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The 2017 General Election campaign

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And as if that weren't enough, in seven billion years the Sun will run out of hydrogen and collapse, which will presumably bring an end - amongst other things - to Tunnocks teacake production. It's hard to know what the point of getting out of bed is any more.

It will all be the fault of the poor. In fact, I think its scientific fact that 70% of the individual poor is comprised of water, of which a third is therefore hydrogen - so if we were to fire all of the poor into the Sun, over a long-term of around seven billion years, logically we would get an extra two billion years with which to continue to help hard-working families to get on. That people would oppose families being helped in this way just shows the sort of people they are.
You misunderstand me. I don't. Only last Friday I attended a vigil for the dead of the DWP. Knowing how close I have been to being one of the depicted on the posters allows me to take a pragmatic stance on this. I admire principles and principled people. But I stop before I put my principles ahead of people's lives.

I think that your point about the value of a Labour victory, or good showing at least, on the periphery of the EU was a point very well made as well. There is a reason why Rajoy was one of the chief thorns in the side of Greece, he knew that if they were seen to get anything resembling a civilised deal then Iglesias would have his job.
And as if that weren't enough, in seven billion years the Sun will run out of hydrogen and collapse, which will presumably bring an end - amongst other things - to Tunnocks teacake production. It's hard to know what the point of getting out of bed is any more.
Tunnocks are Tories. :(
I think that your point about the value of a Labour victory, or good showing at least, on the periphery of the EU was a point very well made as well. There is a reason why Rajoy was one of the chief thorns in the side of Greece, he knew that if they were seen to get anything resembling a civilised deal then Iglesias would have his job.

History doesn't happen all at once either. The Portuguese Communist Party has recently put out a leaflet about leaving the Euro. Unthinkable, until the left resurged at the last elections. Leftward direction in political discourse in the wider community. I don't say "anything to enable that" but a Corbyn led Labour victory is not just "anything".
Guardian is reporting that the Tories have raised 1.6 milllion in the last week of campaigning, what are they spending it on, its not rallies,

i reckon its the 'dark' campaign, FB ads, you tube, etc, this helped them win in the marginals last time.
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You misunderstand me. I don't. Only last Friday I attended a vigil for the dead of the DWP. Knowing how close I have been to being one of the depicted on the posters allows me to take a pragmatic stance on this. I admire principles and principled people. But I stop before I put my principles ahead of people's lives.
Yeh. I can't vote Labour because of what I see them doing to people's lives
Erm... So someone saying 'I'm a socialist and Labour aren't isn't a reason? To name but one put forward.
Do you think that's good enough, given the circumstances?

If that's your reason then so be it. I don't agree.
One thing I've noted from this campaign is that the establishment has never been more in plain sight. Stuff like the press has always been obviously slanted, but I expected a bit more balance from the BBC etc.

There was a story here about underdogs rising to the challenge, about people power, about an alternative being offered, yet nobody has really run with that. We saw how in the US elections the 'outsider' Trump was feted, given huge coverage because it was a story, which ultimately propelled him to power. Corbyn has been mostly ignored, almost as if they're being deliberately careful to avoid a 'Trump effect'.
I will humour you and gaze into the future to let you know that with Labour achieving a majority in the general election and attempting to implement a few mild reforms, there is a retaliation of capital flight, an attack on sterling along with relentless attacks from the right and sabotage from within the PLP leads to a big crisis and Corbyn's government collapses. There follows a vicious reaction resulting in the next election a hard right Tory government even more vile than what we have now and the total discrediting of left wing ideas as they are proven totally 'unworkable'.
so on the basis of supposition we should not vote at all?Those mild reforms will mean the difference between life and death for thousands
Who PhD

Yes, especially disabled and sick people many who are terrified of the result.

Is there an old saying, 'there is only an inch of difference between the tories and labour, but in that inch i can breathe'

though of course this time its a chasm.
i reckon its the 'dark' campaign, FB ads, you tube, etc, this helped them win in the marginals last time.

They are apparently all over YouTube videos.

This is quite interesting (but tangential): New study finds that one in 10 news sources shared online before the UK election was “junk news”

I used to spend a lot of time - too fucking much by a long chalk to be honest - on Facebook and I left it the day before the Brexit vote because I just couldn't take any more of the vile, hateful propoganda that was being shared by right wing friends, a lot of it - I suspect - from targetted posts. If the election is being fought on Facebook then the Tories will probably do well there.
Yeh. I can't vote Labour because of what I see them doing to people's lives
History doesn't happen all at once. The whole histories of all labour movements around the world show precisely that... and more: it's sometimes forwards and others backwards.
so on the basis of supposition we should not vote at all?Those mild reforms will mean the difference between life and death for thousands
you asked me to make that supposition by asking which would be worse. I can only suppose the answer to that, and that's what I did.

if I can make one extra point. in the event that Labour formed a government I think it's fair to say it would need some serious working class militancy to resist attacks from capital and secure reforms in our favour. so, seeing as I, as small as my individual contributions may be, am trying to help build a more powerful, self confident working class politics then you might say I'd be helping save the arses of the Labour left should they get power. in which case though it'd be incidental to my own purpose you'd be welcome :thumbs:
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