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Who the f*ck are Socialist Appeal?

It's effective, too, the QR code takes you straight to the CPB website.

Needless to say I have enthusiastically paid £6 to be a candidate member and am enthusiastically awaiting my interview with an 82 year old man from the local brach 200 miles away, who will subsequently reject my application on the basis of an error-strewn and potentially Bonapartist reading of The 18th Brumaire.
Do you really think that the CPB is that informed about Marxism?
I think it's SA who have been putting up Are You A Communist Then Organise (Iirc) large posters and stickers which I've seen all over London and also several smaller towns in the south east.... As someone who appreciates flyposting it's the best effort I've seen from any left group in years
They've become the latest Trotskyite group to use the Revolutionary Communist Party label. As mentioned above, they're a descendant of the IMT. Their paper is still called Socialist Appeal afaik.
"ite" suggests that a thing is not so much a system of thought as an attitude.
I think that 'ist' or 'ite' is not the biggest question to be asked of Socialist Appeal's or the burgeoning Revolutionary Communist Party's politics.

And of course I meant to describe them as infantile disorderists (or ites?).

More Marxist Leninist greetings - Louis MacNeice
I think that 'ist' or 'ite' is not the biggest question to be asked of Socialist Appeal's or the burgeoning Revolutionary Communist Party's politics.

And of course I meant to describe them as infantile disorderists (or ites?).

More Marxist Leninist greetings - Louis MacNeice
It was the Left Communists to whom Lenin was referring in the well-known pamphlet of 1920. Trotsky endorsed all the points ol' Len made in that pamphlet. Trotskyists are not “ultra-left” in the sense that Lenin used the term. They agree with standing in Parliamentary elections and oppose forming “red unions”.
Claire Fox got a little upset on Twitter a year or two ago when someone wrote that the RCP of which she was a member had not been Trotskyist.
Are Trotskyites to Trotskyists what socialites are to socialists?

Do socialites have socialist appeal?

By the way, the dictionary in the word processor will not allow me to add “Trotskyists”. It only allows a single Trotskyist. Is Bill Gates in thrall to Big Stalin?
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