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The Acolyte: A Star Wars Product

What do you like about it? I've found it rather bland and a bit meh.

The hate for it, while expected, is still surreal. I wish I liked it just to spite the dicks who hate it for having women in.

The martial arts, Amanda Stenberg, Lee Jung Jar, the sets and the story so far. It's not Andor, of course, but am just happy to be out of the Skywalker era.

Plus, Wookies!
The martial arts, Amanda Stenberg, Lee Jung Jar, the sets and the story so far. It's not Andor, of course, but am just happy to be out of the Skywalker era.

Plus, Wookies!
Fair enough. The fights and Lee Jung Jar have been the highlights for me, I've not been very impressed with Stenbeeg myself. But mostly I just find it rather dull.

The last star wars I watched was Andor, so maybe I'm just finding the quality gap between them hard to swallow.
Fair enough. The fights and Lee Jung Jar have been the highlights for me, I've not been very impressed with Stenbeeg myself. But mostly I just find it rather dull.

The last star wars I watched was Andor, so maybe I'm just finding the quality gap between them hard to swallow.
Oh, it's a tough one to top. That and The Mandalorian.
See I watched a couple of episodes of the Mandalorian and that didn't work for me either.

Have I ... outgrown Star Wars?:eek:
Possibly. It's also a thing that revisiting your youth can sometimes reveal that such beloved shows/films etc aren't what you thought they were.

When I watch the original trilogy, they aren't as brilliant as remembered. Whereas the newer stuff is more engaging. Imho, obviously. But some people can get enraged over new content. Or bored.

So far, not finding this boring, whereas don't think I could sit through Return of the Jedi, for example.
It's shit. Episode 3 is laughable.
Yeah, I skipped most of it until the end when the Stig appeared. I'm mildly curious as to their story, but this show is poor. The story is boring, whatever it is and the acting is piss. Not at all what i was expecting. Who cares about these twins; the good one who decided to piss away being a jedi for some reason, or her psycho sister who inexplicably decided to commit arson and murder her sister. Baffling rubbish
Episode 4 is a big improvement on the previous one, though admittedly that was not a particularly high bar to beat.
Since the advent of the internet and social media, public reviews can sometimes be pretty misleading, certainly when a film or series first comes out. There’s no doubt whatsoever that various sci-Fi/ superhero productions that featured a strong female lead in a universe previously dominated by male characters, was the subject of orchestrated downvoting campaigns by the alt right online community.

Disney in particular will have ruffled a lot of knuckleheads’ feathers since they took over the Star Wars and Marvel universes.

Scores will level up in time, but as the current case in point, the current 3.3/ 10 IMDB rating is laughably low even if the series has been crap so far.

I’m sure I remember the very early ratings for Captain Marvel on IMDB were something ludicrous like 3 or 4 out of 10. It’s 6.8/ 10 and that’s still artificially low, because whereas everyone is growing increasingly tiresome of the MCU films, this was one of the best ones in years. But hey, a female superhero getting her own film… wokeness gone mad.
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Since the advent of the internet and social media, public reviews can sometimes be pretty misleading, certainly when a film or series first comes out. There’s no doubt whatsoever that various sci-Fi/ superhero productions that featured a strong female lead in a universe previously dominated by male characters, was the subject of orchestrated downvoting campaigns by the alt right online community.

Disney in particular will have ruffled a lot of knuckleheads’ feathers since they took over the Star Wars and Marvel universes.

Scores will level up in time, but as the current case in point, the current 3.3/ 10 IMDB rating is laughably low even if the series has been crap so far.

I’m sure I remember the very early ratings for Captain Marvel on IMDB were something ludicrous like 3 or 4 out of 10. It’s 6.8/ 10 and that’s still artificially low, because whereas everyone is growing increasingly tiresome of the MCU films, this was one of the best ones in years. But hey, a female superhero getting her own film… wokeness gone mad.

Yep. And women actors of colour are constantly targeted. Rosario Dawson is too "stoic", Moses Ingram is "terrible", Kelly Marie Tran was singled out for body shaming.

Every SW story on every FB group that has Black or Asian or mixed race actors pictured receives loads of the laughing emoji. Compared to stories that have only White actors pictured, which tend not to.

Of course, any series shouldn't be free from valid criticism but in a lot of cases (that I've observed over the years) it's skewed against the actors mentioned in this post.

