new but not *that* new
1/24 The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte - Karl Marx
Had the Project Gutenberg version of this on my e-reader and its only about a hundred pages long so I thought it'd be a quick way to start the year. Probably foolish as I don't know much about the second French revolution and forgot how dense Marx can be. Managed to waddle through it all but will probably go back through a clearer history of the revolution and return to this in a few years. He's got a fabulous way of insulting people though.
Had the Project Gutenberg version of this on my e-reader and its only about a hundred pages long so I thought it'd be a quick way to start the year. Probably foolish as I don't know much about the second French revolution and forgot how dense Marx can be. Managed to waddle through it all but will probably go back through a clearer history of the revolution and return to this in a few years. He's got a fabulous way of insulting people though.