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Roy Chubby Brown gig cancelled in Sheffield . Right wingers call it censorship.

Another example is Alf Garnet who people hated (and some liked!) on the basis that they didn’t realise it was tongue in cheek. I guess that’s always the risk with that style of writing.
I've said before, my middle class trot university lecturer parents thought Johnny Speight and Alf Garnett were great but none of my black mates at school watched it. It didn't succesfully use humour to attack racism and did at least as much harm as good.
what is the answer?

i agree that brown, davidson and so on are racist twats who aren't funny

but does 'cancelling' them do anything than generate more publicity for them, and feed the "boo hoo, we're being discriminated against by intolerant lefties, straight white men are the real victims" bullshit?

snag is, heckling / throwing tomatoes would mean paying to get in to their crappy show...
I've said before, my middle class trot university lecturer parents thought Johnny Speight and Alf Garnett were great but none of my black mates at school watched it. It didn't succesfully use humour to attack racism and did at least as much harm as good.
I agree that using that kind of approach can backfire in many ways. Art produced in that manner can be a useful tool for some to question their own prejudices. But if it simply further alienates those it thinks it’s batting for then yeah, perhaps time to rethink.
Even a good mate (Cornish born) seemed to have the view 'haha yeh you wouldn't like this' when Jethro was on a while ago. Haven't actually heard much of him but have the feeling i wouldn't ...
what is the answer?

i agree that brown, davidson and so on are racist twats who aren't funny

but does 'cancelling' them do anything than generate more publicity for them, and feed the "boo hoo, we're being discriminated against by intolerant lefties, straight white men are the real victims" bullshit?

snag is, heckling / throwing tomatoes would mean paying to get in to their crappy show...

Are they complete cancelled? Maybe they've just fallen out of fashion, like medallions, sideburns and space hoppers...
Are they complete cancelled? Maybe they've just fallen out of fashion, like medallions, sideburns and space hoppers...

the BBC article suggested that the venue had started selling tickets for a show, then decided he was not suitable for the venue, rather than saying that they hadn't sold enough tickets for it to be viable (which may also have been the case)
Used to see RCB vhs on people’s tables at boot sales all the time. Yes, I did judge them. Bit of a boot sale staple at one time alongside all the singing billy bass fish and magic eye books, that sort of era.
The first singing Billy Bass was ace BTW! Diminishing returns after that though…
I think if you watch old clips of Jim Davidson from the early Eighties you could see that he was technically gifted as a comic writer and performer - really efficient joke telling and laugh getting. And not quite as offensive as he became. You could understand why people found him funny even if you didn't. Manning also had real talent. Both cunts but good at their job. However RCB and later Davidson totally unfunny and just shit. Jethro is another shit one if I recall correctly.
I think if you watch old clips of Jim Davidson from the early Eighties you could see that he was technically gifted as a comic writer and performer - really efficient joke telling and laugh getting. And not quite as offensive as he became. You could understand why people found him funny even if you didn't. Manning also had real talent. Both cunts but good at their job. However RCB and later Davidson totally unfunny and just shit. Jethro is another shit one if I recall correctly.
Yeah, Jethro was another one milking the “banned from the telly’ thing, too blue for the been or something. I can remember someone trying to hawk his crap at me as though it was some kind of secret forbidden knowledge.
I've said before, my middle class trot university lecturer parents thought Johnny Speight and Alf Garnett were great but none of my black mates at school watched it. It didn't succesfully use humour to attack racism and did at least as much harm as good.
I spent my early teens with arseholes chucking Alf Garnett impressions at me ... “Bloody coons!”

It certainly didn’t feel anti-racist then. Ditto Rigsby to Phillip in Rising Damp. Your average racist twat of the times was way too thick to get irony.
I'm more than a little surprised the theatre was unware of who Chubby-Brown is and his act before they agreed to take the booking. He's a pretty famous name and whilst I've never seen his act I'm well aware of him.

Adverts on TV for his tour DVD's were (are?) commonplace around Christmas.
I seem to remember him on one of those Top 100 Comedians programmes, where he said he had basically zero success until he started really swearing in his act.
I'm more than a little surprised the theatre was unware of who Chubby-Brown is and his act before they agreed to take the booking. He's a pretty famous name and whilst I've never seen his act I'm well aware of him.

Adverts on TV for his tour DVD's were (are?) commonplace around Christmas.
if the office junior's in their 20s quite possibly never heard of his reputation. approves the booking thinking just any other comedian. then a fuss is kicked up in public and that's the first management know about it.
if the office junior's in their 20s quite possibly never heard of his reputation. approves the booking thinking just any other comedian. then a fuss is kicked up in public and that's the first management know about it.
Office junior is not going to be booking events
I'm more than a little surprised the theatre was unware of who Chubby-Brown is and his act before they agreed to take the booking. He's a pretty famous name and whilst I've never seen his act I'm well aware of him.

Adverts on TV for his tour DVD's were (are?) commonplace around Christmas.

I don’t know man, I don’t recall ever seeing an advert for his show on TV. and I am in my 40s. I can imagine some one at the theatre in their 20s taking the booking thinking he’s just some old school comedian, the name rings a bell.
I saw Chubby Brown (‘supported’ by two strippers) at a working mens club in the Black Country when I was 14/15 years old. The two things I took from the evening were a) he was genuinely not funny. In fact the funniest thing was how dated the material was. This would have been about 1990, so god knows what it’s like now and b) the audience (once the transgressive thrill wore off after about 15 minutes) just got collectively more bored as the set went on. Poor Chubby had to resort to trying to pick on black members of the audience to get his laughs. In one memorable retort one of the lads told him he was a ‘four eyed fat cunt’ which got the biggest laugh for a while…

Far funnier would have been a middle class spectator writer coming up to tell us what we were watching and why we were enjoying it so much.

Were the strippers any good at least? :oops:
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