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The 2019 General Election

This surprises me, considering if Labour does do well, resulting in a hung parliament, they are going to need SNP support to govern.

A Labour government would not back a second Scottish independence vote during its "first term" in power, leader Jeremy Corbyn has said.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon wants to hold a new referendum in 2020.

She has said her SNP MPs would only consider putting Mr Corbyn in Downing Street in a hung parliament if he accepts the "principle" of such a vote.

But Mr Corbyn said this would not take place in his first five-year term, when his focus would be on "investment".

Corbyn: No indyref2 in 'first term' under Labour
This surprises me, considering if Labour does do well, resulting in a hung parliament, they are going to need SNP support to govern.

Corbyn: No indyref2 in 'first term' under Labour

Tricky one for the SNP as well. Their main justification for another ref is brexit. But if Labour promise a new deal and a referendum on the new deal, they can't demand a new indyref on this justification until the brexit ref result has come in, and if that result is 'remain', that justification is blown away.
Seriously? Appearing regularly on the media, having the ear of various labour party leading figures. They matter a tad more than as couple of feckers arguing on the internet, or than a small spilt from the Socialist Party.

The rest of your pots are high on indignation but low on anything specific. Generic criticisms of the EU don't really count for much, certainly not compared to actual investments are promising stay or leave.

It's not about leave and remain, it's about your position and phrasing - namely "Yes people voted to leave but it won't really benefit them, what they need to understand is that we're on their side."
And all that extra money defiantly all wouldn't end up in the pockets of rich people, no way. Would never happen.
No. But it's probably worth renationalising, if only to remove this tedium from the discussion, which just ends up as a way of distracting from and avoiding the real issue.
No. But it's probably worth renationalising, if only to remove this tedium from the discussion, which just ends up as a way of distracting from and avoiding the real issue.

Great lets renationalise. Now, what other tedium can be removed? Starting with this site?
Galloway interviewed Chris Williamson on one of his russian state shows and they didn't mention jews or israel or palestinians once in the whole 25 minutes which must be some sort of record. Just a load of old shit with Williamson claiming that he got hunted and deselected because of integrity initiative and for being too pro-Corbyn.
Galloway interviewed Chris Williamson on one of his russian state shows and they didn't mention jews or israel or palestinians once in the whole 25 minutes which must be some sort of record. Just a load of old shit with Williamson claiming that he got hunted and deselected because of integrity initiative and for being too pro-Corbyn.
Quite difficult for the camera person, with all those elephants in the room. :thumbs:
Isn't that some sort of breach of electoral rules? I'd have thought if you can't have party names that sound vaguely similar then this would extend to aldi puffin bar style stuff

Party colours/other aspects of design are also registered with the electoral commission iirc...
Go to Shakespeares instead.

I kind of liked the harlequin (decent food and beer), but it is kind of known as filth and home office hangout.
Their pub quiz is on a Monday though! Lousy night. Thankfully the coppers have generally gone by the evening (in the harlequin) though the clientele is still rather tedious. Nice beer though.
They'll say something too cunty to row back from, now that the coverage is supposed to be equal. They won't get away with it to the same extent. Faith in the people is important. The hardened Tories aren't that many, and the workers outnumber the rich elite.

People can hear more or less, despite all the media filth and manipulation, who is more honest and prepared to act in their interests. It'll go to the wire no doubt.
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