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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

When is the Tory leadership going to start? My bet is on Priti Patel who seems to have been keeping her head down. It'll be a rubbish job.
This seems to be a symptom of the public school posh boys infesting the Tory party hierarchy. If you are a bit clever you both know it but don’t realise lots of other people are clever too. Especially people like the plebs who work for betting companies.
This seems to be a symptom of the public school posh boys infesting the Tory party hierarchy. If you are a bit clever you both know it but don’t realise lots of other people are clever too. Especially people like the plebs who work for betting companies.

I particularly like their head of data not realising that several individual bets might be analysed in aggregate.
Amusingly, I think that some of the potential infighting and blame-passing hasn't happened because they have absolutely no idea who they should coalesce around as potential runners in the next leadership election - Patel is rumoured to be safe, but the others..?

No point raising your banner for a King across the water when that water could be a great deal wider, and deeper, in two weeks time.

It's also ambition - 6 weeks ago to be leader of the Tory party you had to be the most popular out of 360 or whatever, there was no point raising your head unless you were a Big Beast, so you could only aspire to be a follower - but now, now you've only got to wait a fortnight and the leader will be the most popular out of only 60-140 or so, and given what freaks some of the other are, pretty much any Tory MP has got a solid chance.

The post election Tory party is going to be a far more interesting and exciting watch than whether the government are up to....
Next up - the Tory data chief! :D

The only sum mentioned was the first one - 100 quid bet and 500 return. Hell of a lot if you use foodbanks, but spare change for these lot. Proper last days of Rome stuff when you risk fucking your immediate career on what for them us the price of a night out. I say immediate career, because they'll all find a slimey niche for their 'talents' when this blows over.
The only sum mentioned was the first one - 100 quid bet and 500 return. Hell of a lot if you use foodbanks, but spare change for these lot. Proper last days of Rome stuff when you risk fucking your immediate career on what for them us the price of a night out. I say immediate career, because they'll all find a slimey niche for their 'talents' when this blows over.

Keep reading the thread, on the next page is the link to the Sunday Times' article, saying this chap put on 'dozens of bets had been placed with potential winnings worth thousands of pounds.'

Probably till peanuts to him, but a lot more than £500.
Amusingly, I think that some of the potential infighting and blame-passing hasn't happened because they have absolutely no idea who they should coalesce around as potential runners in the next leadership election - Patel is rumoured to be safe, but the others..?

No point raising your banner for a King across the water when that water could be a great deal wider, and deeper, in two weeks time.

It's also ambition - 6 weeks ago to be leader of the Tory party you had to be the most popular out of 360 or whatever, there was no point raising your head unless you were a Big Beast, so you could only aspire to be a follower - but now, now you've only got to wait a fortnight and the leader will be the most popular out of only 60-140 or so, and given what freaks some of the other are, pretty much any Tory MP has got a solid chance.

The post election Tory party is going to be a far more interesting and exciting watch than whether the government are up to....

Brilliant isn't it? :D

They can't do any maneuvering whilst the ground they're on is uncertain but somewhere between bad and extremely perilous, they don't know who'll be left standing, potential allies or rivals and survival might depend on jumping on a Reform shaped liferaft.
Keep reading the thread, on the next page is the link to the Sunday Times' article, saying this chap put on 'dozens of bets had been placed with potential winnings worth thousands of pounds.'

Probably till peanuts to him, but a lot more than £500.
Cheers , I'm still on catch up, any mentions of Pink Floyd yet?
Not sure why he loves that hat so much
It's his lucky hat. He didn't get shot whilst wearing it when he was reporting on the the frontline in Ukraine. Obviously, Russian snipers are useless. He did, of course, bugger his leg whilst stumbling back from the pub in Kiev but that could have happened in Sutton Coldfield just as easily.
I linked this story a few days ago:

"Most people are telling HQ to fuck off.”

And this comes to me via VoteUK:

"So, I advise you all to sit yourself down comfortably with a strong drink - alcoholic, tea, coffee, whatever you fancy - this could take some time and when I've finished you probably won't believe it anyway!
Our candidate in Clacton, Jovan Owusu-Nepaul, is a Labour Party employee. When he was parachuted into Clacton, he had to sign an agreement that he would not campaign in Clacton but would campaign in Colchester instead. Of course, he has been campaigning in Clacton along with Clacton CLP members, because we all feel it is important we defeat Farage and we have got to the stage where our canvassing, a number of local opinion polls and tactical voting sites indicate we are in second place and if people want to vote to keep Farage out, they should vote Labour.
Yesterday, Jovan and our CLP were told to stop all campaigning in Clacton; we would get no further support, we have been blocked out from Organise and Contact Creator and other sanctions have been taken. Jovan has been told to go to the West Midlands (where he lives) to campaign there. As far as our members are concerned we were told we HAVE to go to Colchester and no further activity in Clacton will be supported or financed. None of our members want to go to Colchester and will refuse, partly because we have been told by the Colchester CLP that they don't need us as they have enough of their own members and supporters and their canvassing shows they are well in front anyway.
Talking of finance, we were offered an amazing £10,000 donation to support Jovan. Our Regional Office have told us to take the money but not use it on campaigning. I can't help think this is actually fraud.
While writing this, someone has sent me a link to a Guardian article just published that says this sort of thing is happening all over the country in Labour constituencies where candidates and members have dared to campaign in their own constituency and not gone where directed.
I'm sorry. I have no words (apart from the ones above!
The only sum mentioned was the first one - 100 quid bet and 500 return. Hell of a lot if you use foodbanks, but spare change for these lot. Proper last days of Rome stuff when you risk fucking your immediate career on what for them us the price of a night out. I say immediate career, because they'll all find a slimey niche for their 'talents' when this blows over.

It’s also less of a risk when you know you will be able to keep living in mummy’s flat in town and daddy will keep the allowance coming.
This seems to be a symptom of the public school posh boys infesting the Tory party hierarchy. If you are a bit clever you both know it but don’t realise lots of other people are clever too. Especially people like the plebs who work for betting companies.

I think it was a pair of chinese snooker players who got caught through the analysis of dodgy betting patterns which I found v clever. 20 yr bans by the chinese snooker authorities. Our cheat John Higgins got 6 months iirc and now plays on regardless. Shame you can't bet on trials in this country, it would be amusing to bet on the outcome of any legal proceedings that come from this.
I think it was a pair of chinese snooker players who got caught through the analysis of dodgy betting patterns which I found v clever. 20 yr bans by the chinese snooker authorities. Our cheat John Higgins got 6 months iirc and now plays on regardless. Shame you can't bet on trials in this country, it would be amusing to bet on the outcome of any legal proceedings that come from this.

Higgins was put in a terrifying position by malicious arseholes from the News of the Screws and said whatever he thought would appease people he believed to be sinister gangsters. A massive investigation ensued, in which he was exonerated.
Higgins was put in a terrifying position by malicious arseholes from the News of the Screws and said whatever he thought would appease people he believed to be sinister gangsters. A massive investigation ensued, in which he was exonerated.
Today I learned. Wouldn't put it past those arseholes. Nobody in the main papers is interested but this has some hair raising bits in it.

/off topic
I can't believe the number of people coming out who are trying to cheat bookmakers over the election. Imagine being in the inner circuit and then using that position to hussle some bucks from BET365.
I'd love to know the circumstances that led to them including the copper in their betting scam. 'Look, you police chappie! Here's a tip that will make you hundreds. All you have to do is forget that you saw, you know, that little incident'.
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