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The 2019 General Election

The Conservatives have offered an electoral pact to Nigel Farage that would mean the Brexit Party targeting just 40 key seats, The Telegraph can disclose.

Boris Johnson was prepared to put up “paper candidates” in the Labour-held constituencies, meaning the Tories would carry out only minimal campaigning in order to give an advantage to Brexit Party rivals.

However, the deal was turned down by Mr Farage, who had insisted on the Tories withdrawing their candidates altogether from the seats, because he was worried that the Conservative candidates would still attract votes.

Tories offer Nigel Farage eleventh-hour deal

It wouldn't surprise me if this is true, but I can't see the Tories standing down candidates, it could put off more moderate Tories voters in the south, and leave them with egg on their faces.

But, I do wonder if Farage will blink at the last moment, realising that's the best deal he'll get from his hard-line negotiating position, he's under a lot of pressure to do so. Although I wouldn't put money on it, I also wouldn't be surprised if he did.
I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Farage doing something to grab the headlines this evening. No idea what though.
So, Farage is pushing ahead with 300 candidates in Labour areas, but I wonder how many could decide to stand down over the next few hours, like this guy in Hove.

A BREXIT Party election candidate has pulled out of a heated race and endorsed the Conservatives.

Andy Wood, who ran for Nigel Farage's party in Hove, announced today he would not compete in the December General Election.

And he encouraged his supportters to back Conservative candidate Robert Nemeth in what could be a boost for the Tories as they bid to unseat Labour candidate Peter Kyle.

Brexit Party candidate drops out of Hove General Election race, endorses Tories
John Curtice says chances of Lab majority “as close to zero as it’s possible to be”. Citrs Corbyn’s general unpopularity.

Only issue is whether parliament will be hung or Johnson has a majority.

madness :(
No option for Johnson being hung?
defenestration is the preferred option, pollsters report

boris johnson being thrown out of a westminster window - an artist's impression
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Any interesting candidatures out yet? We've got a UKIP and a Brexit Party, but otherwise Sheffield is very dull. Socialist Equality Party candidate in central. And just the one independent - ohh, 2 i mean
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Any interesting candidatures out yet? We've got a UKIP and a Brexit Party, but otherwise Sheffield is very dull. Socialist Equality Party candidate in central. And just the one independent.

Just the usual - Tory, LibDem, Labour & Green - plus for some reason David Aherne, who I guess is now a former coordinator of the Worthing Green Party, standing as an independent for some reason.
Just the usual - Tory, LibDem, Labour & Green - plus for some reason David Aherne, who I guess is now a former coordinator of the Worthing Green Party, standing as an independent for some reason.

Worthing needs to up it's game; what happened to the days when it had two fascist candidates whose supporters came to blows at the count?

Cheers - Louis (one time long term Worthing resident) MacNeice
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