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The 2019 General Election

moved to England and hate the Tories and was no fan of Blair

so voted more than once for the fuckers

Plus used to live in Twickenham for the first few years over
and Vince did not appear to be a cunt at the time

I admit at the time of the banking crisis, having heard Vince Cable talking to Mark Thomas on one of his podcasts I did think he was basically sound. Though I've never trusted the Libs, the SDP, or the mash up they became, from when i was knocking on doors for Labour in south London back in the 1980s. Their leaflet was designed to smear our candidate by association without actually accusing him of anything directly and it was fucking disgusting. At that point the worst dirty trick that this naive, young and fresh faced campaigner had ever seen.
brogdale 's end-question : Depends! :D ;)

I genuinely do think that current polls are unrealistically bad for Labour right now. Once the election gets full on, I can see some improvements, maybe only4u modest ones, but we'll see.
No, you're probably right...there's usually some convergence once things get going. The only thing is that this time it could be more of a 2 & 2 halves election, hence much harder to call and predict what % will yield 'victory'.
Watching Newsnight. Burgon attacking Tories and LDs. LDs attacking Labour and Tory.

In both cases the key emphasis was Labour and LDs have a pop at each other.

the battle for the 48% begins
Bonkers election, really.

SNP’s biggest enemies in Scotland will be Christmas and Apathy. Santa Claus’ position on frictionless trade within the EEA post-Brexit considerably clearer than Labour’s who will come a very poor fourth up here behind the SNP, Christmas and Apathy.

Jo Swinson losing her seat in E Renfrewshire would be my personal Portillo moment.
Could be the election that ends parliamentary politics as we know them in UK if enough people on whatever side feel/ believe result is unfair/rigged/disastrous/gerrymandered etc. Could lead to either massive political disengagement by one section of population or another, or even explicit turn to extraparliamentary path by the “losers”. Can see some people just giving up in despair, or leaving the country if able, if result goes against them. Highest stakes election in my lifetime, including 1979. This is before we even consider effect in Scotland and North of Ireland.....
I have the 13th booked off for the first Xmas party of the season so I will be drinking the day after the election whether it is to celebrate or drown my sorrows has yet to be determined.
I have really no idea how this will pan out.
The Tories have a massive lead at the moment but Bozo has effectively been campaigning since he became PM.
Voting tory is like turkeys voting for fucking Xmas. Genuinely amazes me why it keeps happening. They don't even hide it.

Deeply ingrained support for the tories within the tabloid media who have such a grip on the population? Lack of effective opposition from a Labour Party who seem at times more interested in destroying their party than opposing the government? Decades of education policy which has left many knowing little to nothing of history or politics?

I might’ve missed a few, but those are some preliminary guesses on why it keeps happening.
Yes, and campaigning on 'biggest increase in spending on public services in the last decade' or some bollocks like that (I've decided to take a break from twitter)

bunch of cunts
The best bit is when they refer to themselves as the "party of working people". Spat my tea all over the telly when I saw that one.
Deeply ingrained support for the tories within the tabloid media who have such a grip on the population? Lack of effective opposition from a Labour Party who seem at times more interested in destroying their party than opposing the government? Decades of education policy which has left many knowing little to nothing of history or politics?

I might’ve missed a few, but those are some preliminary guesses on why it keeps happening.

It's all about divide and rule isn't it. Making sure people have some out group to be against. They're on your side against the foreigners/unemployed/single mothers/whoever they can come up with. Sadly it's effective enough to keep them going.
Deeply ingrained support for the tories within the tabloid media who have such a grip on the population? Lack of effective opposition from a Labour Party who seem at times more interested in destroying their party than opposing the government? Decades of education policy which has left many knowing little to nothing of history or politics?

I might’ve missed a few, but those are some preliminary guesses on why it keeps happening.
Reminded me of this rather magnificent 1976 poster held in the National Gallery of Australia...seems tangentially relevant to our Yuletide election.

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