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The 2017 General Election campaign

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its not really been all gravy. The IRA/Hamas stuff will have found its mark with some people I think.
That's what I was referring to as "pro-peace".

That's the stuff that is nothing to do with the manifesto, but may decide the election anyway. Someone without that past but running on the same platform -- would they have won? I suspect so. This is frustrating.
Oh, completely agree. I agree with Corbyn's stance. But it's not really the question -- I'm wondering if in the end it is this that has cost us another five years of austerity. If so, what a shame.
Sorry, course, wasn't disputing that. More just piling on with the despondency really; as you say, five more years of austerity because people want to believe their PM will blow shit up in a very hypothetical situation.

"Well, I can't afford to feed, clothe or heal myself and neither can anyone else, but at least I know we'll have the last blood-soaked laugh should shit get really serious. Thank God I didn't vote for the guy who wanted to help people"

So fucked.
That's what I was referring to as "pro-peace".

That's the stuff that is nothing to do with the manifesto, but may decide the election anyway. Someone without that past but running on the same platform -- would they have won? I suspect so. This is frustrating.
The nuke stuff, the Hamas/IRA stuff, plus the two attacks during the campaigning. All distracted from the rest of the issues.
"Well, I can't afford to feed, clothe or heal myself and neither can anyone else, but at least I know we'll have the last blood-soaked laugh should shit get really serious. Thank God I didn't vote for the guy who wanted to help people"

I'm pretty sure no one actually thought that, if that's any consolation.
I see Leslie Riddoch in the National today making exactly the point I was making about "Kezgate": "it could prove to be a problem for the SNP as well as Labour".

"It's the kind of 'he said - she said' stuff that turns people off politics - and might damage the wrong political rivals from an SNP perspective".

well at least ive tried, and if doesn't go my way I can justify bitching down the local, was warned off being too political after apparently tearing into a tory there the other night. in a non violent coherent way ( well as coherent as I can get after a few pints ) I may add :)
The depressing thing is that the Tories will redraw the political boundaries to their advantage, so it'll be even harder to shift them next time. That and there will continue to be more money flowing upwards to wealthy hedge fund types who will bung a bit of small change back at the party that helps them appropriate their wealth and avoid taxation on it, thus always giving the party of the rich a fat war chest. No chance that this will be changed or challenged. By the next election they'll have really got the social media social engineering thing sussed and will be able to buy in the best data and analysts for precision targeted messaging. It's a feedback loop of eternal shitness and I can't see where there will ever be a chance to throw a spanner in it.
DexterTCN I'm not clicking on that Hillsborough denier scumbag's site any more than I'd buy or read the Sun. I've told you that before.

For others who don't know, here's a taste of what he's like:

A blog detailing his transphobia: WEEKLY WANKER #017: WINGS OVER SCOTLAND

And on Hillsborough:

View attachment 108767 View attachment 108769 View attachment 108770 View attachment 108771

So don't post links to the scumbag and expect decent folk to read it. If you want us to know what he's said, you'll need to provide a précis.

Actually decent people would wonder what the fuck your post has to do with the election.

Once you've decided who the decent ones are, of course. That's your job.
Absolutely. They'll see that you posted some made up garbage and when challenged on it you hummed and hawed then 'liked' a post where some no mark who knows fuck all about scots politics jumped in and called me a cunt.

And a gobshite, you gobshite cunt.

As for knowing fuck-all about Scots politics, I wasn't commenting on Scots politics, you soapy cunt, I was commenting on YOU getting things wrong.


Satisfaction all around. What do you think the socialist vote up here will be today? Better or worse than the massive 895 you got last time? Carry on the good work.

You do know that he's not a socialist but an anarchist, don't you? Just as I'm sure you know that anarchists mostly don't believe in electoralism?

Daft cunt.
:D What the fuck are you on about? Do you still think I'm SSP or something?

This is what happens, folks, when you are so blinkered that you can't read what people are saying. "He was mildly critical of this one thing so he must be a member of that other party".

You look ridiculous.

It'd the logic of an idiot - "if you don't support my team, you must support the other team". Makes me laugh almost as much as the poster yesterday who spoke about (to paraphrase slightly) "Class War and Ian Bone's little mob"!
I sometimes end up thinking that when Yahweh was handing out brains, these folk thought he said "drains", and asked for theirs to be sucked out. :facepalm:
Actually decent people would wonder what the fuck your post has to do with the election.
What it's to do with is you providing a link to Wings, not saying what's on it, and then presenting it again without comment.

It's also to do with me saying I won't click Wings and you calling it "the truth" all in this thread. Where people can see that it was you doing it.

You clown.
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