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The 2019 General Election

Ethical foreign policy 2.0.

Conduct an audit of the impact of Britain’s colonial legacy to understand our contribution to the dynamics of violence and insecurity across regions previously under British colonial rule.
Priti Patel says Tory government not to blame for poverty in UK

Former Tobacco Industry lobbyist Priti Patel doesn't believe the govt, her Govt, is reponsible for poverty in the UK, thats it's a societal issue and LA's have to take some of the blame, never mind they get most of the funding from C/G, and of course Osbourne and Cameron and Clegg savaged that and benefits and later adminstrations continued the cuts, etc.

Not sure how much impact it will have though.
Priti Patel says Tory government not to blame for poverty in UK

Former Tobacco Industry lobbyist Priti Patel doesn't believe the govt, her Govt, is reponsible for poverty in the UK, thats it's a societal issue and LA's have to take some of the blame, never mind they get most of the funding from C/G, and of course Osbourne and Cameron and Clegg savaged that and benefits and later adminstrations continued the cuts, etc.

Not sure how much impact it will have though.
to be fair her government under the nefandous johnson has only been in office a matter of months.

but her unspeakable party has been in office far far too long
VAT on private school fees - The idea is fine but the damage it will do to Labour's election chances will mean it's a stupid thing to include.
Ah, that’s what “sensible socialism” means? - Don’t charge VAT on things that the private school FPs in the media pay for their own children.

Where did Corbyn go to school?
A school he wants the current parents to pay VAT on the fees for.

Government controlled internet. OMG
It should have happened when Johnson got into number 10, but it'll have to wait until after the election now. Safly, Corbyn and his idiot mates have cost Brexit and years of tory shit.

Reminder that Corbyn called for article 50 the morning of the ref so we'd be an entire 6 months further along if he'd been in charge.
He did no such thing - as has been pointed out here and elsewhere over and over for three fucking years now.

Seems fairly conclusive.

“The British people have made their decision. We must respect that result and Article 50 has to be invoked now so that we negotiate an exit from European Union.

“Obviously there has to be strategy but the whole point of the referendum was that the public would be asked their opinion. They’ve given their opinion. It is up for parliament to now act on that opinion.

He'd have done better if the PLP hadn't shat the bed the day after mind.
Seems fairly conclusive.

He'd have done better if the PLP hadn't shat the bed the day after mind.

Literally what he said in a live interview was:

“The British people have made their decision. We must respect that result and Article 50 has to be invoked now so that we negotiate an exit from European Union.

If he had put the now at the start of that second sentence it changes things immensely and brings it closer to what he shortly after clarified was his meaning, that now the vote has been held and the results know that it's clear article 50 has to be triggered - that the referendum cannot and should not be ignored. And remember, this was at the time of the first flurry of non-binding rubbish so it was important to make this very clear.

"I may not have put that as well as I should have done," he told presenter Evan Davis.

"The view I was putting was that Article 50 will be invoked at some point. I did not mean it should be invoked on Friday morning and we should rush over to Brussels and start negotiating things away because clearly the negotiations are going to be very long and very complicated."
Literally what he said in a live interview was:

“The British people have made their decision. We must respect that result and Article 50 has to be invoked now so that we negotiate an exit from European Union.

If he had put the now at the start of that second sentence it changes things immensely and brings it closer to what he shortly after clarified was his meaning, that now the vote has been held and the results know that it's clear article 50 has to be triggered - that the referendum cannot and should not be ignored. And remember, this was at the time of the first flurry of non-binding rubbish so it was important to make this very clear.

"I may not have put that as well as I should have done," he told presenter Evan Davis.

"The view I was putting was that Article 50 will be invoked at some point. I did not mean it should be invoked on Friday morning and we should rush over to Brussels and start negotiating things away because clearly the negotiations are going to be very long and very complicated."

Ah yes, clarifications and rewording.

I love his policies but there has been so much of that it gets quite hard to work out what he and the others actually want sometimes.
i think they meant to re-tweet BJ's tweet, not the response to it


They didn't even have the bottle to put someone on Newsnight to argue against Labour's manifesto with Barry Gardiner. Spineless cunts.
If the tories suggested government control if the internet, members if this forum would go apeshit.
Russia is now insisting all new phones have local software, China controls the population with QQ, and many other governments have used internet access to control their population's ability to communicate.
It can be controlled a lot more effectively if it's run by the state.
If the tories suggested government control if the internet, members if this forum would go apeshit.
Russia is now insisting all new phones have local software, China controls the population with QQ, and many other governments have used internet access to control their population's ability to communicate.
It can be controlled a lot more effectively if it's run by the state.
Mate you're a walking advert for state control of the internet. Also it's public ownership of the fixed line network to supply broadband you absolute knobber
VAT on private school fees - The idea is fine but the damage it will do to Labour's election chances will mean it's a stupid thing to include. Where did Corbyn go to school?
I imagine parents and staff at Harrow and Radley will now be balancing their lifelong commitment to International Maoist-Red-Army-Faction-Terrorist-Corbynism against the financial consequences of this proposal. :(
I imagine parents and staff at Harrow and Radley will now be balancing their lifelong commitment to International Maoist-Red-Army-Faction-Terrorist-Corbynism against the financial consequences of this proposal. :(
Note to Don Troooomp (In the exasperated tone of Stewart Lee): don't Like that post, I DON'T REALLY THINK HE'S AN INTERNATIONAL MAOIST RED ARMY FACTION TERRORISM FAN.
I imagine parents and staff at Harrow and Radley will now be balancing their lifelong commitment to International Maoist-Red-Army-Faction-Terrorist-Corbynism against the financial consequences of this proposal. :(

Hardly matters - The press and politicians will hit on any Labour MPs that went to private schools and worse, use labour MPs that send their kids to private schools as examples of hypocritical cunts.

The idea of taxing them is fine, but Labour can't do it without losing votes unless they stop all of their people using private schools.
Of course I'm sure no Labour front benchers have kids in private schools - oops
Even May, and she was serious crap, managed to attack Labour on that one, but Corbyn is far too fucking stupid to realise, even when he's been told.
Idiocy like this is losing votes and giving the fucking tories an easy ride.
All of this will be pulled apart when Labour gets smashed at the polls in a few weeks, then hopefully so.e common fucking sense will find its way in and the idiotic policies dumped when Corbyn goes. I want the tories out and a Labour government in, but there's zero chance until stupidity gets left behind.
Yes, I know I'm not left wing enough for some here, but left wing is allowing the tories, especially the tory right, every opportunity to fuck up Britain.
The Labour left has learnt nothing from their fuck ups of old, and that means a tory government.
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