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The 2019 General Election

Plus, it's actually not necessary because he isn't going to lose in Uxbridge, much though I'd like to see that.

Yep, can't see where Lab could possibly pick up votes from; the yellow vermin only got 4% in 2017.
I've told him I want (a) power at all levels of government to be devolved to local decision makers, and (b) Radio 4 to be shut down immediately.

Given the 'local decision makers' we've got round here, so crooked they can see the backs of their own heads, this policy is a vote loser for me.

And I don't give a shit about Radio 4, as Radio 3 is now my soothing RP background noise of choice.
Given the 'local decision makers' we've got round here, so crooked they can see the backs of their own heads, this policy is a vote loser for me.

And I don't give a shit about Radio 4, as Radio 3 is now my soothing RP background noise of choice.
BBC Radio 4 - Wikipedia
The station is the UK's national broadcaster in times of national emergency such as war, due to the wide coverage of the Droitwich signal: if all other radio stations were forced to close, it would carry on broadcasting. It has been claimed that the commanders of nuclear-armed submarines believing that Britain had suffered nuclear attack were required to check if they could still receive Radio 4 on 198 long wave, and if they could not they would open sealed orders that might authorise a retaliatory strike.
Labour (indeed, anyone) can pick up thousands of voters from the influential 'didn't vote' demographic.
True enough, but & 67% the U&SR turnout was pretty much bang on the national average for the 2017 GE; I suppose it could be significantly higher this time...but I've not seen many predicting much higher turnouts for the 2019?
True enough, but & 67% the U&SR turnout was pretty much bang on the national average for the 2017 GE; I suppose it could be significantly higher this time...but I've not seen many predicting much higher turnouts for the 2019?
I've never seen a convincing explanation as to why UK youth voter turnout is so low compared to most other countries. The initial stories about youth turnout being sharply up in 2017 turned out to be overstated. It remains a potential nut for someone to crack.
Whichever way we look at this, it's dark news.

I'm well aware Boris Johnson is a dick of the worst kind, but he's grabbing votes for the tories and that means things are looking bad. At least the brexit party are having problems, so there's some bright side.
I really hope this turns around, but it might be a mess.


  • SmartSelect_20191104-175220_Chrome.jpg
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One thing is clear, the Labour party must dump Corbyn or suffer until they do. It's looking a lot like he's gifting Brexit to the Tories, and badly damaging the party while he's on the go.
I loved it when May was in charge - she was really crap and almost sabotaged Brexit without any help.
I was sad when she left number 10, a lot more so when that bastard moved in.
Whichever way we look at this, it's dark news.

I'm well aware Boris Johnson is a dick of the worst kind, but he's grabbing votes for the tories and that means things are looking bad. At least the brexit party are having problems, so there's some bright side.
I really hope this turns around, but it might be a mess.

have labour a couple of percentage points up on that, but not what you'd call significant.
I think the Brexit Party is self imploding :cool: Seeing the Farage getting a lot of stick about not running for parliament - their vote share in opinion polls is now hovering around 10%, hopefully that will decrease still further. Despite saying they would field 650, they are now not standing in NI - I was looking forward to that :D . They were obsessed with the Labour Leave vote, thinking that 5m? Labour Leave voters would clearly vote for them :hmm: I think Labour Leave voters may want some sort of Brexit, but they are not going to want batshit crazy Brexit Party MPs.
I hope the polls are well out, they have been in the past, but it looks bad because most seem to be about the same.
Johnson seems to be the big reason, regardless of how crappy that is and what it says about tory voters.
I think the Brexit Party is self imploding :cool: Seeing the Farage getting a lot of stick about not running for parliament - their vote share in opinion polls is now hovering around 10%, hopefully that will decrease still further. Despite saying they would field 650, they are now not standing in NI - I was looking forward to that :D . They were obsessed with the Labour Leave vote, thinking that 5m? Labour Leave voters would clearly vote for them :hmm: I think Labour Leave voters may want some sort of Brexit, but they are not going to want batshit crazy Brexit Party MPs.

Yougov above has them down to 7% as of Nov 1st.
I think the Brexit Party is self imploding :cool: Seeing the Farage getting a lot of stick about not running for parliament - .

