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The 2017 General Election campaign

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The idea that electoral skullduggery would be carried out by individually rubbing out and changing people's votes is laughable. It's like a sub-plot from a St Trinian's movie.

What are those green things on their fingers then? eh? eh? Efficient rubbers. That's what.

Wake up sheeple.

My partner turned up pissed last night with an old friend of his who normally lives in India somewhere. Corbyn? A security services plant. Terrorist attacks? False flags obviously. Some bizarre mix of Lexit and Breitbart talking points on the EU. Thrown him out in the rain this morning, just can't take any more conspiraloonery on today of all depressing days.
From rust belt to mill towns: a tale of two voter revolts
On the eve of Britain’s election, Thomas Frank, who anticipated the rise of Trump among white working-class voters in the US, visited the industrial heartlands of northern England to compare two momentous contests

From rust belt to mill towns: a tale of two voter revolts | Thomas Frank

Excellent article by Thomas Frank who predicted Trump win, has wrote incisively about the U.S left behinds and why they vote Republican, etc, now he turns his attention to here, well parts of the U.K.
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Excellent article by Thomas Frank who predicted Trump win, has wrote incisively about the U.S left behinds and why the vote Republican, etc, now he turns his attention to here, well parts of the U.K.

Not sure about his Sheffield anecdote. I have seen people collecting cans from Sheffield bins sadly.
Tbf I remember leavers saying the same, also Scot Nats.
There were even "discarded sacks of Yes votes found in an alley" absolute proof* of which did the rounds for months after.

I guess if people care deeply about something they sometimes don't want rational answers to why it didn't happen.

(*If "absolute proof" also means "not proof at all").
But then the Tory steamroller seemed to break down. Prime Minister May, who had called the election, flip-flopped on a range of policies and couldn’t rouse herself to show up for the televised party leaders’ debate. Meanwhile, the platform Labour drew up was sensible and popular, and Corbyn turned out to be the opposite of feeble on the campaign trail. Maybe he was the one with the unstoppable populist mojo, the country’s pundits fretted.

But then, the attacks...
n the course of this essay, I have described a few of the reasons I heard for voting to leave the EU, but there are countless others I haven’t mentioned: fear of the power of Germany, fear of some kind of neo-Bonapartism, and so on. What they all have in common is that none of them is particularly convincing and some of them are flatly specious.

I suspect the truth is something more blunt, something symbolic, something captured in that image of the Asos warehouse flying the EU flag. It is simply this: as Britain advances down the Road to Zero, as its average, working-class citizens find themselves losing more power over their lives, as austerity deepens, and as they watch their way of life crumble, they will (like we Americans) grab at any chance they are offered to take a swing at society’s winners.

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The Road to Zero sign outside an Asos warehouse near Barnsley in Yorkshire. Photograph: Jon Super for the Guardian
That Brexit will do little to restrain those winners, and will instead injure the people of Barnsley, Grimsby and Sheffield, is almost certainly true. That it will result in yet another triumph of the hated Tories seems highly likely. That it will conclude in outright disaster like the miners’ strike of 30 years ago is also very possible.
If Corbyn had not been anti-nuclear and pro-peace, would he have won this election? It seems to be he biggest obstacle for him. Everything else has been gravy.
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If Corbyn had not been anti-nuclear and pro-peace, would he have won this election? It seems to be he biggest obstacle for him. Everything else has been gravy.
The nuke debate was one of the things that depressed me most in this election. Just seeing all those people who seemingly equate nukes with safety, rather than killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people - we're so fucked :(
The nuke debate was one of the things that depressed me most in this election. Just seeing all those people who seemingly equate nukes with safety, rather than killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people - we're so fucked :(
Oh, completely agree. I agree with Corbyn's stance. But it's not really the question -- I'm wondering if in the end it is this that has cost us another five years of austerity. If so, what a shame.
If Corbyn had not been anti-nuclear and pro-peace, would he have won this election? It seems to be he biggest obstacle for him. Everything else has been gravy.

I'd add in Anti-Diane (Abbot, not Princess of Wales) and the hypothesis has legs IMO.

I mean, it/s just where the Crosby/MSM pointed their gun this time round, who knows what they would have done to mobilise their readership if necessary.
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