has said and Reeves has done suggests otherwise.

I think it will very quickly be apparent that its a disastrous government. All they'd really have to do is get the NHS properly funded again and give people a sense that they are fixing things and they'd be pretty much guaranteed a second term, but I doubt they will manage even that.
...and yet...

The Grauniad has been doing some good reporting on electoral issues lately. There was a good report yesterday from Sheffield Hallam, where they captured very accurately people turning to Labour with little or no enthusiasm. And the above suggests that whilst numbers may indicate a landslide, differential turnout, the Tory attempted voter suppression through ID laws, and the loss of "urban progressives" over Labour's hard right stance on immigration and Gaza may turn a possible landslide into a narrow win with little room to manoeuvre.

In Scotland, despite murmurings rising against Humza Yousaf and the SNP being exhausted after a generation of political hegemony (that they have squandered), I see no indication that people are turning away from the SNP towards Labour.
This by Richard Murphy does not paint a rosy picture. One can buy only hope he is wrong, however....

I think the first half is bollocks, but the second is all too plausible. There are plans and more than enough 'big ideas' for the first parliamentary session. They'll be pretty shit ones, but they'll be there.

Underpromise and overdeliver, thats the plan for the next but one election.
SNP 1st preference vote for a bunch of council by elections has taken an absolute battering of late, which is prob indicative of something bad for them.

This is from one last night.

This by Richard Murphy does not paint a rosy picture. One can buy only hope he is wrong, however....

I agree with most of it, though I think the main thing he has left out is how weak - institutionally, intellectually and in terms of support from the wider public - the faction around Starmer is. I think they might try the first and third of his suggestions when the first crisis hits (and I think it would be weeks rather than months), but they don't have the protection that a base of support would provide to carry either of them through.

Whether that takes Starmer with them or not is another matter, given his flexibility thus far he could consign them to the bin with far greater ease than he did the left. Noone in the party or the wider public is going to go to the mattresses for Reeves or Streeting, especially in a crisis where what they are proposing is so obviously wrong.
No different than any other ad, this is why we have the skip button on video recorders.
not with ad blockers

Eta: mind you I doubt that many people have got ad blockers.
I used to use loads of firefox adds on to block cookies, facebook tracking, ads, etc etc. But it was too much hassle with sites not working. Don't bother anymore and mostly use edge or chrome.
We have a Blu-Ray player with a built-in HDD recorder however I still refer to it as a 'video recorder' and indeed still refer to the act of recording something as 'taping' it. Sad I know but I am stuck in my ways,
I still use "fast forward" and rewind, and indeed emoji for those terms exist as ⏩ and ⏪. We should be saying "skip ahead" maybe?
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