I'm really happy to see this, but their votes seem to have mostly gone back to the blasted tories.
As for Farage, need I say what I think of that twat?
One thing is clear, the Labour party must dump Corbyn or suffer until they do. It's looking a lot like he's gifting Brexit to the Tories, and badly damaging the party while he's on the go.

Leaving aside the fact that dumping a leader 6 weeks before an election is insane, what exactly would this new leader need to do to reverse Labour's position?

Take your time.....
Corbyn must go, but it's too late for this election and, sadly, probably Britain staying in the EU.
I know a lot on this forum like him, but I think he's a serious dickhead that is giving Brexit to the fucking tories.


  • SmartSelect_20191104-181756_Chrome.jpg
    209.8 KB · Views: 10
Corbyn must go, but it's too late for this election and, sadly, probably Britain staying in the EU.
I know a lot on this forum like him, but I think he's a serious dickhead that is giving Brexit to the fucking tories.


Leaving aside the fact that dumping a leader 6 weeks before an election is insane, what exactly would this new leader need to do to reverse Labour's position?

Take your time.....
Corbyn must go, but it's too late for this election and, sadly, probably Britain staying in the EU.
I know a lot on this forum like him, but I think he's a serious dickhead that is giving Brexit to the fucking tories.
you don't seem to follow the news. or if you do, you don't seem to understand it.
Leaving aside the fact that dumping a leader 6 weeks before an election is insane, what exactly would this new leader need to do to reverse Labour's position?

Take your time.....

Tough one, but not being a useless idiot like Corbyn would be a good start. With May gone he hasn't got a hope of anything because only that inept tory idiot kept his numbers up.
you don't seem to follow the news. or if you do, you don't seem to understand it.

Given I'm quoting polls that show Labour way down and Corbyn very unpopular, this suggesting the tories are likely to win and get Brexit through, I suggest you're a pointless wanker without a clue .. or just trolling again.
Corbyn must go, but it's too late for this election and, sadly, probably Britain staying in the EU.
I know a lot on this forum like him, but I think he's a serious dickhead that is giving Brexit to the fucking tories.
He may not be the most remain-y of remainers - but has played a clever game - he had left it to the Tories to fuck themselves again over the EU - and the current Labour policy - renegotiate the WA, and have a referendum on the deal with a remain option - is a sensible proposal - keeps remainers (mostly) on side - doesn't piss off labour brexiters too much.
Given I'm quoting polls that show Labour way down and Corbyn very unpopular, this suggesting the tories are likely to win and get Brexit through, I suggest you're a pointless wanker without a clue .. or just trolling again.
there is of course only one poll that matters, and your focussing on polls which have been taken before manifestos have been published or indeed candidates declared suggests you're coming unarmed - once more - to a battle of wits.
Tough one, but not being a useless idiot like Corbyn would be a good start. With May gone he hasn't got a hope of anything because only that inept tory idiot kept his numbers up.

In your opinion who in Labour's ranks is not a useless idiot? Who can stop the rot?
Ignoring reality is the best way of fucking up in an even more spectacular way than is on the cards at the moment.
I want to tories down to shit all, Brexit forgotten, and a Labour PM sitting in No 10, but it doesn't look like I'm going to see any if that unless something drastic happens.
Not dumping Corbyn when May left was a massive mistake, and one that'a likely to cost the UK a lot.
Ignoring reality is the best way of fucking up in an even more spectacular way than is on the cards at the moment.
I want to tories down to shit all, Brexit forgotten, and a Labour PM sitting in No 10, but it doesn't look like I'm going to see any if that unless something drastic happens.
Not dumping Corbyn when May left was a massive mistake, and one that'a likely to cost the UK a lot.
do you honestly think that there was the desire for another leadership contest in the labour party in the summer?
you seem determined to force everyone to consider you a fool

Also, idiotic infighting is messing the job up. It's great for the tories, but not helpful to Labour. We can see Corbyn is a very unpopular politician with no personality, but it's almost like some in the Labour ranks want to destroy the party and will do anything they can to see it happen.
If, and I hope this doesn't happen, the Labour party get hammered at the polls, it's Corbyn's fault.

May leaving was the perfect time to ditch the useless bugger as a change of leadership could have been put down to new needs, but the silly sod hung on and it's likely to be costly in far too many ways.
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