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The 2017 General Election campaign

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Q: Do any of the Corbyn rallies get shown on BBC news, even as very short segue shots?
Im curious what the TV version of this election looks like
Q: Do any of the Corbyn rallies get shown on BBC news, even as very short segue shots?
Im curious what the TV version of this election looks like
I don't watch TV news either.

news coverage of Gateshead yesterday, not a single broadcaster


What the Mirror showed, so it wasn't a small crowd, you might think it was televisual

The Canary noticed and gathered together a bunch of tweets and contrasted them with something the BBC did manage to cover, a May meeting where they "had to remind the 70 or so supporters gathered in Edinburgh to cheer and clap to avoid it looking “like there is no one here”.

So, no.
news coverage of Gateshead yesterday, not a single broadcaster


What the Mirror showed, so it wasn't a small crowd, you might think it was televisual

The Canary noticed and gathered together a bunch of tweets and contrasted them with something the BBC did manage to cover, a May meeting where they "had to remind the 70 or so supporters gathered in Edinburgh to cheer and clap to avoid it looking “like there is no one here”.


The usual hyperbolic organisers' estimates were 4000+ people in Gateshead last night. I wasn't there but have seen photos from several people who were, from multiple vantage points. I'd say 1500 as a fairly conservative (sorry) estimate. In shitty weather on a Monday evening at a venue that is not the most accessible by public transport (compared to say a Newcastle city centre gathering) that's not bad.
I don't watch TV news either.

news coverage of Gateshead yesterday, not a single broadcaster

View attachment 108579

What the Mirror showed, so it wasn't a small crowd, you might think it was televisual

The Canary noticed and gathered together a bunch of tweets and contrasted them with something the BBC did manage to cover, a May meeting where they "had to remind the 70 or so supporters gathered in Edinburgh to cheer and clap to avoid it looking “like there is no one here”.

View attachment 108580
So, no.
thats been my "impression" (based on looks at the BBC news website, purely to see what they are reporting)....I remember back in the day pictures of Blair eating an ice cream and the likes of Cameron addressing captivated warehosue workers...standard campaing trail coverage . You wouldve thought big crowds would make good "optics" [blurgh] ??
Dear Labour HQ. Why do you allow Diane Abbott within 500m of a microphone or TV studio?

I genuinely don't think Diane Abbott is ok. I'm being completely sincere. She doesn't look like a well person. I'd written off the LBC interview as her just being ill prepared, but looking at the Sky interview, I'm starting to think there may be something wrong with her. All joking aside.

Dear Labour HQ. Why do you allow Diane Abbott within 500m of a microphone or TV studio?
this was in The Times (dunno how true it is, but it looks realistic...)

Tensions came to a head last weekend when Jeremy Corbyn’s office discovered that she was to appear on BBC One’s Andrew Marr Show last Sunday.

The shadow home secretary is thought to have made arrangements directly with the programme’s producer to appear without the consent of the campaign.

Ms Abbott’s previous media appearances have caused difficulty with Labourcandidates. They have reported back to the party’s central command that her “brain fade” moment – when she said that her police recruitment policy would cost £300,000 rather than £300 million on LBC – has come up regularly on the doorstep. The interview was also exploited by the Tories.

Labour sources said John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, and Karie Murphy, Mr Corbyn’s chief of staff, both phoned Ms Abbott to persuade her to pull out of the show but when they failed, the Labour leader phoned her himself, to no avail.

A source said: “John McDonnell was furious at the prospect of Diane going on again. In the end they got Jeremy to phone her himself – but she … went ahead and did the interview, which was predictably awful.
I hope he's put the studio time, songwriting team and impressive array of musicians he obviously used in that down on his expenses.
Magic money tree.
Greg Knight, an MP with a collection of classic cars, claimed £2,600 in expenses for repair work on the driveway at his designated second home as part of a £21,793 bill to the taxpayer for maintenance and security.

The backbench Conservative MP submitted detailed bills of £13,755 in MPs expenses over four years for work on the roof, windows and paving at his constituency house in East Yorkshire and a further £8,038 for unspecified maintenance, security, insurance and repair costs.

In total he claimed £78,569 in allowances over the four years for the upkeep of the house, near Driffield, which he bought with his wife, Jane, for £275,000 in 2002.

Mr Knight was on the committee which helped formulate David Maclean’s private member’s bill in 2007 which would have exempted Parliament from the Freedom of Information Act, thereby ensuring that MPs’ expense claims would have remained secret.
I genuinely don't think Diane Abbott is ok. I'm being completely sincere. She doesn't look like a well person. I'd written off the LBC interview as her just being ill prepared, but looking at the Sky interview, I'm starting to think there may be something wrong with her. All joking aside.

I'm very wary of making such diagnostic judgements on anyone without knowing them, never mind on the basis of something as artificial as a TV interview in the run-up to a general election.

The Sky clip here certainly confirms that she's poor at such interviews - not great at thinking fast on her feet, and prone to looking and sounding evasive without actually succeeding in evading anything. But I'm not sure I'd even speculate that there's something (other than what I've already said) 'wrong with' her on the basis of it.
I'm very wary of making such diagnostic judgements on anyone without knowing them, never mind on the basis of something as artificial as a TV interview in the run-up to a general election.

The Sky clip here certainly confirms that she's poor at such interviews - not great at thinking fast on her feet, and prone to looking and sounding evasive without actually succeeding in evading anything. But I'm not sure I'd even speculate that there's something (other than what I've already said) 'wrong with' her on the basis of it.

I'm not claiming to be a MH expert by any means, but this is a woman who's no stranger to media and it's like watching a different person compared to how relatively sharp she used to be on This Week. I might be wrong but she just doesn't look to be mentally all there to me.
An interview with the guy they tried to silence the other night for mentioning Saudi and other corruption stuff, cos Amber Rudd didn't like it.

If that quote from The Times is true (that Corbyn himself had to call her asking her to please not do any more interviews and she just went on anyhow) then surely Abbott just needs to be sacked now, she's a gift for the Tories and nobody can reasonably think she's up to the job of home secretary.
If that quote from The Times is true (that Corbyn himself had to call her asking her to please not do any more interviews and she just went on anyhow) then surely Abbott just needs to be sacked now, she's a gift for the Tories and nobody can reasonably think she's up to the job of home secretary.

They can't sack her. She knows where the bodies are buried ;)
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