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The 2019 General Election

do you honestly think that there was the desire for another leadership contest in the labour party in the summer?

If there was no such feeling, the Corbyn and the PLP didn't read the electorate. Corbyn should have stepped down with grace and left the field open for someone not useless, but it didn't happen.
Johnson moving into No10 was a new challenge, one Corbyn had no clue how to handle, but he stayed anyway.
If Labour gets killed in the polls, that's where it started.
Also, idiotic infighting is messing the job up. It's great for the tories, but not helpful to Labour. We can see Corbyn is a very unpopular politician with no personality, but it's almost like some in the Labour ranks want to destroy the party and will do anything they can to see it happen.
If, and I hope this doesn't happen, the Labour party get hammered at the polls, it's Corbyn's fault.

May leaving was the perfect time to ditch the useless bugger as a change of leadership could have been put down to new needs, but the silly sod hung on and it's likely to be costly in far too many ways.
yeh and if labour do really well at the polls it will doubtless be despite corbyn.
I'm going to assume that 'no personality' actually means the way they come across in mass media, and the absence of certain specific personality traits.

Like John Major, Corbyn is said to do much better on the streets during an election campaign than any of this media shit would suggest.

Larger than life shitheads need not apply.
he'll have to get his big book of labour politicians down from the shelf
There's still a month to go so time for things to change. However, it'll be people seeing though that tory twat that makes the difference, not Corbyn's leadership.
I think this is a big part of how corbynism happens. Because nothing makes me want to start posting corbyn memes and go labourite and ignore the misgivings quite like the apolitical dribble of anti corbyn labour types. 'Somebody less useless' like for instance any of those people who caused labour to lose half its voters and more importantly its natural constituency
Also, idiotic infighting is messing the job up. It's great for the tories, but not helpful to Labour.

Idiotic infighting like, say, a leadership election during a General Election campaign?

Either answer Smokeandsteam's question and indicate who you think Labour should have as their leader instead or please - and I really do mean please - shut the fuck up.

Honestly, your inane yammering is so stupifying I feel like I'm slipping into a coma every time I read your posts.
Four hours reading dickheads bang on about magic grandpa and how 1997 - 2010 was a golden age for social democracy and the working class because sure start and I temporarily forget about the mural and the shit swp meets charles kennedy politics and find my finger over the buy now button for one of those sadfuck arm john mcdonnell tshirts
Four hours reading dickheads bang on about magic grandpa and how 1997 - 2010 was a golden age for social democracy and the working class because sure start and I temporarily forget about the mural and the shit swp meets charles kennedy politics and find my finger over the buy now button for one of those sadfuck arm john mcdonnell tshirts
I mostly want a Labour victory for the pleasure of watching all the worst people in the world having to tuck into a fresh plate of turds on the morning of Dec 13.
Interesting developments in Northern Ireland.

On Monday morning the SDLP confirmed it will not be contesting North Belfast, East Belfast and North Down. Deputy leader Nichola Mallon would not be drawn on if she would herself, or advise others, to vote Sinn Fein in the constituency.

"Given the reality of our political situation," she said, "We need to remove as much as possible the very toxic pro-Brexit, pro-Boris DUP MPs, who over their antics over the last two years have done nothing to represent the interests of the people of Northern Ireland."

Sinn Fein has said it won't run candidates in three constituencies in the forthcoming December General Election.

The party urged Alliance to consider its anti-pact stance as it announced its decision not to stand candidates in South Belfast, East Belfast and North Down.

General Election: Sinn Fein pulls out of three constituencies in race for Westminster seats - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
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