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TfL denied Uber operator license, ride hailing service wins on appeal (Sept 2020)

Yeah, right. If you’d spent any time with anyone who’d genuinely been affected by gun crime you wouldn’t be on here trotting out such fuckwitted banalities.
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Yeah, right. If you’d spent any time with anyone who’d genuinely been affected by gun crime you wouldn’t be on here trotting out such fuckwit banalities.
Well, I didn't see a lot of him after that given that we worked together and he left his job because of it. I think you're confusing me saying it wasn't reported with me saying it shouldn't have been. In future I'll change all my anecdotes from what actually happened to what should have happened just for your benefit.
Fucking off without paying a cab fare is a very, very long way from threatening someone with a gun. Old Tony’s either a liar or a fuckwit. Or you are.

Maybe the guy had unpaid fines. Or dubious immigration status. Or had negative experiences with the police treating victims like suspects and didn't want anything to do with them. Or he was feeling fucked up by the whole experience and wanted to go home instead of being kept waiting around a police station for hours on end. Maybe he'd smoked some weed that day and was worried they might test his blood. Or maybe the robbers told him they saw his name on the taxi license and said they would fuck him up if he reported them. Or maybe he just thought the police are so shit there would be no point in reporting the crime.
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Maybe the guy had unpaid fines. Or dubious immigration status. Or had negative experiences with the police treating victims like suspects and didn't want anything to do with them. Or he was feeling fucked up by the whole experience and wanted to go home instead of being kept waiting around a police station for hours on end. Maybe he'd smoked some weed that day and was worried they might test his blood. Or maybe the robbers told them they saw his name on the taxi license and said they would fuck him up if they reported him. Or maybe he just thought the police are so shit there would be no point in reporting the crime.
Don't fuck with Spymasters justice boner
I think you're confusing me saying it wasn't reported with me saying it shouldn't have been.
Then you think wrong.
Maybe the guy had unpaid fines. Or dubious immigration status. Or had negative experiences with the police treating victims like suspects and didn't want anything to do with them. Or he was feeling fucked up by the whole experience and wanted to go home instead of being kept waiting around a police station for hours on end. Maybe he'd smoked some weed that day and was worried they might test his blood. Or maybe the robbers told him they saw his name on the taxi license and said they would fuck him up if he reported them. Or maybe he just thought the police are so shit there would be no point in reporting the crime.
And maybe if my aunt had a pair of bollocks she'd have been my uncle. In any case "Old Tony" had nothing to do with this nonsense:
There's really very little to be achieved by telling a copper that some toerag pointed a gun at you ...
That was pure Maomao.
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Maybe the guy had unpaid fines. Or dubious immigration status. Or had negative experiences with the police treating victims like suspects and didn't want anything to do with them. Or he was feeling fucked up by the whole experience and wanted to go home instead of being kept waiting around a police station for hours on end. Maybe he'd smoked some weed that day and was worried they might test his blood. Or maybe the robbers told him they saw his name on the taxi license and said they would fuck him up if he reported them. Or maybe he just thought the police are so shit there would be no point in reporting the crime.

Some of your potential justifications are understandable but not really good excuses (being afraid of cops or messed up by the situation) and some would be terrible excuses because they'd mean he shouldn't have been driving a taxi.
That was pure Maomao.
Both can be true. There would have been fuck all point reporting it (no cctv, fuck all to go on) and yet it would have been the 'right' thing to do. I was stressing the futility of reporting it. Or do you think every time some scrote waves a gun at someone in Tottenham they put a team of detectives on the case?

The 'point' was that unlike a cash customer in a walk in office an Uber driver doesn't have to worry about shit like that. If you're merely concerned with the veracity of the story it's a pretty fucking pointless argument. The office is still there and I'm sure someone would remember if it means that much to you.
Or do you think every time some scrote waves a gun at someone in Tottenham they put a team of detectives on the case?
Perhaps not teams but the information is taken, description of the individual, maybe links to other crimes explored, perhaps the twat gets brought to book after he’s caught for something else ... etc. Only an idiot would think that telling plod about someone threatening people with guns is pointless.
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Not teams but the information is taken, description of the individual, maybe links to other crimes explored, perhaps the twat gets brought to book after he’s caught for something else ... etc. Only an idiot would think that telling plod about someone threatening people with guns is pointless.

