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The 2019 General Election

I believe the way to win the next election is sensible, well presented policies that work so a Labour government can take care of the welfare system and get a lot done on the most serious issues such as the climate crisis.
Labour can't do anything while they're led by a useless pillock and promote tired old far left ideals so few people want.
As for government control of the internet - that's as fucking stupid as it is terrible and dangerous.
The idea is repulsive.

We know what you believe. Do you understand that nobody agrees?

Do you see any dangers in private companies controlling the Internet? Do you understand that in any case the Internet is under the sole control of one provider right now?
How Iran's Government Shut Off the Internet

How the Iranian Government Shut Off the Internet

After years of centralizing internet control, Iran pulled the plug on connectivity for nearly all of its citizens

Take over the internet, then do what the fuck you like with it, just like Iran.

A 2011 article:

In Britain there are two pieces of legislation which give the Government power to order the suspension of the internet and, in theory, bring about web armageddon. The Civil Contingencies Act and the 2003 Communications Act can both be used to suspend internet services, either by ordering internet service providers (ISPs) to shut down their operations or by closing internet exchanges. Under the protocol of the Communications Act, the switch-flicking would be done by the Culture Secretary. In the eyes of the legislature, Jeremy Hunt is the man invested with the power to send us back to the dark ages.

Could the UK Government shut down the web?
We know what you believe. Do you understand that nobody agrees?

Do you see any dangers in private companies controlling the Internet? Do you understand that in any case the Internet is under the sole control of one provider right now?

He's been asked that question numerous times, he has no response, just the endless repetition of his own fantasy talking points. Don't know why he's worried about the government taking over the internet, he's already blind to most of the info and debate on it anyway. Bit like the model Reddit poster.
How Iran's Government Shut Off the Internet

How the Iranian Government Shut Off the Internet

After years of centralizing internet control, Iran pulled the plug on connectivity for nearly all of its citizens

Take over the internet, then do what the fuck you like with it, just like Iran.
and you think that's going to happen here
when the link from europe to the united states runs across britain
tell me when you've engaged brain
and you think that's going to happen here
when the link from europe to the united states runs across britain
tell me when you've engaged brain

Routing can be quite sophisticated.

I would expect most states to switch off their domestic internet if they felt that the state and regime was under serious threat of being overthrown. We are no exception, except that such a scenario is not currently considered likely to happen here. Legislation is in place for such a possibility though, as things can always unravel quickly.
Routing can be quite sophisticated.

I would expect most states to switch off their domestic internet if they felt that the state and regime was under serious threat of being overthrown. We are no exception, except that such a scenario is not currently considered likely to happen here. Legislation is in place for such a possibility though, as things can always unravel quickly.
yeh legislation is in place. but things would have to be pretty fucking bad before anything like that was tried
yeh legislation is in place. but things would have to be pretty fucking bad before anything like that was tried

Yeah, it would have to be near to the end game before such things were done. Because of huge backlash, gigantic economic consequences, governments own use of internet, loss of distraction/entertainment for the masses. Not to mention it being an obvious sign of desperation that would embolden the regimes opponents and alert everyone that big stuff is going down.

Under certain scenarios its easy to imagine more limited forms of shutdown, either certain sites or regions. I dont take the global internet as a given either, could easily see that ending if global relations carry on their ugly 21st century journey in the manner to which we are becoming accustomed.
How Iran's Government Shut Off the Internet

How the Iranian Government Shut Off the Internet

After years of centralizing internet control, Iran pulled the plug on connectivity for nearly all of its citizens

Take over the internet, then do what the fuck you like with it, just like Iran.
The Internet was privately run in Iran (except for one semi state owned ISP out of half a dozen) when the government shut it down you clueless twat. :facepalm:
just so, a business so base and dastardly that on a family boards like these the real activity carried on there cannot be mentioned or even significantly alluded to

The less said about that the better!

The Internet was privately run in Iran (except for one semi state owned ISP out of half a dozen) when the government shut it down you clueless twat. :facepalm:

Egypt too, this quote is from the article I posted about UK government net shutdown powers:

Shorty after going offline Vodafone Egypt issued a statement explaining: "Under Egyptian legislation the authorities have the right to issue such an order and we are obliged to comply with it."
Just getting round to my first skim of the Labour manifesto.

I see they mention new nuclear, with no detail other than a desire to get some new nuclear stuff at Wylfa.

They attempt to balance their Trident commitment with 'Labour will also actively lead multilateral efforts under our obligations to the Non-Proliferation Treaty to create a nuclear-free world.'

At least this energy angle got a mention:

Over the past three decades, Britain has reduced its emissions at the expense of domestic industry by offshoring production. This is an accounting trick, not a solution. It does not protect the climate, is unfair to other countries and it damages jobs and communities at home.
  • Scrapping the planned rise in the pension age beyond 66 and reviewing the retirement age of those in hard manual jobs
  • Introducing a second homes tax
  • Reversing inheritance tax cuts and imposing VAT on private school fees
  • Giving EU nationals living in UK the automatic right to stay
  • Free broadband for all, delivered by part-nationalising BT
  • £75bn to build 150,000 new council and social homes a year, within five years
  • A £3bn plan to offer adults in England free access to retraining
  • A pledge to reduce all primary school classes to fewer than 30 children
  • An increase in the length of statutory maternity pay from nine months to a year
  • Free personal at-home care in England for over-65s most in need of it

I started reading that thinking it was your list of "sensible policies"....
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