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The 2019 General Election

Yep. Labour lose on Brexit, not just because they have been shit on brexit, but a focus on brexit stops the election getting onto everything that's shit about Johnson and the Tories.
The electorate surely by now have sufficient information about Brexit for it not to be a focus in terms of day-to-day campaigning. We know where the players stand on the issue and going over old ground is just going to bore people off.

By contrast there should be some enthusiasm amongst the electorate (and media) to move onto other issues.
The electorate surely by now have sufficient information about Brexit for it not to be a focus in terms of day-to-day campaigning. We know where the players stand on the issue and going over old ground is just going to bore people off.

By contrast there should be some enthusiasm amongst the electorate (and media) to move onto other issues.
yes, how to deal with the mps upon their election
Saw a tweet from the Irish Border account , basically saying that this election would be just like a Northern Ireland Election - except with Leave v Remain, rather than Unionist v Nationalist .

Whatever Corbyn does to make it about other stuff - it will be a Brexit election (like 2017 ffs)
Saw a tweet from the Irish Border account , basically saying that this election would be just like a Northern Ireland Election - except with Leave v Remain, rather than Unionist v Nationalist .

Whatever Corbyn does to make it about other stuff - it will be a Brexit election (like 2017 ffs)
the status of mps will never have been lower in this country than it will be following this unedifying and perverse general election.
Saw a tweet from the Irish Border account , basically saying that this election would be just like a Northern Ireland Election - except with Leave v Remain, rather than Unionist v Nationalist .

Whatever Corbyn does to make it about other stuff - it will be a Brexit election (like 2017 ffs)

2017 election, the votes went overwhelmingly to the two parties backing Brexit ?
Yep. Labour lose on Brexit, not just because they have been shit on brexit, but a focus on brexit stops the election getting onto everything that's shit about Johnson and the Tories.
yeah. Maybe I'm the only person in the country to think that the leader of the opposition has got it more or less right in seeing his primary function being to hold his party together and position it for a GE. Not to base overall strategy on fighting every battle on ground prepared and defined by the enemy. To oppose throughout, but without presenting endless hostages to fortune by defining themselves entirely on the one issue.

/crying in the wind
yeah. Maybe I'm the only person in the country to think that the leader of the opposition has got it more or less right in seeing his primary function being to hold his party together and position it for a GE. Not to base overall strategy on fighting every battle on ground prepared and defined by the enemy. To oppose throughout, but without presenting endless hostages to fortune by defining themselves entirely on the one issue.

/crying in the wind
yeh that party unity's really holding together with about half the plp abstaining yesterday
I hope you are not trying to imply that Corbyn isn’t a unifying figure. Admittedly it hasn’t been his own party, but boy has he kept the others together.

A perfect example of the glib stupidity that seems likely to dominate what passes for political analysis this election period, particularly among the chattering classes and media pundit land.

As though Corbyn exists in a vacuum, the Labour right hasn't run a campaign of sabotage against its own party for the last four years, the left wasn't always going to use that same period to scrap both internally and externally over party power, the Tories and allies weren't always going to find a cause for unity when socialism is mentioned, that the reality of party politics was never going to match the prayers of the new faithful etc.

Yes, if only Owen Smith had won, then it could have been neoliberalism lite and the universal acclaim centrism brings (which TIG so handily shone a light on), all engines go. Toot toot.

I mean fucking hell I don't think Corbyn's a strong leader or anything, I'm not even going to vote, but the level of brainless autopiloted sneering that goes on from people who think voting can change the world but refuse to exit the fucking shallow end for it makes me despair.
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A perfect example of the glib stupidity that seems likely to dominate what passes for political analysis this election period, particularly among the chattering classes and media pundit land.

As though Corbyn exists in a vacuum, the Labour right hasn't run a campaign of sabotage against its own party for the last four years, the left wasn't always going to use that same period to scrap both internally and externally over party power, the Tories and allies weren't always going to find a cause for unity when socialism is mentioned, that the reality of party politics was never going to match the prayers of the new faithful etc.

Yes, if only Owen Smith had won, then it could have been neoliberalism lite and the universal acclaim centrism brings (which TIG so handily shone a light on), all engines go. Toot toot.

It was a joke FFS. Park the high horse.

But part of the wider campaign has been exactly that, however shitty and venal the other parties are, even the ones they chuck out agree on Corbyn as existential threat.
It's repeating a media canard with fuck-all brain behind it. You might as well be sharing a "hang in there" cat poster for all it adds to the conversation.

Edit: Sorry I realise the above is probably a bit aggressive, it's not aimed solely at you. I just get so fucking tired of being bombarded day after day with people bashing out punditry that just rewords the same boring swill that a cursory moment of actual thought or research would reveal isn't even accurate most of the time. And it's only going to get louder and more stupid the closer we get to December 12th.
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I set a bet with my mate this Sunday just gone, on the share of the Labour vote if there's a December election. Now there will be one, how well or badly will I do?

I predicted over 30%, he predicted under 30%
(NB : I did NOT predict a Labour victory)

Here are the stakes (payable at or after Xmas , or in the New Year ;) )

30% : No win for either side.
31% : One pint (of winner's choice ;) ) for me ; 32% : Two pints for me, etc. etc.
29% : One pint (of winner's choice ;) ) for him, 28% : Two pints for him, etc. etc.

We're both Labour voters btw ...

I reckon you've won yourself a pint or two, just about.
yeh that party unity's really holding together with about half the plp abstaining yesterday
Doomsaying is easy but has been shown to be ott many times in the last three years, when there have been plenty of far more serious potential fractures, yet here we are with just a few resignations or purges.

One, other or both of Johnson and Corbyn will be gone by xmas, but it's not over yet.
Doomsaying is easy but has been shown to be ott many times in the last three years, when there have been plenty of far more serious potential fractures, yet here we are with just a few resignations or purges.

One, other or both of Johnson and Corbyn will be gone by xmas, but it's not over yet.
i am not doomsaying, simply pointing to the objective reality that the parliamentary labour party is divided.
Great innit? They don't seem to come to mine any more though. Think they get warned that it's the house with the abusive weirdo who remembers everything bad the candidate has ever done.
I'm scared the Tories won't come back after last time. Cheeky cunt asked for his pamphlet back 'so someone else could read it' after the first barrage of abuse so I ripped it up in his face and threatened to fetch weapons if he didn't get off my property immediately.
It's repeating a media canard with fuck-all brain behind it. You might as well be sharing a "hang in there" cat poster for all it adds to the conversation.

Edit: Sorry I realise the above is probably a bit aggressive, it's not aimed solely at you. I just get so fucking tired of being bombarded day after day with people bashing out punditry that just rewords the same boring swill that a cursory moment of actual thought or research would reveal isn't even accurate most of the time. And it's only going to get louder and more stupid the closer we get to December 12th.


Ideology working hard.
Has anyone done general election bingo yet? Off the top of my head:

- John Harris does a vox pop of people who hang around in town centres on a Wednesday daytime, has revelation than not everyone is a Guardian reader.
- The Sunday Times does another front page reveal that some Corbynistas are still acting like arseholes on Facebook and why has nothing been done about it?
- Diane Abbott puts her feet up on a train carriage seat, news fulminates for a week over this latest outrage.
- Boris exposed for something vile, everyone shrugs except the Guardian and Mirror which go nuts and are then totally ignored.

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