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The 2017 General Election campaign

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Had a very depressing evening in my local social club (ex "workingman's club"). Telly was on and almost everyone was cheering Teresa May and slagging off Corbyn . I heard comments like "God help the country if Corbyn gets in", "terrorist lover" and that kind of crap. It seemed as though they'd swallowed the Sun and Mail headlines completely.

Went home feeling very fed up.

Had a few conversation along these lines yesterday too. Have a very bad feeling about today.
I heard a young lad saying he was going to vote for corbyn but the way may handled london bridge by sending the SAS in he was going to vote for her,

I pointed out to him that she was the one who cut the police in the first place and his reply was

Oh yeah...

Whether my words had any real resonance I don't know
I heard a young lad saying he was going to vote for corbyn but the way may handled london bridge by sending the SAS in he was going to vote for her,

I pointed out to him that she was the one who cut the police in the first place and his reply was

Oh yeah...

Whether my words had any real resonance I don't know
My suspicion is that he will not vote at all.
It's hard to muster up the energy to vote and there's always something better to do.

I'm in a conservative safe seat and though I started the election determined to vote the last couple of days I've spent in a fug of 'what's the fucking point?' She's not going to lose a 10k majority and it's not like any of the parties have really bothered campaigning around here. The various social media sites for greens and labour are well out of date.

So yeah, I don't blame young people for not voting, I'll vote but fuck me it's like rolling a stone up hill.

Yes, that's what the reports said. But like my first post on the matter said: I hadn't seen it. And I used the word "apparently" to reinforce the fact I was commenting second hand.

I found VP's comments most perspicacious, though, given the way you have completely avoided anything put to you.

The record stands. Anyone reading the thread in order can see very well what's been said. I'm satisfied with that.
Absolutely. They'll see that you posted some made up garbage and when challenged on it you hummed and hawed then 'liked' a post where some no mark who knows fuck all about scots politics jumped in and called me a cunt.

Satisfaction all around. What do you think the socialist vote up here will be today? Better or worse than the massive 895 you got last time? Carry on the good work.
I'm in a conservative safe seat and though I started the election determined to vote the last couple of days I've spent in a fug of 'what's the fucking point?' She's not going to lose a 10k majority and it's not like any of the parties have really bothered campaigning around here. The various social media sites for greens and labour are well out of date.

If you're not in the 100 or so target seats, no love for you.

A member of my family received this line by a canvasser last week 'I'll put you down as Tory scum then' so to be honest you probably aren't missing anything.
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I had intended to vote early today, but it has been raining since I woke up (a couple of hours ago). Walking round to my polling station will have to wait for a while. Forecast is for sunny intervals / light showers by this afternoon, starting earlier than predicted previously.
Who PhD

Yes, especially disabled and sick people many who are terrified of the result.

Is there an old saying, 'there is only an inch of difference between the tories and labour, but in that inch i can breathe'

though of course this time its a chasm.
Absolutely, and I cannot understand how people can - it seems to me - sacrifice a potentially positive outcome, no matter how slight, on the altar of personal ideology.

I get the reasons why people don't want to vote labour. I get why people hate this system. So do I.

But what else is there, right now? We don't have a revolution in the making, we haven't even had a poll tax riot sstyle uprising in 7 years of unprecedented oppression. Not even the Bedroom tax inspired that response.

This is why I'm highly critical of the people I mentioned; Class War and the like. I don't disagree with their overall politics at all. But their attitude and approach to this is all wrong IMO.
you asked me to make that supposition by asking which would be worse. I can only suppose the answer to that, and that's what I did.

if I can make one extra point. in the event that Labour formed a government I think it's fair to say it would need some serious working class militancy to resist attacks from capital and secure reforms in our favour. so, seeing as I, as small as my individual contributions may be, am trying to help build a more powerful, self confident working class politics then you might say I'd be helping save the arses of the Labour left should they get power. in which case though it'd be incidental to my own purpose you'd be welcome :thumbs:
Fair enough.

I have never seen a vote for corbyn as excluding buildling a revolutionary/working class militant future. I think we can do both, I think we have to.
What do you think the socialist vote up here will be today? Better or worse than the massive 895 you got last time? Carry on the good work.
:D What the fuck are you on about? Do you still think I'm SSP or something?

This is what happens, folks, when you are so blinkered that you can't read what people are saying. "He was mildly critical of this one thing so he must be a member of that other party".

You look ridiculous.
Not a single libdem leaflet has appeared through my door (here in Lambeth, the remoaniest borough in London). They must be skint? We even got a Tory one yesterday. Handfuls of Labour leaflets every other day for the last couple of weeks.
:D What the fuck are you on about? Do you still think I'm SSP or something?

This is what happens, folks, when you are so blinkered that you can't read what people are saying. "He was mildly critical of this one thing so he must be a member of that other party".

You look ridiculous.
What folks are you talking to? The ones that jump in shouting cunt?
I want independence as means to an end. I'm a socialist...
Anyway...bored with you.
DexterTCN It's telling that you think being a socialist means that you must be some other party than SNP. That says everything anyone needs to know about you. So thanks for that.

Also, thanks for cheering me up. I was feeling a bit glum but I've still got a smile on my face about you thinking I'm a Trot.
I heard a young lad saying he was going to vote for corbyn but the way may handled london bridge by sending the SAS in he was going to vote for her,

I pointed out to him that she was the one who cut the police in the first place and his reply was

Oh yeah...

Whether my words had any real resonance I don't know
That would only be valid if increased numbers reduced terrorist attacks. It doesn't seem to have helped the French much.
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