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The 2019 General Election

He's just been on Sky News saying he is standing down, Corbyn isn't fit to be PM, and people should vote for Johnson.

That was Ian Austin, not Williamson. Personally i think he's a fucking idiot for standing against Labour next month (& almost certainly splitting the vote) but let's get our facts straight here.

I reckon Labour should simply stand down in Derby North & let Williamson stand as the sole left candidate, then if he fucks it, there's no excuses. Whereas if Labour field a candidate, both sides will be shouting about 'splitting the vote' for all eternity.
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I suspect Soubry is looking forward to getting her old job back in Derby North.
Williamson standing alone won't win but he will certainly keep Labour out in a seat they need to win
I suspect Soubry is looking forward to getting her old job back in Derby North.
Williamson standing alone won't win but he will certainly keep Labour out in a seat they need to win

Certainly? How many votes do you think he's likely to win?

I doubt he's got any sort of significant personal vote at all tbh. Not many MPs do, despite what they like to think, and I don't see him being one of them.
I wonder why Penistone is on the Greens list? The Greens have never stood there and it's a Labour/Tory marginal - have they just included every seat they don't bother standing in or something?
It is bizarre. It's not even a quid pro quo for them standing down in Hallam (which would make some sense). Something about A Smith making libs even more unpopular in that seat, maybe??
That was Ian Austin, not Williamson. Personally i think he's a fucking idiot for standing against Labour next month (& almost certainly splitting the vote) but let's get our facts straight here.

Always worth reading on a few posts before replying to a post made hours ago. ;)

I suspect Soubry is looking forward to getting her old job back in Derby North.
Williamson standing alone won't win but he will certainly keep Labour out in a seat they need to win

Not Soubry, Amanda Solloway.
The "Remain Alliance" (Green, Plaid, Lib Dems) has released the list of seats that will be uncontested by other members of the alliance:

I was surprised to see Dulwich and W Norwood (my constituency) on the list as we're very remainy here and I thought the Lib Dems would fancy their chances, but it makes a certain amount of sense thinking about it as the Greens are the main opposition party on the council and we've got a couple of green councillors in the ward and some others have come very close to being elected. Still nailed on for Labour I would think though.
Jesus, that list. So Cardiff Plaid are going to be telling the students in Cardiff Central to kick out their Labour MP for a Lib Dem? Way to build on that emerging radical independence movement :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Against Jo Stevens, a firm remain soft left MP more alligned with Plaid's politics in a constituency that, while you couldn't call it marginal based on last election with libdems in 3rd, was a libdem seat until 2010 and has a heavy libdem base (plenty of LibDem signs up every election particularly around posh lakeside)
My reading is that Williamson is using the threat of standing to leverage himself into a well paid secure position somewhere in the labour movement if he withdraws and accepts he won't be getting his 22 grand or whatever it is. Then galloway will probably go and stand instead anyway.
Could come back to haunt them. Anecdotally the ultra-remainers I know are split between soft Tories voting LibDem and soft Laborites voting, er, Labour.
Labour can't stand aside in Derby North or anywhere else for the same reason that the Tories can't form a pact with the Farage cultists. Both major parties are fighting the election with the objective of winning it.
Smaller parties can form alliances since despite Swinson's ranting they know they won't do so. The 2 big ones need to campaign on the assumption they will and will want guaranteed votes in the HoC
The "Remain Alliance" (Green, Plaid, Lib Dems) has released the list of seats that will be uncontested by other members of the alliance:

My constituency is on that list, where the incumbent Tory MP got 55% of the vote last time, 59% time before. Greens and Plaid don't stand anyway. So, it's just, well, really Lib Demmy...
Could come back to haunt them. Anecdotally the ultra-remainers I know are split between soft Tories voting LibDem and soft Laborites voting, er, Labour.
It strikes me that there are only 6 million "ultra-remainers" in total - i.e. those who signed the "revoke" petition ... about the same number who voted for Forage's party in the euros - and only about a million people turned out in London where there are millions of remainers who only needed to step outside their doors ...
Certainly? How many votes do you think he's likely to win?

I doubt he's got any sort of significant personal vote at all tbh. Not many MPs do, despite what they like to think, and I don't see him being one of them.

Derby North was a big target for day-tripper activists from the various safe Labour seats nearby in Nottingham etc. I would expect to see the same happening this time round.
My reading is that Williamson is using the threat of standing to leverage himself into a well paid secure position somewhere in the labour movement if he withdraws and accepts he won't be getting his 22 grand or whatever it is. Then galloway will probably go and stand instead anyway.
Doubt that, tbh. He doesn't have the support within any particular body. Any group affiliated to Labour would get untold shit for appointing him, so wont. With a bit of luck him n Galloway will cobble together some load of shit and take a few of the nutters with them.
It strikes me that there are only 6 million "ultra-remainers" in total - i.e. those who signed the "revoke" petition ... about the same number who voted for Forage's party in the euros - and only about a million people turned out in London where there are millions of remainers who only needed to step outside their doors ...
The entry requirements for ultra remainer is much higher than 'spent 20 seconds signing a petition last year's tbh. It's much lower than 6 million.
Doubt that, tbh. He doesn't have the support within any particular body. Any group affiliated to Labour would get untold shit for appointing him, so wont. With a bit of luck him n Galloway will cobble together some load of shit and take a few of the nutters with them.
It might not pay off for him but that's not a reason for him to try it. What's he got to lose, either it'll work and he'll get bought off or he'll get his angela-smith money if it doesn't. Either way, we'll never get any proof of his motivation i suppose.
If I knew enough to help with canvassing I would have to help in Kingswood where my Tory family live :eek:
I'm not sure if this is serious or not. But you really don't need to know much to canvas, most of it is just increasing party visibility, letting people know that your party wants their vote. (And most people are generally pretty polite).
I'm not sure if this is serious or not. But you really don't need to know much to canvas, most of it is just increasing party visibility, letting people know that your party wants their vote. (And most people are generally pretty polite).
I'll see how I feel when my membership details show up.
I can't even get onto the official Facebook pages yet....
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