Plus, wouldn't knowing where (GPS plus cabbie's evidence) someone took out a gun and threatened someone with it be helpful? It's a crime in itself obvs but if there had been another gun crime nearby that night then having a description of the guy in the cab would be evidence, surely? I don't understand the idea that reporting it would have no purpose. I can understand someone might fear for their own safety if they make a report but to claim it wouldn't actually have any point is just daft.
Plus, wouldn't knowing where (GPS plus cabbie's evidence) someone took out a gun and threatened someone with it be helpful? It's a crime in itself obvs but if there had been another gun crime nearby that night then having a description of the guy in the cab would be evidence, surely? I don't understand the idea that reporting it would have no purpose. I can understand someone might fear for their own safety if they make a report but to claim it wouldn't actually have any point is just daft.
Indeed. It may affect future policing in the area, warnings to the public. All sorts.
Well talk to fucking Tony about it then. I'm just saying what happened.

And cabs didn't have gps twenty years ago. The first cabbie I remember with gps was about 2005 and everyone thought it was so funny they called him Satnav.
BBC said:
Harriet Wistrich, a lawyer who represents two of Worboys' victims, said neither woman had received a letter to inform them that the convicted rapist would be released.
She said one of the women felt she should not have had to "receive the news and see his face everywhere while cooking tea for her children".
Mrs Wistrich criticised the original sentence as being too short, saying it was just "one month per sexual assault".
She said: "It feels like another smack in the face, after having spent years battling for justice to [hold] the police to account for failing to investigate, that they've also not had the courtesy to inform her".

Spot on, especially the paragraph that I've bolded at the end of that BBC report :( :(
The NTSB has published its report (in record time) on the crash in Arizona.
NTSB: Uber’s sensors worked; its software utterly failed in fatal crash

Really, it's very difficult to see any possible way out of a large criminal negligence suit brought forward by the government.
Emergency braking in the Uber software was disabled.
The vehicle's built-in emergency braking system (Volvo has a road-legal one in this case) was also disabled.
The software detected the pedestrian over six seconds before impact - more than enough time to stop - but became confused as to what it was and decided to fail-deadly and do nothing.
The software is not designed to notify the human driver when this occurs.
The human driver was recording information on an Uber-provided pad, as required by Uber as a part of the job.
Uber used to have two humans in the car - one for emergencies, and one for recording incidents - but cut costs and decided to have one person do both.
The NTSB has published its report (in record time) on the crash in Arizona.
NTSB: Uber’s sensors worked; its software utterly failed in fatal crash

Really, it's very difficult to see any possible way out of a large criminal negligence suit brought forward by the government.
Emergency braking in the Uber software was disabled.
The vehicle's built-in emergency braking system (Volvo has a road-legal one in this case) was also disabled.
The software detected the pedestrian over six seconds before impact - more than enough time to stop - but became confused as to what it was and decided to fail-deadly and do nothing.
The software is not designed to notify the human driver when this occurs.
The human driver was recording information on an Uber-provided pad, as required by Uber as a part of the job.
Uber used to have two humans in the car - one for emergencies, and one for recording incidents - but cut costs and decided to have one person do both.
They don't have a leg to stand on judging by that.
They are still operating here, the drivers registar an address in sussex and away they go!

That articles says they can continue trading until the appeal is heard, so I am assuming they are still running both cabs licenced by the city & from outside.

I was talking to a taxi driver only a couple of days ago, he reckons there's now around 500 taxis licenced in Worthing, far too many, and was saying his income has been dropping for the last 5 or 6 years. He went on to say he knows of a few that have decided to try their luck with uber in the city.
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