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The 2019 General Election

I might have confused matters sorry - the Greens are standing aside for the LDs in Penistone, despite neither of them getting anywhere last time and it being a Lab/Tory marginal
Maybe only people inside the Westminster bubble can see the advantages of this non-aggression pact for anyone but the lib dems.

Maybe they said there's no point everyone losing deposits in all the seats
'Oh Jeremy Corbyn' chant at packed manchester rally, not sure good idea.

Corbyn sharp, on fire, i wonder why he couldn't be like this at PMQ's
He's wasting his money, he could take 20-25% of the Labour Vote which is probably impossible and they would still walk it.
As for this LD/Green/PC pact, I really don't know about this pact, it might help some of them win a few seats or it might be a colossal waste of time, I will watch with interest what happens. It worked in Brecon but that was probably a special case since the Tories scored a massive own goal by taking the piss and re-running the same candidate that had been been ousted for being a crook.
Pacts are a new thing in British Politics and it seems a bit unnatural, it's also based on one unproven assumption that people care so much about Brexit they will put all their other concerns aside over it. It is no doubt the most important issue in this election but it isn't the only one.
I can well imagine that if you're a committed Green voter for instance, you might decide you're not going to put your cross against a party who you don't think fully represents your views and just sit it out.
I've just had a lot of Plaid folk online tell me that telling students to vote Lib Dem is OK because education is devolved. Because a/ nothing is going to put pressure on Drakeford to get radical like more Lib Dems in Westminster preventing a Corbyn Labour government and b/ fuck those English students voting in Cardiff in their droves, eh? I'm pro indy, but Jesus, not this shower.
A tory finally, actually resigns as candidate over his rape comments:
Conrad quits as Tory candidate over rape comments

So that's a candidate gone and a cabinet minister resigned. Astonishes me mogg hasn't had more made of his vile views on rape victims and abortion. I'm not sure whether his or conrad's views are worse (or how you could make that judgement tbh). Maybe mogg's version is so far outside of the range of even anti-abortionist's views that they fail to bring the ceiling down on him.
Vote for the party that ISN'T interested in only a quick buck or the one that has a record of running you down and insulting you every day. The media tells you that these cretins are the good guys and they decide that the ones who WANT to help you are the bad guys because 'we the media' decided it.

It does seem childish, but that's how it is.

Those who actually want to put in the work to serve you because they are enthusiastic about doing a meaningful job of work, whose record is constantly attacked while the actual malefactors get praise and an easy ride from same media, and who go on the political campaign trail WITH THEIR NANNY; are apparently the credible ones.

As hard as life is in Britain in 2019; these guys hate you, laugh at you and destroy your lives. I know which side I am on. My own, my kid's own, and not ever theirs who couldn't give any fucks about you.
But, but, but
15:05 Swinson focuses on green agenda

Can't get much more committed to the environment than that
He's wasting his money, he could take 20-25% of the Labour Vote which is probably impossible and they would still walk it...
But presumably he will ensure he gets the golden handshake payoff which Angela Smith was so annoyed she'd missed out on.

How much are the two figures in comparison, I wonder?
Not sure if already been mentioned on here but I was listening to BBC1 news the other day who reported the Green Party are pledging to spend £100 billion on tackling the climate emergency.

Claim they are going to borrow £91 billion and get the rest off taxing big businesses.

I wonder if this means I’d get a free electric van?
Not sure if already been mentioned on here but I was listening to BBC1 news the other day who reported the Green Party are pledging to spend £100 billion on tackling the climate emergency.

Claim they are going to borrow £91 billion and get the rest off taxing big businesses.

I wonder if this means I’d get a free electric van?
Green party suggests investment in environmental issues shocker.

And no, it wouldn't mean you'd get a free electric van. Hth.
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