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The 2019 General Election

Am I right in thinking the battle lines are becoming more lucid, but that this is still a step on the road? There seems to be a paranoia infecting this whole debate. By which I mean: constant gaffes, people speaking before they can think, fear. We've been talking about a Tory implosion. I think that is what we are going to see. We have not even kicked off yet and arch-villain Rees-Mogg is talking like a demented idiot. Johnson a steady hand to calm the ship? I very much doubt it.

They are shit people. They don't have a base as such among the wider electorate. So certainly these buffoons could start a snowballing of idiotic 'maneuvers' that sees them lose popularity and leave Labour ready to carry on its project.

They know they can't compete with Labour in terms of vision and appeal to the majority. If I see them keep making shit errors like they have done for so long, things will turn around when the going gets tough.

In terms of strategy, now is the time. Take the open goal wherever it can be found. Destroy them and humiliate them. They are in my opinion walking themselves into a trap, again.

Why should we resign ourselves, more and more of us, to having shitter lives and futures? Because they flatter those who still keep their heads above water? Absolute rubbish. Despite what the media and the well fed politicians tell you, Labour are streets ahead of the incumbent govt in terms honest record, credibility and political vision.
By which I mean: constant gaffes, people speaking before they can think, fear. We've been talking about a Tory implosion. I think that is what we are going to see. We have not even kicked off yet and arch-villain Rees-Mogg is talking like a demented idiot. Johnson a steady hand to calm the ship? I very much doubt it.

I think gaffes and incompetence have always been there, as well as dodgy statements from the past etc.

What has changed is the level of scrutiny of individuals, and how quickly fuck-ups can be shared and amplified. In the past politicians’ words and actions were presented via mainstream media channels, a limited and filtered content. Now we get everything, with thousands of eyes able to pick out the indiscretions.
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and the Tory election campaign launches with............



a good sign though, in as much as it suggests the Tories might be getting their tone all wrong. I dont think "literally worse than Hitler Stalin" is going to work for them.

(That reminds me, must pop in to Boodles and get some diamonds)
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Over the last five years, the number of emergency food parcels provided to people in crisis by food banks in the Trussell Trust’s network has increased by 73%. No charity can replace the dignity of buying your own food. To help end the need for food banks, the Trussell Trust commissioned State of Hunger – the most authoritative piece of independent research into hunger in the UK to date.
State of Hunger

Nothing we don't already know but good to share with folks.
How many people out there have the vaguest idea who Stalin even was? Normal people, I mean.

Read an article about the Red Menace stuff in the US, nobody cares any more beyond an ageing portion of the right. Think that's a bit part of the right embracing the Anti-Semitism stuff, they need a new staple and think that'll do it.
Read an article about the Red Menace stuff in the US, nobody cares any more beyond an ageing portion of the right. Think that's a bit part of the right embracing the Anti-Semitism stuff, they need a new staple and think that'll do it.
The sad truth is that the right need an enemy or hate figure. Reading some of the baseless 'statements' from Tories/Brexiteers are mind boggling and they will never debate or accept they are wrong regardless of facts.

The cunts sleep like babies at night too
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