One comment that did raise an ironic chortle was when someone complained how the martial arts culture didn't "suit" Star Wars.
I've found myself blocking a lot of content on youtube because it keeps recommending channels which seem intent of delivering spiteful content about any new Star Wars product. I'm happy to hear negative reviews, but most of these fellas are making an art of hate; sat in their little bedrooms with some expensive home studio equipment and all their toys displayed on IKEA shelving behind them. It's click-hate. These are the frat boys of the geek world.

The Acolyte hasn't been good so far. I don't know how much pre-production work they do with the actors with read-throughs and rehearsals, but there is zero chemistry on screen between any of them so far. Jodie Turner-Smith clearly did as much as she could with what little she had and her character was the only good thing about episode three. There's little chemistry between the main cast, the sets look cheap and the 'Rashomon' inspired story telling has so far only shown one perspective despite us being halfway through. I'm assuming everything will not be as it seems regarding the twins story, and the fire etc, but leaving it behind and trying to keep a mystery going has been detrimental when delivered in 30-40 mins segments; none of which take anything much further, or offers any glimpse of what is actually happening. It is so slow, and lacks energy, and then episode 4 ends halfways through a scene. Like a lot of modern shows, I see this rushing to tie up loose ends in the final half hour, and that won't be rewarding.

I keep watching because I keep hoping something good will happen; it nearly did, and then the episode ended; like an ad break in olde world tv shows.

The very respectful and reasonable Star Wars Meg, who loves everything Star Wars, has been less than warm about The Acolyte; that came as a suprise to me because she really does try to see the best in everything Star Wars has to offer. When Star Wars Meg gives a negative review, then I know there is something amiss.
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I've found myself blocking a lot of content on youtube because it keeps recommending channels which seem intent of delivering spiteful content about any new Star Wars product. I'm happy to hear negative reviews, but most of these fellas are making an art of hate; sat in their little bedrooms with some expensive home studio equipment and all their toys displayed on IKEA shelving behind them. It's click-hate. These are the frat boys of the geek world.

The Acolyte hasn't been good so far. I don't know how much pre-production work they do with the actors with re-throughs and rehearsals, but there is zero chemistry on screen between any of them so far. Jodie Turner-Smith clearly did as much as she could with what little she had and her character was the only good thing about episode three. There's little chemistry between the main cast, the sets look cheap and the 'Rashomon' inspired story telling has so far only shown one perspective despite us being halfway through. I'm assuming everything will not be as it seems regarding the twins story, and the fire etc, but leaving it behind and trying to keep a mystery going has been detrimental when delivered in 30-40 mins segments; none of which take anything much further, or offers any glimpse of what is actually happening. It is so slow, and lacks energy, and then episode 4 ends halfways through a scene. Like a lot of modern shows, I see this rushing to tie up loose ends in the final half hour, and that won't be rewarding.

I keep watching because I keep hoping something good will happen; it nearly did, and then the episode ended; like an ad break in olde world tv shows.

The very respectful and reasonable Star Wars Meg, who loves everything Star Wars, has been less than warm about The Acolyte; that came as a suprise to me because she really does try to see the best in everything Star Wars has to offer. When Star Wars Meg gives a negative review, then I know there is something amiss.
Now that's a fair, considered comment.

Will be back after caught up with the season and see how it sits, then.
A piece on the review bombing of the show

Forbes have been a key player in stirring the pot from what I've been reading. Their Erik Kain is one of the geek frat boys from House Alpha Hate. He may have a point about the quality, but he enjoys being a spiteful turd and winding people up.

Just don't mention Ki-Adi-Mundi's date of birth....cos the toxics will shit their Princess Leia Boxer Shorts....
It's mad, people get angry about a change of age for a very minor fictional character whose age was never given in any of the actual cannon material as far as I know.

There are much more significant things that don't line up between the original films and the prequels that no one ever seems to loose there shit over.
It's mad, people get angry about a change of age for a very minor fictional character whose age was never given in any of the actual cannon material as far as I know.

There are much more significant things that don't line up between the original films and the prequels that no one ever seems to loose there shit over.

I haven't a clue what's canon and what's not anymore, and I honestly don't care. For me, the Star Wars films are the main deal, and everything else is a side quest. I've dabbled with some of the animated stuff, and enjoyed about 50% of the live action TV stuff. Boba Fett, Obi-Wan, Ashoka and The Acolyte have been the weakest for me, but there was still a lot to enjoy in Boba Fett. Mandolorian Series 3 wasn't very good, it felt rushed and cheap compared to the first two seasons.
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Action-packed episode and entertaining enough, but I’m utterly clueless about where the show is going, and still with three episodes left.

At any rate, the scriptwriters have paid attention to Rogue One regarding death counts :D
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