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Students occupy University of Sheffield Auditorium

I don't want scum liking my posts Barry. It was a comment on the negative and counter-productive class-based and cultural assumptions that people can fall into, even on here.
I'll not pretend it was my finest moment Seventh, and I'm pretty certain that I did apologise for the thoughtlessness & any offence caused. It was a while ago, and no excusing it, but I think the comment was born of anger at the fact that workers were(are) used to validate such neo-liberal spectacles. IIRC I did say that there was almost certainly compulsion exerted on some of those present at Osborne's speech.
Anyhow, it was wrong to use the term the suckers.
That said, it was not used as part of an on-going, nasty sneer-fest.
I'm just sensitive to shit like that, especially when politically people are in the same camp, broadly speaking. Alienating potential support or active participation isn't the way to go. What is the 'left' when it fears the w/c? There's so much anger out there, it just depends on where it ends up blowing...
I'm just sensitive to shit like that, especially when politically people are in the same camp, broadly speaking. Alienating potential support or active participation isn't the way to go. What is the 'left' when it fears the w/c? There's so much anger out there, it just depends on where it ends up blowing...
I can appreciate sensitivity, and how the one, inappropriate word that I used was insensitive. That said, it was not used with any intent to alienate, nor born of fear of the class.
I can see why you picked me up on the matter, but I don't happen to think that the post represents intent anything comparable with the deliberate, nasty, classist sneer from the fucktard trolling this thread.
I'm just sensitive to shit like that, especially when politically people are in the same camp, broadly speaking. Alienating potential support or active participation isn't the way to go. What is the 'left' when it fears the w/c? There's so much anger out there, it just depends on where it ends up blowing...

I am not supporting you here, I know you don't want that, but I have a right to agree.

I myself have no party allegiance. I find it impossible to vote because I agree and disgaree equally with apects of all the major parties. But here I have found that if you express one view that the likes of bogdale disagrees with you get an off the scale frothing at the mouth response and claims that you are a right wing crazy.

This is what fascinates me and also worries be greatly about how is out on the streets.
I can appreciate sensitivity, and how the one, inappropriate word that I used was insensitive. That said, it was not used with any intent to alienate, nor born of fear of the class.
I can see why you picked me up on the matter, but I don't happen to think that the post represents intent anything comparable with the deliberate, nasty, classist sneer from the fucktard trolling this thread.

For example
I am not supporting you here, I know you don't want that, but I have a right to agree.

I myself have no party allegiance. I find it impossible to vote because I agree and disgaree equally with apects of all the major parties. But here I have found that if you express one view that the likes of bogdale disagrees with you get an off the scale frothing at the mouth response and claims that you are a right wing crazy.

This is what fascinates me and also worries be greatly about how is out on the streets.

Intellect and reason is pretty low at either end of the political spectrum. That's the sort of stuff that makes the news and keeps everybody who is sensible sadly couped up in the middle.

If only you had the mental capacity bogdale to comprehend the damage you inflict on your own cause.
Intellect and reason is pretty low at either end of the political spectrum. That's the sort of stuff that makes the news and keeps everybody who is sensible sadly couped up in the middle.

If only you had the mental capacity bogdale to comprehend the damage you inflict on your own cause.
You worry "greatly about how is out on the streets" and your pal doesn't want black people to have the vote.
Are you on something bogdale ?

Why are you suddenly trying to restart some bizarre/horrific racist conversation ..from 2 0 0 9 ???

Are you a racist ? (that's a question not a finger pointing by the way)
OK you get what you want I'm out of this thread ! Didn't realise I was in the company of hardended racists.

I'll leave you to it.

Toodle pip
OK you get what you want I'm out of this thread ! Didn't realise I was in the company of hardended racists.

I'll leave you to it.

Toodle pip
Just before you flounce, would you like to clarify who exactly are the "hardened racists"?
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