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The 2019 General Election

He asked me as well, the cheapskate. This is some sort of crowdsourcing con job if you ask me. Listen pal, you write the manifesto and then we'll decide whether we want to vote for it, that's how this works*, and hire proper copywriters for a fair wage.

* NB has not worked like that pretty much forever
He asked me as well, the cheapskate. This is some sort of crowdsourcing con job if you ask me. Listen pal, you write the manifesto and then we'll decide whether we want to vote for it, that's how this works*, and hire proper copywriters for a fair wage.

* NB has not worked like that pretty much forever
Just bill them for the work.
I didn't get asked, rude cunt. I think I'm still classed as an affiliated member or whatever they call people in affiliated unions too
Jeremy Corbyn has written to me personally and asked me to write his manifesto for him:
Dear Kabbes

We could have a Labour Government by Christmas!

The General Election on 12 December gives us all a once-in-a-generation chance for real change in this country. In the coming weeks we will be publishing our election manifesto setting out our proposals.

Labour is a movement, and our strength comes from us all working together. That's why I want to hear your priorities for our manifesto.

Help write our manifesto today
How do you think we can best tackle the climate and environmental emergency, or rebuild our public services? How can we end the scourge of poverty, or create a world of peace and human rights? Share your thoughts now, and together we'll make our movement even stronger.


What suggestions shall I give?

They're not asking you to write the manifesto. They wouldn't anyway, but especially not with a shadow cabinet that divided. They're just asking you to send them your personal policy preferences so they can then target you with personalised follow up messages they think you'll like so you'll vote for them.
They're not asking you to write the manifesto. They wouldn't anyway, but especially not with a shadow cabinet that divided. They're just asking you to send them your personal policy preferences so they can then target you with personalised follow up messages they think you'll like so you'll vote for them.
So, if I wrote saying I wanted free Bishop's Finger, they'd get back to me saying they'd do that?
Sound's like a winner to me.
So, if I wrote saying I wanted free Bishop's Finger, they'd get back to me saying they'd do that?
Sound's like a winner to me.

They’ll probably just suggest that Shepherd Neame would be better as a nationalised industry. It appears that’s pretty much the only message they’ve got for this election.
I support compulsory maths lessons up to age 30. What will that make them target me on?
Corbyn's Finger; the people's pint.

Along with the launch of a new beer that will be carefully designed for everyone to like up and down the country, or at least designed so that no-one will find it too objectionable, to the point that everyone goes off and consumes different, more distinctive, beers instead. Ones that better suit their own specific outlook on beer. I imagine the new beer will be called 'Magic Grandpa'.
Along with the launch of a new beer that will be carefully designed for everyone to like up and down the country, or at least designed so that no-one will find it too objectionable, to the point that everyone goes off and consumes different, more distinctive, beers instead. Ones that better suit their own specific outlook on beer. I imagine the new beer will be called 'Magic Grandpa'.
Leamain Ale 4.8%
Reave Bitter 5.2%
Leamain Ale 4.8%
Reave Bitter 5.2%

Not sure it's worth breaking a near decade long lurk for this, but sadly those really are a thing:


Although they're both at 3.7%, so they missed a trick there.

Now this would beyond funny into outright hysterical, especially if the Tories won a majority. The power struggles would be glorious to behold
He'll move to a safer seat and let someone else get trounced in Uxbridge.
Would certainly send a message about his/their expectation of swing/blustercunt's real 'appeal'.
Exactly. It wouldn't just make him look like a bottler personally, it would provide all the opposition parties with a big stick to beat the Tories.

Plus, it's actually not necessary because he isn't going to lose in Uxbridge, much though I'd like to see that.
I guess what a close-ish contest in Uxbridge might do is force him to go and do some actual campaigning there. He probably doesn't want to be doing that, especially as it might end up with him having to deal with some members of the public in an uncontrolled situation.
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