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Students occupy University of Sheffield Auditorium

Are you guys like this down the pub ? If someone there expresses a view there that you don't like or disagree with do you accuse them of being this 'layabout' person that you keep going on about ?

You are behaving like you have lost the plot.

3bn people have access to the internet.
Are you guys like this down the pub ? If someone there expresses a view there that you don't like or disagree with do you accuse them of being this 'layabout' person that you keep going on about ?

You are behaving like you have lost the plot.

3bn people have access to the internet.
So you're not a banned returner?
Is that it !!?

LeslieB persistently trying to get you to see sense with slightly righter wing views than yours...then trying to switch sides and be pally with you...all in the same conversation ? That's what I was calling him/her out on.

Back to the drawing Board Mr Clousea. Or should I say Mr Clueless.
I can now see now how your simple mind came to this conclusion.

One thing I can guarantee you is that you will not be hearing anything remotely racist coming from me.

What a tiny view of the world out there you have.
Is that it !!?

LeslieB persistently trying to get you to see sense with slightly righter wing views than yours...then trying to switch sides and be pally with you...all in the same conversation ? That's what I was calling him/her out on.

Back to the drawing Board Mr Clousea. Or should I say Mr Clueless.
What's that got to do with referring to "long since" burnt bridges on your 5th day of membership?
Another case - cracked by Bodie and Doyle.

You guy are so basic I can't find words to define it.

Keep looking out for racist comment. It never has and never will be coming from me.
Another case - cracked by Bodie and Doyle.

You guy are so basic I can't find words to define it.

Keep looking out for racist comment. It never has and never will be coming from me.
You'd be banned...but you'd know that.
Having systematically failed to support any assertion you have made. Having resorted to playground swearing and name calling. You finally resort to a bizarre tactic of trying to tar me with the views of some other past forum participant.

Read some books, go outside, get a job, form some opinions. Then discuss.
Having systematically failed to support any assertion you have made. Having resorted to playground swearing and name calling. You finally resort to a bizarre tactic of trying to tar me with the views of some other past forum participant.

Read some books, go outside, get a job, form some opinions. Then discuss.
Listen to the people's rage ? I am starting to think this rage is something in your own head.

I don't mean to judge you on that. I wish you well with your recovery.
Oh, and before you go...just one thing...were you referring to my mental health here?
Dear Barry


Hoping your selective amnesia doesn't last too long.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
But as I explained I'm not a Tory.

So please don't do it.
Posting to justify the privatisation of the entire HE sector and huge indebtedness of an entire generation of graduates on the false basis of the need to reduce public expenditure is being a tory. Vermin.
I can now see now how your simple mind came to this conclusion.

One thing I can guarantee you is that you will not be hearing anything remotely racist coming from me.

What a tiny view of the world out there you have.
no indeed. this is a bulletin board so we'll read it instead.
The tory scum who have plagued this thread should read this:-
The rent strike dispute at University College London has worsened after a senior official told students it was a “fact of life” that some people can’t afford to study in London.

UCL accommodation prices have risen by 56 per cent since 2009 and are set to rise again next year. Rooms in the university’s three Halls of Residence range between £143.50 and £270.06 per week, making them some of the most expensive student digs in the country. A small number of shared rooms are available for less.
That's pppw not pcm.
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