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Roy Chubby Brown gig cancelled in Sheffield . Right wingers call it censorship.

It amazes me that he even gets booked anywhere nowadays and it feels a bit rich for Sheffield City Trust to book him and then change their minds and say he "doesn't align with their values". I mean it's not like it's not well known what kind of comedian he is.
Are we still talking about our nut-tightening "friend"? :D
They are both competent comedians. You just don’t think they are funny.
They both do nothing except gigs for willing fans these days. Neither is a particularly innovative comic. Both of them rely on offensive material that will get a laugh out of a certain kind of crowd (racism for Jim and saying 'cunt' a lot for Chubby) but wouldn't impress most people. I doubt either of them would get far in front of an audience that hadn't heard of them previously. Competent is pushing it.
I remembered him being shit in the 80s but couldn’t remember his schtick so I just YouTubed him. First gag I came across; “like Little Mix’s gynaecologist, I love my job”. Says all you need to know about him really.

I wouldn’t have him banned. Private venues are free to book and reject whoever they want. This venue cancelled him though, so why did they book him in the first place?
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I remember someone bringing a tape Walkman of chubby into school and making me listen to it, even at that age I could see it was total shit. Him and Jethro were big among certain early teens
Ha, similar. Exchanging Public Domain Amiga disks, with RCB clips on, amongst other shite.
Always put him in a box with Kevin "Bloody" Wilson and/or the Macc Lads. Aimed at people who are still sat mentally at the back of the class twenty years after the fact.
The Macc Lads are a piss take though. As In they’re taking the piss out of people who are like that.
First time I ever saw Chubby Brown was in Sheffield in the 90’s. I was at my sister’s, and given how much he was being advertised in Viz at the time, we decided to rent a video of him one evening to watch and see what the fuss was about.

Nothing. Literally nothing. I think we made it halfway through the video without a single laugh before turning it off. The only thing that stuck in my head was how he downed a pint in one on the stage whilst the audience shouted “Go on Chubby”.

I think a part of me is still astonished at how a professional comedian could be so completely and utterly unfunny.
First time I ever saw Chubby Brown was in Sheffield in the 90’s. I was at my sister’s, and given how much he was being advertised in Viz at the time, we decided to rent a video of him one evening to watch and see what the fuss was about.

Nothing. Literally nothing. I think we made it halfway through the video without a single laugh before turning it off. The only thing that stuck in my head was how he downed a pint in one on the stage whilst the audience shouted “Go on Chubby”.

I think a part of me is still astonished at how a professional comedian could be so completely and utterly unfunny.
I did watch a YouTube of him from 2019 and his audience were laughing (I wasn't) so he does have fans. And in the 80s/90s he was releasing videos/dvds so must have made a few quid that way.
Another example is Alf Garnet who people hated (and some liked!) on the basis that they didn’t realise it was tongue in cheek. I guess that’s always the risk with that style of writing.
The comedian who does Al Murray tells some funny stories about proper hard right types turning up at his gigs, then storming out stony-faced at the interval, when they realised the joke was on them.
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