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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

We’ve had green canvassers round twice (today to check if the other half had done her postal vote yet because she chatted with them last time), about four green leaflets including one with handwritten address, and one Labour leaflet. Nobody else is bothering. Placard wise there’s one on the next road with several Labour signs (think they might be a member/council candidate) and a property further down the same street festooned with Green signs (think that is one of our elected councillors) and probably a few dozen other greens, mostly their paper signs stuck in the window. They’re definitely keen in Bristol Central.
I've had a few leaflets through the door but I don't think I've seen a poster up or a board in a garden/field from any party whatsoever. Oddly muted campaign locally. This is a Labour seat (with significant Muslim population) and the neighbouring is Conservative but an easy win for Labour, very marginal. I guess just not worth any party making much of an effort, foregone conclusions.
Don’t think I’ve seen any billboard ads anywhere.

Usually they are full of political adverts during a general election, with Tory ones usually defaced. In fact I don’t think there’s as many around these days generally.

Anyone have any sightings to report?
Not had postal vote forms yet (we live overseas)

We do have the confirmation we are registered for a postal vote…. But I would be mildly unsurprised if they manage to fuck the actual voting up.

Our vote doesn‘t matter- last place we lived is safe Labour- but it just adds to my impression that EVERYTHING is broken back home
Don't think i've had any general election leaflets yet. Had a few during the council/mayor/pcc elections a month or so back. In the 2019 GE i had loads of tory leaflets (which was unusual for my seat) but nothing so far this time.
Finally got a leaflet through the door - Lib Dems. First thing that drew my attention when I looked inside was appeals for people to volunteer for them, and ways to do so. Lol.
Down in Lewes I have already delivered 2 Tory and 2 LD leaflets. Both of the Tory ones have barely a mention of party affiliation. Of course I have done this on my role as a postie, and most certainly not through any commitment to either cause.

My favourite spot so far is a rather official looking poster stating that the householder is a Green Party supporter but voting LD tactically to get the Tories out.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Down in Lewes I have already delivered 2 Tory and 2 LD leaflets. Both of the Tory ones have barely a mention of party affiliation. Of course I have done this on my role as a postie, and most certainly not through any commitment to either cause.

My favourite spot so far is a rather official looking poster stating that the householder is a Green Party supporter but voting LD tactically to get the Tories out.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

Interesting, because the parties only get one flyer delivered for free by the Royal Mail, so they both must have paid for the delivery of second one.
There's one house on the edge of the village with a Labour placard in the garden. So far no canvassing material through the door, not even from Mark Fletcher the Tory scum incumbent
You're in the same constituency as me -- I'm in the place beginning with S with the enormous sports shop at the end of it -- exactly the same, 1 x Labour poster. I've had vermin waste through the door, delivered by a teenager with his headphones on, obviously doing it for pocket money. Labour have visited, but the fella knows me anyway so we chatted, about gardening mainly.
A single leaflet...lib dem, no canvasser visits.
A house 200 metres from me has a labour poster on a stick.
I think there there is probably a conservative voting majority in my area but this time around they are scared to admit it....cunts will still vote for cunts
My constituency is showing on the most recent large poll as going Labour. From Downing street to the very tip of the Thames going all red.
We've had tory, libdem and labour leaflets..

There's some libdem signboards but none for anyone else. Normally the farmers have big tory boards in the fields but I haven't seen any at all

Unusually our constituency has two sitting MPs up against each other. The constituency has been refomed and the tory and a libdem MPs from both bits are standing.

Historically we're a solid blue area but got a libdem in the by election after tractorgate . Labour never have a chance here so it's a tactical libdem vote. From what I hear, the tory Simon Jupp is a good constituency MP and not a complete headbanger, so he may retain his popularity in that part of the constituency.
This good constituency MP thing.
They always say that don’t they?
On election night we’ll hear loads of ‘let’s not forget a lot of good people are losing their jobs, tireless campaigner for…good constituency MP’ blah blah blah.
How come you never hear ‘lazy zonked up shit, who didn’t do any work or give a damn for their constituency, and when holding obligatory surgeries their eyes would glaze over and they would drift off fantasising about setting fire to the tents of homeless people, but they once replied to a constituents letter and turned up at a local fun day for half an hour for a photo opportunity’?
Every time a Tory loses a seat, in the words of Harold Pinter I will think ‘fuck off back to your scraghole (pause) you cunt’.
Only one leaflet here in Tottenham, for "Independent Socialist" Nandita Lal, who is going strongly for the "Stop bombing Gaza, stop Israel's genocide" vote.

Surprised not to have had anything from the Greens who are pretty active here and did a lot of leafleting for the London Mayoral etc elections recently.
Went to Rugby yesterday as yet only one placard up which happened to be for Labour in the whole town.
Rugby resident...

Not much in the way of placards in the town itself, but occasional Tory and Labour ones in the outlying villages. Glossy leaflets through the post are coming thick and fast though.

Conservative - candidate is a Councillor, so it's all about local record and doesn't have any prominent branding whatsoever.

Labour - same leaflet 3 times (there are 3 voters in our household), big fuckoff union flags all over it. We've had the candidate himself knock on the door for a chat, and after he was told he's "probably got our votes, give the Tories a kicking" we got a generic Starmer-heavy leaflet through the post addressed to all 3 of us.
The seat has lost a lot of the most Tory rural wards due to boundary changes. It’s going Labour.
Perhaps. Unfprtuantely most of those tory wards have been put into my constituency which means I have to vote bloody Libdem or be stuck with some incestuous tree stump horse worrier
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This good constituency MP thing.
They always say that don’t they?
On election night we’ll hear loads of ‘let’s not forget a lot of good people are losing their jobs, tireless campaigner for…good constituency MP’ blah blah blah.
How come you never hear ‘lazy zonked up shit, who didn’t do any work or give a damn for their constituency, and when holding obligatory surgeries their eyes would glaze over and they would drift off fantasising about setting fire to the tents of homeless people, but they once replied to a constituents letter and turned up at a local fun day for half an hour for a photo opportunity’?
Every time a Tory loses a seat, in the words of Harold Pinter I will think ‘fuck off back to your scraghole (pause) you cunt’.

