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Students occupy University of Sheffield Auditorium

Editor, you are not fit to be an admin on a forum.

This is an arena for one point of view and childish aggression.

Please delete/close my account
'Even on here'....actually, only on here. I just popped in the other day and have been so struck by how low people can go and how basic their world view I just can't leave. I need to see more.

Says the poster who lies, refuses to engage with substantive criticisms and misrepresents or invents other posters' contributions; so it would seem that self awareness is another quality to be added to a list of your missing attributes.

Louis MacNeice
Says the poster who lies, refuses to engage with substantive criticisms and misrepresents or invents other posters' contributions; so it would seem that self awareness is another quality to be added to a list of your missing attributes.

Louis MacNeice
Would appear to represent the 'apotheosis' of a forum membership that might be characterised as solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
Looks like I'm going to have to be patient to have my account deleted....

Have just been looking around for somewhere less biased to have a chat. Interesting comment here below from left wingish site.

Time to have a look at your admins before you veer so far to the crazy side and memebership falls off ?

"...Urban 75 is a long time haunt and favourite of anarchists and politico`s etc.. In its time it was a lively channel until off course disillusionment set in leaving the hard core theorists on there. It opened itself up about a couple years ago with new forum software which reinvigorated it but it has never been the same as its early years..."

Oh,and perhaps consider dropping the word 'forum'. That suggests a place to come and express individual views. Try 'private club' (for harbouring angsty hatred)
Looks like I'm going to have to be patient to have my account deleted....

Have just been looking around for somewhere less biased to have a chat. Interesting comment here below from left wingish site.

Time to have a look at your admins before you veer so far to the crazy side and memebership falls off ?

"...Urban 75 is a long time haunt and favourite of anarchists and politico`s etc.. In its time it was a lively channel until off course disillusionment set in leaving the hard core theorists on there. It opened itself up about a couple years ago with new forum software which reinvigorated it but it has never been the same as its early years..."

Oh,and perhaps consider dropping the word 'forum'. That suggests a place to come and express individual views. Try 'private club' (for harbouring angsty hatred)
so you disappointed no one gave your trivial and ignorant views the respect to which you believe yourself entitled
Intellect and reason is pretty low at either end of the political spectrum. That's the sort of stuff that makes the news and keeps everybody who is sensible sadly couped up in the middle.

If only you had the mental capacity bogdale to comprehend the damage you inflict on your own cause.

Your post implies that you have the "mental capacity" he lacks.
Sadly for that implication, the lack of substantiation you've provided for claims you've made on this thread, casts doubt on your own supposed "intellect and reason".
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