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Star Trek: Discovery

I've fallen head over heels in love with Sylvia Tilly.

I hope Mary Wiseman is prepared: If Stranger Things taught us anything it's that fans fall hard for the outsider ginge.

Exact opposite for me, she could easily become the Wesley Crusher of the series if they don't tone down her annoying-ness.
I'm on team Tilly

fans fall hard for the outsider ginge.
its fast becoming a rule like rikers beard:
I think I know what it is missing.

'Space. The final front-ear'. I suppose they decided by committee behind closed doors (the know-nothing suits!) that everyone is too cool for the opening monologue now. With their snapchats and what have you. Well I miss it anyway
It still has to win me over with its increased darkness. It's like everything has to be dark and superserious these days or it's dismissed as frippery. But I like frippery in my Star Trek.

When Burnham said shit I was all like "ha!" and then "hmm."
Exact opposite for me, she could easily become the Wesley Crusher of the series if they don't tone down her annoying-ness.
I'm trying to figure out the tortuous selection processes involved at the Starfleet headquarters HR department that resulted in her ending up on that ship.
Can you imagine it.
"OK, we're looking for top-class candidates to go on the most important mission that ever was in the whole history of important missions, ever. Hmmm."
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you could take the generous interpretation that captain funnyeyes is picking up the flotsam and jetsam of starfleet personnel. Because he is weird and has gone a little off grid with his odd technology and dubious aims, so he needs staff like michael and the incredibly rude lib dem with the blue head (Andoran? Either way, he has the potential to be the Wesley Crusher and the Nog combined.). A crew compromised enough to keep the dodginess in house.
you could take the generous interpretation that captain funnyeyes is picking up the flotsam and jetsam of starfleet personnel. Because he is weird and has gone a little off grid with his odd technology and dubious aims, so he needs staff like michael and the incredibly rude lib dem with the blue head (Andoran? Either way, he has the potential to be the Wesley Crusher and the Nog combined.). A crew compromised enough to keep the dodginess in house.
Good point. Now all we need is the Chuckle Brothers in engineering.
Humm. Done the first two. Not impressed yet but the trailer at the end looked like what the trailer should have been in the first place. Like the first two episodes were some boring backstory that should only have been seen in a couple of flashbacks. Jebus, the endless Klingon rambling did my head in. . . And that Michael woman is damn unlikeable so far. Nobody is likeable actually . . . Or even memorable for that matter. Apart from the bobby headed c3p0 guy.
Humm. Done the first two. Not impressed yet but the trailer at the end looked like what the trailer should have been in the first place. Like the first two episodes were some boring backstory that should only have been seen in a couple of flashbacks. Jebus, the endless Klingon rambling did my head in. . . And that Michael woman is damn unlikeable so far. Nobody is likeable actually . . . Or even memorable for that matter. Apart from the bobby headed c3p0 guy.
more or less what i said after getting some way through episode 3. Just couldn't see the point of the first two episodes making it into public domain except to pad the series out - but I'm just glad it got better...
Jason Isaacs has blocked me on Twitter though - a first for me being blocked by a Starfleet captain
not bad but starting to aim in an Enterprise direction with that last episode

we shall see

So did Michael see the early stages of the Genesis device when she broke out and saw all the sparkly trees and whatnot?
So did Michael see the early stages of the Genesis device when she broke out and saw all the sparkly trees and whatnot?
Technically, she broke in.

I'm undecided so far, but better than the recent films.
Humm. Done the first two. Not impressed yet but the trailer at the end looked like what the trailer should have been in the first place. Like the first two episodes were some boring backstory that should only have been seen in a couple of flashbacks. Jebus, the endless Klingon rambling did my head in. . . And that Michael woman is damn unlikeable so far. Nobody is likeable actually . . . Or even memorable for that matter. Apart from the bobby headed c3p0 guy.
I've been mulling it over & I think poor direction might be a factor. I don't think I'd seen the actor playing Michael before, but Michelle Yeoh is very well known & accomplished, but her performance felt wooden & lacked sincerity - I didn't really feel for any of the characters, they left me cold. The whole thing felt like all the right elements were there, but badly put together & badly directed.
We're very demanding these days, insisting that a show be flawless from the get-go. Is the larger availability of vastly more shows than in our childhood why we're less likely to give a programme a fair crack of the whip?
First two episodes I wasn't convinced but thought the third was brilliant. However it doesn't really feel like Trek to me.

I really like Michael both as a character and the actor, was unsure about blobby head guy until the third episode when I liked him. Team Tilley has yet to win me over. And Captain Lorca......I was at college with Jason Isaacs in a former life (he was the year above me) and we used to go to parties at the amazing flat he rented in Belsize Park plus he was a bit of a star in that year and, well, it's just strange!!
late night binge watching. Finished ep3. Thoughts.

Liking it. Visually beautiful
Michael has been well caste. Paws up for that

But what is totally confusing me is why everyone is blaming Michael for the Klingon attack? FFS, the captain fucked up with the friendly approach. She was right and the cap was wrong.

And team tilly my ass. Not impressed with this comedy character
And team tilly my ass. Not impressed with this comedy character
Agreed, I hope she gets eaten by Tribbles soon, very annoying, why does there have to be a "quirky" character? Not funny, not clever, just sad. I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before she accidentally presses the wrong button, causes a Carry On style calamity & earns the hilarious catchphrase "Oh Tilly, not again?!".....:mad:

With regard to episode 3 - I thought the way in which the prison shuttle just coincidentally ran into trouble under the nose of the Discovery was a bit much to swallow. Pretty shoddy writing there, could've come up with a more plausible means of them first running into each other.

The CGI is beautiful, I'd watch it for that alone.

I'm warming to the Michael character, although I do fear there's a trend in the plots for her to be the answer to all sticky situations, which might stretch credibility a bit - I was hoping this would be a more grown up Trek, with less simplistic story lines.

I like the 1st officer Saru - the scenes between Micheal & him were really good & well acted, they seem to have a good rapport going.

Security authentication based on breathing into a hole? This sounds like the kind of crap Apple would invent... And a mechanism that can be defeated by collecting a sleeping person's drool is frankly absurd in a age when FTL travel & matter transporters exist...

And that big alien bug rampaging through the corridors felt like it was lifted straight off a Men in Black script.

I'm cautiously optimistic & hoping for the best but they've got a ways to go to really impress me yet.
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