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The 2017 General Election campaign

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Have the Tories got desperate enough to wheel out shit celebrities with threats of leaving the country if 'Labour get in' because tax? Unusually complacent of them. Who do they even have any more? Gary fucking Barlow? Ken Barlow?

Actually had someone today sharing a 2015 face book post by Dennis Skinner about Katie Hopkins threatening to leave the country if Labour won. And somebody saying this was a "very good reason to vote Labour". - No, no it isn't, the vexatious witterings of that woman should in no way shape or form have any bearing on anything, especially as the words she's paid for ( by a dwindling number of employers) bear little correlation to her actions.

Week and a half of this vapid exercise left.
Caroline Lucas on TV seemingly agreeing that it is reasonable to get 'rid of' end to end encryption if the security services want to get rid of it. Her main (and only) argument against mass surveillance is that it is not an effective way of conducting surveillance. Christ.
Caroline Lucas on TV seemingly agreeing that it is reasonable to get 'rid of' end to end encryption if the security services want to get rid of it. Her main (and only) argument against mass surveillance is that it is not an effective way of conducting surveillance. Christ.

its quite an effective way of conducting e-commerce though.
I was catching up with May and Corbyn's interviews on Youtube... Now I'm getting those really hamfisted anti Corbyn ads. They're pro nothing. No vision, nothing on offer, just out of context quotes set to doomy music.

Vote for us, else, er... terrible things. Did the marketing spods learn nothing from the referendum campaigns.

Are there other versions.
I was catching up with May and Corbyn's interviews on Youtube... Now I'm getting those really hamfisted anti Corbyn ads. They're pro nothing. No vision, nothing on offer, just out of context quotes set to doomy music.

Vote for us, else, er... terrible things. Did the marketing spods learn nothing from the referendum campaigns.

Are there other versions.

During the referendum surely both sides ran on a 'vote for us, else, er... terrrible things' platform.
During the referendum surely both sides ran on a 'vote for us, else, er... terrrible things' platform.

Well, my recollection is the remain camp used fear tactics more prominently, with their allusions to economic melt down, war, chaos. Brexit more, take back power, we can do XYZ once we're out. (Nonsense though it may be.)

Of course I'm the wrong demographic for the YT ad I mention, but point is, people don't generally respond well to fear mongering, brow beating. See also, the problems with some climate change awareness campaigns.
Note that the government and press suddenly seem far more concerned with Northern Irish politics as they were 30 - 40 years ago, as a ruse for partisan point scoring, as compared to the current situation.

Where are the discussions, articles and even summits about what will happen to the border after Brexit? Nowhere.

The people of the 6 counties are just pawns, it's shallow beyond belief and more than whiffs of racism.
In The Spectator Revealed: Conservatives revise down their internal election projections
I understand projections for the election result have shifted dramatically. The internal ‘ceiling’ (the best case scenario) has gone from a majority of near 200 in week one, to a majority around the 80 mark. The ‘floor’ is now a hung Parliament — which is a worse case scenario and still an unlikely one. In response to the numbers, the Conservatives said they would not comment on ‘polls or projections’.

The mood in CCHQ is one of annoyance verging on anger. A majority of 80 MPs is what a lot of Conservative MPs have regarded as par since the election was first called, so anything below that will be a disappointment. Theresa May’s decision to run a tight ship with her two closest advisers — Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill — at the helm could come back to haunt her. Tories were only happy going along with the high levels of control freakery on the basis that it worked.
I was just considering the 80 seat majority Tories are still hoping for in the context of past Tory Majorities:
  • 1974 Heath 30 seats short of a majority
  • 1979 Thatcher 53
  • 1983 Thatcher 144
  • 1987 Thatcher 102
  • 1992 Major 21
  • 2010 Cameron 20 seats short of a majority
  • 2015 Cameron 12
So a majority of 80 would be pretty respectable but facing Corbyn who most Tories regard as an utter no hoper and a Labour party in complete disarray May failing deliver at least a 1979 majority would be very disappointing.
...then returned home to find a very quiet Labour canvasser on my doorstep. Didn't even ask me who I was voting for.
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