One MP locally is a shit constituency MP. I know plenty of people who've contacted him with problems and just been brushed off.

But it's an area where a turd in a blue rosette would win
This good constituency MP thing.
They always say that don’t they?
On election night we’ll hear loads of ‘let’s not forget a lot of good people are losing their jobs, tireless campaigner for…good constituency MP’ blah blah blah.
How come you never hear ‘lazy zonked up shit, who didn’t do any work or give a damn for their constituency, and when holding obligatory surgeries their eyes would glaze over and they would drift off fantasising about setting fire to the tents of homeless people, but they once replied to a constituents letter and turned up at a local fun day for half an hour for a photo opportunity’?
Every time a Tory loses a seat, in the words of Harold Pinter I will think ‘fuck off back to your scraghole (pause) you cunt’.
I suspect, to a degree, the good constituency MP thing depends on whether they are local and came up through the ranks on the local political scene or were parachuted in. Historically, my constituency has been an ultra-safe Tory seat and the last two incumbents have been career politicians climbing the greasy pole within the Tory hierarchy and given our 'safe seat' rather than having any real connection with the area. Both of them have been given roles within the Tory government so their focus has been on that rather than us, as a constituency. I think that non-ministers or non-shadow ministers have a higher likelihood of being considered 'good constituency' MPs.

On the subject of photo opportunities, I mentioned earlier in the thread that I attended an event yesterday where the Tory and LibDem candidates appeared. I've noticed today that I appear in one of the photos posted on social media by the Tory candidate! Luckily, it's only my back and I'm far enough a way not to be considered as associating with her! :D
Rugby resident...

Not much in the way of placards in the town itself, but occasional Tory and Labour ones in the outlying villages. Glossy leaflets through the post are coming thick and fast though.

Conservative - candidate is a Councillor, so it's all about local record and doesn't have any prominent branding whatsoever.

Labour - same leaflet 3 times (there are 3 voters in our household), big fuckoff union flags all over it. We've had the candidate himself knock on the door for a chat, and after he was told he's "probably got our votes, give the Tories a kicking" we got a generic Starmer-heavy leaflet through the post addressed to all 3 of us.
My Dad always used to tell whoever came to the door that he would vote for them in order to get rid of them as quickly as possible though he probably hasn't actually voted since at least the 90's. These days though he is as deaf as a post, so even if they attacked the door with a jackhammer never mind knocked he wouldn't hear them and thus is spared even the need to lie to them.
My Dad always used to tell whoever came to the door that he would vote for them in order to get rid of them as quickly as possible though he probably hasn't actually voted since at least the 90's. These days though he is as deaf as a post, so even if they attacked the door with a jackhammer never mind knocked he wouldn't hear them and thus is spared even the need to lie to them.

Surely that just meant they all came back on election day to check he had voted?
I suspect, to a degree, the good constituency MP thing depends on whether they are local and came up through the ranks on the local political scene or were parachuted in. Historically, my constituency has been an ultra-safe Tory seat and the last two incumbents have been career politicians climbing the greasy pole within the Tory hierarchy and given our 'safe seat' rather than having any real connection with the area. Both of them have been given roles within the Tory government so their focus has been on that rather than us, as a constituency. I think that non-ministers or non-shadow ministers have a higher likelihood of being considered 'good constituency' MPs.

On the subject of photo opportunities, I mentioned earlier in the thread that I attended an event yesterday where the Tory and LibDem candidates appeared. I've noticed today that I appear in one of the photos posted on social media by the Tory candidate! Luckily, it's only my back and I'm far enough a way not to be considered as associating with her! :D
Used to live in a seat that was created for stepping down tory Chief Whip...had my issues with him but on the local side did push for the families of that Chinnock crash and did listen on the Post Office thing.. his eventual replacement whom grew up locally... went to the local comp...had been tory local councillor...ididn't find any good at being a constituency MP, nor has he got very far at greasy pole either.
Our MP is local, born here, raised here, went to school here…

But that school was Charterhouse. He took the MP gig off his aunt, the health ministry off her too. It is mentioned that he’s a good constituency MP, he does float around town a lot, yet when he hits Westminster his promises to us vanish like the darkness at dawn.

And when he went to open the Music Works at BB1’s school she said he was the rudest man she had ever met.

Only posters / signs up round here are the Whining Here ones, there’s loads of them too, the large houses that usually have Tory ones on the walls/fences/hedges are bereft of signage this time. With a fair wind this points to the highest level scalp ever (I think) at a GE.
Had a leaflet from the soon-to-be jobless Tory guy that barely mentioned the Conservative party and looked a bit like a brochure for a Saga holiday.

A couple from the Lib Dem guy that were big on how bad second home ownership is for Cornwall. There are even Tories who agree on that down here so that was a good angle to go in at. He does work in housing, too, so he's on to a sure thing with that. Also mentioned that Labour stand no chance here (totally correct) and if you want rid of the Tories, he's your best bet. Ironically, if we had proportional representation, I expect a Labour vote would carry more weight but he didn't mention that, funnily enough.

Have seen a few LD posters up. He's going to walk it tbf.
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