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The 2017 General Election campaign

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If that quote from The Times is true (that Corbyn himself had to call her asking her to please not do any more interviews and she just went on anyhow) then surely Abbott just needs to be sacked now, she's a gift for the Tories and nobody can reasonably think she's up to the job of home secretary.
You can't sack your shadow home secretary 2 days before a general election.
Newspapers these days universally seem to have websites that are almost unusable with the thin client I have at work. It's so frustrating. It takes an age to scroll and then leaps when it finally manage it -- so much that I generally give up after reading the first screen.
Or they could be ratcheting up the fear of red corbyn to get the undecided onside

No way...that article actually means 'Quick! Vote Tory, the commies are coming.' Look at the state of that pic of JC also...

I've no doubt that's the right reading of their intentions. But it's quite a high-risk strategy, isn't it?

The right-wing media (ie, the media) has spent a couple of years going, 'no one [who counts] supports Corbyn, he couldn't possibly win, he's a joke'. And no doubt many people who decided against him did so on that basis, even if they might have had a fair amount of sympathy with his policies (that's certainly what polls of support for him vs support for his policies suggest).

To now go 'actually, he's got so much support he might win, bloody well take him seriously' might galvanise the lazy Tory vote, but it might also persuade some of the 'is he really up to the job?' fence-sitters that voting Corbyn isn't the cataclysmic risk and/or waste of time it was supposed to be.
I'm very wary of making such diagnostic judgements on anyone without knowing them, never mind on the basis of something as artificial as a TV interview in the run-up to a general election.

The Sky clip here certainly confirms that she's poor at such interviews - not great at thinking fast on her feet, and prone to looking and sounding evasive without actually succeeding in evading anything. But I'm not sure I'd even speculate that there's something (other than what I've already said) 'wrong with' her on the basis of it.
I don't get what's wrong with what she said. She seemed to be agreeing with him.
If Labour are going to go with this - and I think they should - they should really go for it (particularly the Saudi thing). Shouldn't be going on about 'difficult conversations', should be going for the jugular on May selling weapons to the very people who are blowing us up. I realise that's high risk and there's the added problem of being able to link Saudi to specific attacks. But there's probably a form of words to be had that gets round that but also manages to go for it.
Problem being, in my limited perception, that very few voters (percentage wise) have enough backstory, enough prior knowledge, for that narrative to make an instant impact with them. "May selling weapons to the very people who are blowing us up" sounds good initially but would be quickly countered with "What? Don't be so silly. Look at this weirdo lol!" and there's not enough time left for the subsequent proof and denial stuff to play out.
Newspapers these days universally seem to have websites that are almost unusable with the thin client I have at work. It's so frustrating. It takes an age to scroll and then leaps when it finally manage it -- so much that I generally give up after reading the first screen.

None of the Johnston Press local newspaper sites work very well on my iPad, shit popping up all over the place, followed by a 'this page is reloading' message due to some error or another. Adverts tend to be of the 'you could buy an iPad for £7 with this easy trick' variety. I'm increasingly seeing 'to read the rest of this article answer this quick survey' too, which means I don't bother. Local papers are spiralling the u-bend.
No way...that article actually means 'Quick! Vote Tory, the commies are coming.' Look at the state of that pic of JC also...

In fairness the standard has been using some pretty unflattering photos of May as well, I imagine its just Osborne having some fun.
Loyalist Paramilitaries endorse the DUP and warn unionists about voting Alliance. But let's spend another news cycle about how terrible it was Corbyn had peace talks 30 years ago.

It's part of a cunningly devised strategy to create division among her opponents between those who see it as an obvious opportunity to ridicule her bizarre choice of apparel and others who feel uneasy about judging any woman on her choice of clothing.
TM is meeting with floating voters today. Here she is admiring an ordinary woman's brooch:
View attachment 108624

that poor woman with the boots on is horribly embarrassed to see the party leader making such an arse of herself in her 1970s lounge slippers.
It's part of a cunningly devised strategy to create division among her opponents between those who see it as an obvious opportunity to ridicule her bizarre choice of apparel and others who feel uneasy about judging any woman on her choice of clothing.

No but so much ink has been wasted on her taste in shoes, one wonders why she's out and about in what appear to be Bet Lynch's house shoes.
Who gets the job if May loses?

Or even if she wins, given how much of a lame duck she is.
Just went to the Corbyn rally in Brum. Was big, diverse and young. As with Bernie Sanders it really is young women driving so much of this. Still, probably not big enough. I am starting to get a sinking feeling about Thursday.

I think the Corbyn project has failed to engage the unegaged in the way that it probably needs to in order to win.
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