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Who the f*ck are Socialist Appeal?

Dunno if Alan Woods mistook the cognac for mescal but his New Year message is a bit er, how do say , strange.

View attachment 406929

Fair play to him, I say:

For the middle-class academic, however, words are everything. They are the media in which he or she lives, the air that they breathe, and, last but not least, the tickets to a comfortable existence. Therefore, the endeavour to improve society is reduced in their simple minds to one thing alone: changing words.

It never occurs to them that by changing a word, one does not alter the existing conditions in the slightest degree. Worse still, to the degree that this nonsense succeeds in affecting the thinking of people, it inevitably results in reducing them to the level of imbeciles (in this context, the search for a politically correct alternative is quite superfluous).

"O Priestess what you cry is clear, and sound good sense I think it.
But let the screaming echoes rest and froth your mouth no more.
'tis better boose to drink than brine, but he that drowns must drink it
And O my lass the news is news that men have heard before".
Fair play to him, I say:

For the middle-class academic, however, words are everything. They are the media in which he or she lives, the air that they breathe, and, last but not least, the tickets to a comfortable existence. Therefore, the endeavour to improve society is reduced in their simple minds to one thing alone: changing words.

It never occurs to them that by changing a word, one does not alter the existing conditions in the slightest degree. Worse still, to the degree that this nonsense succeeds in affecting the thinking of people, it inevitably results in reducing them to the level of imbeciles (in this context, the search for a politically correct alternative is quite superfluous).

"O Priestess what you cry is clear, and sound good sense I think it.
But let the screaming echoes rest and froth your mouth no more.
'tis better boose to drink than brine, but he that drowns must drink it
And O my lass the news is news that men have heard before".

Heretofore comrade, heretofore.
i expect the new RCP to be a source of great amusement in the new year and beyond -- this alan woods letter is amazing.

i especially love the bit where he talks about how Russia, unlike Israel, really does take measures to reduce/avoid civilian casualties
i expect the new RCP to be a source of great amusement in the new year and beyond -- this alan woods letter is amazing.

i especially love the bit where he talks about how Russia, unlike Israel, really does take measures to reduce/avoid civilian casualties
Blimey, you have a lot more patience than I do. I'd given up long before that point, but on returning to it, I like the sudden jump from the Littlejohnesque ramblings about "DID YOU KNOW THEY HAVE TO CALL IT SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN VERTICALLY CHALLENGED PEOPLE THESE DAYS?" to Ukraine and Gaza. What is it with trot orgs that do longterm entryism into the Labour Party and publishing weird offputting ramblings from their elderly founder figures?
I’ve had very posh students trying to palm off their weird and shit rag off on me in town.

What flavour of authoritarian communist are they pretending to be?
Well I'm glad you asked . . .

Coz they're the most middle class loony leftie cunts going

I wonder how much they've raised?
Ted Grant was a bitter old sectarian but at least there was a bit of seriousness to him. When it comes down to it Alan Woods is a bar room bore who has captured Grant's culty following by association. Old man shakes fist at cloud as the new Marxism.
i expect the new RCP to be a source of great amusement in the new year and beyond -- this alan woods letter is amazing.

i especially love the bit where he talks about how Russia, unlike Israel, really does take measures to

So if Socialist Appeal are abandoning the tapeworm tactic to live an independent life outside the Labour Party how are they doing to differ from their Socialist Party ex-comrades?
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