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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

I've finally got to the crossover episode. So much for me thinking "oh, I'm not that much of a fan", because I was pretty much squeeeee through the whole thing.
This was me too but I knew I would be squeeing :D

I am 10 minutes into the musical episode and am already having thoughts of foreboding and doubt. Does it get better/funny?

Edit: also improbability field :hmm::D
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That was a very good, proper season finale cliffhanger episode. Reminded me of the Next Generation finale when Picard had been assimilated by the Borg and Riker gives the order to fire on the Borg ship :)[/S]
i thought Ortegas was a goner when pike said she could join the away mission :D
No. It's mostly cringingly awful although the singing klingons made me smile.
I was quite hopeful after seeing some of the posts on here but yeah, it’s a bit shit. :( And whilst some songs weren’t bad (I quite enjoyed Nurse Chapel’s number), the finale was the least inspiring finale in musical history. It was certainly no Buffy*. :(

*which I may have to watch again now
No. It's mostly cringingly awful although the singing klingons made me smile.
Anyone who even vaguely likes musicals should very much love it.

Anyone who doesn’t like- let alone despise- musicals will not like it. But then you’re a wrong’un and should have words with yourself :p
Anyone who even vaguely likes musicals should very much love it.

Anyone who doesn’t like- let alone despise- musicals will not like it. But then you’re a wrong’un and should have words with yourself :p
Hey, I watched and loved all of Crazy Ex Girlfriend and I do not rate the Star Trek musical. It would have been a lot better with better lyrics, more musical complexity (where was the polyphony?) and definitely from not taking itself quite so seriously.
Hey, I watched and loved all of Crazy Ex Girlfriend and I do not rate the Star Trek musical. It would have been a lot better with better lyrics, more musical complexity (where was the polyphony?) and not taking itself quite so seriously.
But Crazy Exgirlfriend is a different beast, namely a show literally centred about songs and musical pieces as part of its DNA. This is not comparable and needs to be viewed within the context of a thriller/ drama show devoid of any musical element that decides to have a one-off musical episode for the sake of it.

And as an example, I defy anyone who did not like the Strange Worlds musical episode but loved the equivalent Buffy the Vampire musical episode to explain the discrepancy.
I defy anyone who likes the almost universally revered Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and that includes me) and who loves its musical episode as just about everyone does, and did not like the Strange Worlds musical equivalent to explain the discrepancy.
a) better tunes, b) better crafted songs (arguably more in line with the genre), c) more plot, d) a decent finale song, e) humour, f) charm, g) Spike, h) Spike again, and i) if nothing else Anya and Xander’s wonderfully kitsch number.

To give ST credit though, Buffy didn’t have boy band Klingons. I wish there had been more of that (see! Humour ;))
a) better tunes, b) better crafted songs (arguably more in line with the genre), c) more plot, d) a decent finale song, e) humour, f) charm, g) Spike, h) Spike again, and i) if nothing else Anya and Xander’s wonderfully kitsch number.

To give ST credit though, Buffy didn’t have boy band Klingons. I wish there had been more of that (see! Humour ;))
Oohh, a bold claim there imo. I love both instances and any other one-off musical incursions I can think of, but if I was asked with a pistol held against my head to choose the better one of the two, from an individual singing standpoint there’s no doubt in my mind ST comes on top. Christina Chong and Celia Rose Gooding were particularly impressing.

And as far as the dancing and group choreography is concerned, a far more resounding victory for the space boys and girls vs the vampire slayers. And if extra points were to be awarded for extra comedic value, I give you singing Klingons.
The Trek one was full of autotune (you can tell why Mbenga hardly got any sung lines :D). At least in the Buffy one you could hear their actual singing voices.
The Trek one was full of autotune (you can tell why Mbenga hardly got any sung lines :D). At least in the Buffy one you could hear their actual singing voices.

