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Who the f*ck are Socialist Appeal?

They crib a Larouchite for this theory. The whole exercise was Larouchy in terms of its pretentiousness and its promotion of Grant and Woods as great polymath thinkers with a unique understanding of dialectical materialism. They seemed deeply culty to me. Militant probably was as well at least in its early days.
Is this Eric Lerner, to whom you refer?
Amy got 26 votes. The purpose of TUSC at this stage, as I understand it, is to test the water for interest in a new party. It is not intended to be the final version at this stage, or possibly anything like it. Amy is a good sort.

What do you think people should do?
I'm not that arsed about who people should vote for in Bristol, or anywhere else for that matter. But if I was a member of an organisation that was encouraging people to vote for a candidate in Bristol, or even somewhere other than Bristol, I would probably want them to vote for the candidate that my organisation was promoting.
I'm not that arsed about who people should vote for in Bristol, or anywhere else for that matter. But if I was a member of an organisation that was encouraging people to vote for a candidate in Bristol, or even somewhere other than Bristol, I would probably want them to vote for the candidate that my organisation was promoting.
I don't live in that ward, I couldn't have voted anyway. You do you
I'm not that arsed about who people should vote for in Bristol, or anywhere else for that matter. But if I was a member of an organisation that was encouraging people to vote for a candidate in Bristol, or even somewhere other than Bristol, I would probably want them to vote for the candidate that my organisation was promoting.
Might be a good idea to have politics that are at least similar to the group one is a member of.
I don't live in that ward, I couldn't have voted anyway. You do you

Things must have changed since I was a member of the Militant. When we stood candidates in Liverpool and Glasgow (and I lived in Birmingham) we were expected to go there and campaign/door knock/recruit/flog the paper etc. Strong conversations were had with those who didn’t want to go.

Now apparently you can simply choose to vote against your own comrade as they aren’t very popular anyway.

Times change I suppose…
I’ve had very posh students trying to palm off their weird and shit rag off on me in town.

What flavour of authoritarian communist are they pretending to be?

Some Left Trainspotters reckon that Socialist Appeal are bigger than SPEW these days. It's probably the case that their international - the IMT - is bigger than SPEW's CWI.

*Apologies for the overdose of acronyms.
I think it's SA who have been putting up Are You A Communist Then Organise (Iirc) large posters and stickers which I've seen all over London and also several smaller towns in the south east.... As someone who appreciates flyposting it's the best effort I've seen from any left group in years

It's a worldwide campaign. There's a thread on the Leftist Trainspotters group on Facebook where people have posted pics of the same poster - in various languages - as far apart as Sao Paolo , Bologna, Tamworth ;) and one I took which was next to my son's High School in Brooklyn.

Bit of a weird place in Brooklyn to have a flyposting campaign about 'Communism'. There's a house five minutes round the corner that's currently on the market for 8.75 million dollars. :hmm:

Things must have changed since I was a member of the Militant. When we stood candidates in Liverpool and Glasgow (and I lived in Birmingham) we were expected to go there and campaign/door knock/recruit/flog the paper etc. Strong conversations were had with those who didn’t want to go.

Now apparently you can simply choose to vote against your own comrade as they aren’t very popular anyway.

Times change I suppose…
are you trying to ask me "despite not living in the area concerned, why didn't you participate"?

If so, why not just ask?
Some Left Trainspotters reckon that Socialist Appeal are bigger than SPEW these days. It's probably the case that their international - the IMT - is bigger than SPEW's CWI.

*Apologies for the overdose of acronyms.
That seems quite plausible, didn't the CWI lose almost everyone outside the UK in the split? Speaking of acronyms, just looked it up to check and been reminded that they briefly went by the marvellous name of the “In Defence of a Working Class and Trotskyist CWI” (IDWCTCWI) faction during the split.
Things must have changed since I was a member of the Militant. When we stood candidates in Liverpool and Glasgow (and I lived in Birmingham) we were expected to go there and campaign/door knock/recruit/flog the paper etc. Strong conversations were had with those who didn’t want to go.

Now apparently you can simply choose to vote against your own comrade as they aren’t very popular anyway.

Times change I suppose…

When were you a member of MT/ML?
Some Left Trainspotters reckon that Socialist Appeal are bigger than SPEW these days. It's probably the case that their international - the IMT - is bigger than SPEW's CWI.

*Apologies for the overdose of acronyms.
I think this is almost certainly true. They gained a lot of members in recent years and will probably be the biggest trot group in the UK before long. Not that that means much.
It's a worldwide campaign. There's a thread on the Leftist Trainspotters group on Facebook where people have posted pics of the same poster - in various languages - as far apart as Sao Paolo , Bologna, Tamworth ;) and one I took which was next to my son's High School in Brooklyn.

Bit of a weird place in Brooklyn to have a flyposting campaign about 'Communism'. There's a house five minutes round the corner that's currently on the market for 8.75 million dollars. :hmm:

I saw one in Manhattan too.
Some Left Trainspotters reckon that Socialist Appeal are bigger than SPEW these days. It's probably the case that their international - the IMT - is bigger than SPEW's CWI.

*Apologies for the overdose of acronyms.
Well, apparently they're at 1101 now. I would've thought SPEW could probably claim more than that, but who knows?
I had to read the whole article to check you weren't taking the piss there.
It is a bit over-the-top. Nice to see that they've come up with their own take on the three/four/five faces design:
Anyway, I'm sure it'll wind the YCL up no end, which is presumably the major strategic aim here. And nice excuse to post this:
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