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The 2019 General Election

If the tories suggested government control if the internet, members if this forum would go apeshit.
Russia is now insisting all new phones have local software, China controls the population with QQ, and many other governments have used internet access to control their population's ability to communicate.
It can be controlled a lot more effectively if it's run by the state.

The conservative government literally just spent 9 years trying to put in a privatised porn filter, and has spent at least that long not understanding how encryption works.

The. Internet. Is. Already. Controlled.
Can't troooomp just be banned? Impossible to have anything approaching a decent discussion with him around. His stupidity is so dense it has its own gravitational pull that drags you in and makes you respond to the cunt, then you're an unwitting accomplice in his mission to dumb down and bore.

I doubt that I'd get much gratification from an indecent discussion with him, either.
Hardly matters - The press and politicians will hit on any Labour MPs that went to private schools and worse, use labour MPs that send their kids to private schools as examples of hypocritical cunts.

The idea of taxing them is fine, but Labour can't do it without losing votes unless they stop all of their people using private schools.
Of course I'm sure no Labour front benchers have kids in private schools - oops
Even May, and she was serious crap, managed to attack Labour on that one, but Corbyn is far too fucking stupid to realise, even when he's been told.
Idiocy like this is losing votes and giving the fucking tories an easy ride.
All of this will be pulled apart when Labour gets smashed at the polls in a few weeks, then hopefully so.e common fucking sense will find its way in and the idiotic policies dumped when Corbyn goes. I want the tories out and a Labour government in, but there's zero chance until stupidity gets left behind.
Yes, I know I'm not left wing enough for some here, but left wing is allowing the tories, especially the tory right, every opportunity to fuck up Britain.
The Labour left has learnt nothing from their fuck ups of old, and that means a tory government.
When you hit on someone you hope for a sexual relationship with them
Hardly matters - The press and politicians will hit on any Labour MPs that went to private schools and worse, use labour MPs that send their kids to private schools as examples of hypocritical cunts.

The idea of taxing them is fine, but Labour can't do it without losing votes unless they stop all of their people using private schools.
Of course I'm sure no Labour front benchers have kids in private schools - oops
Even May, and she was serious crap, managed to attack Labour on that one, but Corbyn is far too fucking stupid to realise, even when he's been told.
Idiocy like this is losing votes and giving the fucking tories an easy ride.
All of this will be pulled apart when Labour gets smashed at the polls in a few weeks, then hopefully so.e common fucking sense will find its way in and the idiotic policies dumped when Corbyn goes. I want the tories out and a Labour government in, but there's zero chance until stupidity gets left behind.
Yes, I know I'm not left wing enough for some here, but left wing is allowing the tories, especially the tory right, every opportunity to fuck up Britain.
The Labour left has learnt nothing from their fuck ups of old, and that means a tory government.

So you are advocating only doing what the press/media will allow. The two huge problems with this are firstly that it simply entrenches and reinforces the existing wasteful, anti-social and all too often inhuman situation we 'enjoy' at the moment. Secondly, it places the Tory party institutionally at the head of the country; in your scenario they truly are the natural party of government, so why vote for the Labour second eleven alternative when you can have the Conservative full fat real thing.

It would seem that your 'sensible socialism' is nothing more than ineffective Conservatism lite. Of course I could be wrong but in the absence of any detail from you beyond a few sweary denunciations of Corbyn, his mates, the Labour Left, the left and the far left, it's hard to see anything else.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Can't troooomp just be banned? Impossible to have anything approaching a decent discussion with him around. His stupidity is so dense it has its own gravitational pull that drags you in and makes you respond to the cunt, then you're an unwitting accomplice in his mission to dumb down and bore.
Well the faq says the most important rule of the boards is don't be a dick and he's a total fucking dick. I agree we should at least be able to ban his idiocy from the politics forums.
We all know why trooomp doesn't want the government to know what he's doing on the internet (see previous posts re: grooming) but he's misguided on this one.

It's the implicit assumption that the likes of Virgin and BT would go toe to toe with the government to stop the authorities finding out what he does on facebook when he's using his 13 year old future boyband member profile that I find most difficult to understand.
Weird that all these people going 'oh no state control of the internet' but not oh no state control of the post
Or for that matter, the navy, the police, or anything else the state traditionally runs. The moment you concede any natural monopoly to state ownership, you've conceded the principle, and it's just a question of where the line's drawn. Personally, I'd nationalize all natural monopolies -- if there can be no competition, unaccountable private control's oppressive -- so on this, bravo Labour.
Or for that matter, the navy, the police, or anything else the state traditionally runs. The moment you concede any natural monopoly to state ownership, you've conceded the principle, and it's just a question of where the line's drawn. Personally, I'd nationalize all natural monopolies -- if there can be no competition, unaccountable private control's oppressive -- so on this, bravo Labour.

There are a lot of nebulous terms flying around here. 'State ownership' 'nationalisation' 'public control'. It is very important that Labour spell out what they mean by these terms. Previous nationalisations - where the board remained largely the same, where worker control or even a say in decision making were firmly off limits and where the culture of organizations remained unchanged - and where a cleavage emerged between the shopfloor and the unions are all lessons and warnings from history.

On the general point you are correct private ownership of monopolies makes no societal or economic sense.
There seems to be a hint of 'blue labour's' (sorry) attempt to breathe some life into the corpse of guild socialism in those economic suggestions of various forms of socialisation not trad nationalism. At first glance anyway, haven't had time to dig deeper yet but will be looking for that.
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There seems to be a hint of 'blue labour's' (sorry) attempt to breathe some life into guild socialism in those economic suggestions of various forms of socialisation not trad nationalism. At first glance anyway, haven't had time to dig deeper yet but will be looking for that.

The manifesto is silent on the exact nature of what is proposed. Terms are interchangeable and bandied about sloppily by Labour types.

I accept these are complex matters and that negotiation (hopefully starting with the appropriate unions) is necessary. But, it feels airy.
The manifesto is silent on the exact nature of what is proposed. Terms are interchangeable and bandied about sloppily by Labour types.

I accept these are complex matters and that negotiation (hopefully starting with the appropriate unions) is necessary. But, it feels airy.
Yup, I’ve had a glance through and it’s very light on detail. Like I said I expected, it reads like “eventually” and “as far as possible”, and little more than that. I’ll need to read in more depth, but there’s nothing about workplace democracy that wouldn’t fit in the Limehouse Declaration.

It’s better than being the North Atlantic Singapore under Johnson, for sure, but it’s very timid, moderate social democracy. Keynes wouldn’t bat an eyelid.
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