You could tell from Mbenga's delivery of the line '....and I do not sing' that it was very much the actor, not the character talking :D
The Trek one was full of autotune (you can tell why Mbenga hardly got any sung lines :D). At least in the Buffy one you could hear their actual singing voices.
Perhaps, but I for one wasn’t too concerned about singing excellence. If we’re going to go down that route, plenty of the Buffy actors who sang in the musical would have been showered with rotten vegetables if they’d tried their luck at a West End/ Broadway major production, and would have definitely benefited from autotune for the sake of our eardrums.

None of us watching were (or should have been) doing so expecting to witness Hamilton in Space.
I just want a full length version of Planet of the Apes from the simpsons
This discussion has just prompted me to google ‘best TV series musical episodes’. Apart from Buffy, the Scrubs one, which I have seen and enjoyed, features highly in most lists.

I was shocked to see that Grey’s Anatomy did a musical episode too. The concept seems hard to pull off given the genre and tone of that show, and sure enough it doesn’t seem to rank highly.

The Always Sunny in Philadelphia musical episode is brilliant, though :D
This discussion has just prompted me to google ‘best TV series musical episodes’. Apart from Buffy, the Scrubs one, which I have seen and enjoyed, features highly in most lists.

I was shocked to see that Grey’s Anatomy did a musical episode too. The concept seems hard to pull off given the genre and tone of that show, and sure enough it doesn’t seem to rank highly.

The Always Sunny in Philadelphia musical episode is brilliant, though :D
Scrubs was just AWful. Unwatchable IMO.

I will grant you ST had some surprise good singers (the security chief being fantastic). Sadly her unrequited love song went on too long, and I found myself tuning out of it.

I am obviously quite hard to impress for TV series musical numbers :D and I don’t think Trek was the worst. IMPO it could have been better if it had just pushed its tongue in its cheek much further.

I have heard that ASIP is a good one. I stopped watching as the show before I got to it but maybe I should check that single episode out.
Oohh, a bold claim there imo. I love both instances and any other one-off musical incursions I can think of, but if I was asked with a pistol held against my head to choose the better one of the two, from an individual singing standpoint there’s no doubt in my mind ST comes on top. Christina Chong and Celia Rose Gooding were particularly impressing.

And as far as the dancing and group choreography is concerned, a far more resounding victory for the space boys and girls vs the vampire slayers. And if extra points were to be awarded for extra comedic value, I give you singing Klingons.
All of that might be correct but the sum of those parts was dull. Not awful or cringe, just a bit boring. And with an entire ship worth of people they could have done some immense numbers!

Edit: so basically it should have been set on the Klingon ship 😏
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Actually, at risk of singlehandedly derailing this thread ( :oops: ), I’ve just watched Buffy’s I’ll Never Tell and Rest In Peace again and another HUGE difference is how it’s shot and edited, whether that’s including slightly fantastical elements (like a funeral at nighttime), the breaking of the fourth wall, or just how the camera shots are put together. It really feels like a stand alone musical rather than a TV show with singing.

Anyway, maybe if I can be arsed later I’ll search for threads on one off musical episodes and/or start one.

Haven't caught up on season two but absolutely LOVED the first season! The first time Star Trek has had me this excited since watching the original series as a kid.
This was me too but I knew I would be squeeing :D

I am 10 minutes into the musical episode and am already having thoughts of foreboding and doubt. Does it get better/funny?

Edit: also improbability field :hmm::D
I last about 15 and just turned it off, can't stand musicals.
It felt very by the numbers, like they thought it's just what the popular kids do these days so might as well half-arse it. It wasn't bad, but it was loveless which is not something I'd accuse the show of elsewhere.
I've watched S1 but haven't watched S2 yet, I've downloaded it ready for bingeing. The idea of a musical episode puts me off to be frank. Pretty much every show that has had a musical episode has made itself look ridiculous and I am afraid this will do the same. The only show I can think of that has pulled it off is the Flash where Barry Allen realised immediately he was trapped in some kind of illusion and flatly refused to sing a note. (Grant Gustin actually has quite a good voice)
Has it finished ? absolutely loved it (not particularly fond of the singing one)
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