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The Acolyte: A Star Wars Product

I've learned that the dark helmet is made using Cortosis. Which, while sounding like something you need a cream for, fucks with energy levels from a blaster or lightsaber.

"One of the strongest minerals in the galaxy, cortosis could even withstand the blow of a lightsaber and briefly short out its blade" - wookieepedia

Episode 5 was entertaining for the most part; the dialogue and exposition is still below par (even for Star Wars). Manny Jacinto's is the only performance that carries any weight, Lee Jung-jae is not doing it for me, and Amandla Sternberg is having to grapple with two roles that are underdeveloped and poorly written; I don't think it's her fault that Mae is a stupid character who motivationally flip flops about like a fish on a pole, and Osha's character sleep walks through every scene, or seems to wake up in the middle of one. That's all in the writing.
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I've learned that the dark helmet is made using Cortosis. Which, while sounding like something you need a cream for, fucks with energy levels from a blaster or lightsaber.

"One of the strongest minerals in the galaxy, cortosis could even withstand the blow of a lightsaber and briefly short out its blade" - wookieepedia

Episode 5 was entertaining for the most part; the dialogue and exposition is still below par (even for Star Wars). Manny Jacinto's is the only performance that carries any weight, Lee Jung-jae is not doing it for me, and Amandla Sternberg is having to grapple with two roles that are underdeveloped and poorly written; I don't think it's her fault that Mae is a stupid character who motivationally flip flops about like a fish on a pole, and Osha's character sleep walks through every scene, or seems to wake up in the middle of one. That's all in the writing.
It seems to be increasingly common for TV to only seem to care about individual moments and not worry about them fitting into a whole. So characters act with no consistency just so they can have a particular moment they want.

Like shows are a series of short vignettes, rather than a coherent whole.

Maybe it has always been that way and I notice it more now?
The big reveal of the villain annoyed me. That was massively signposted. They could have been a bit more imaginative.
It seems to be increasingly common for TV to only seem to care about individual moments and not worry about them fitting into a whole. So characters act with no consistency just so they can have a particular moment they want.

Like shows are a series of short vignettes, rather than a coherent whole.

Maybe it has always been that way and I notice it more now?
I'm working on a grand unifying theory of why so much modern tv/cinema is so mediocre and it is that.... they don't spend enough time on writing.
i just find it boring. I don't care about anything or anyone in it and I see no reason to, other than perhaps the origin of the twins, if that is ever explored. The whole thing is just so empty
The big reveal of the villain annoyed me. That was massively signposted. They could have been a bit more imaginative.
The 'truth' Sol keeps promising to tell Osha will also be a let down. I don't think I've ever seen a character repeatedly say 'yeah, I'll tell you later' used as a form of suspense.
Disney won’t go bankrupt because of it (and it might well be making tidy profits even though about three quarters of their SW output is admittedly quite shit. But precisely because they are unlikely to depend on its success from a financial standpoint, I really wish after Andor 2 they would have the sense to give the whole franchise a good ten-year hiatus at the least.

The same could be said of the Marvel universe, but frankly I couldn’t care less whether the franchise lives or dies- probably the latter if I’m honest.
Enjoying it but finding I don’t love it. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Do really like the aesthetic, the characters, time, and interesting argument for turning to the dark side (in the Skywalker saga it’s all about fear and loss turning to suffering and hate which the fuels the dark force) being about individual freedom (comment on Libertarianism?), and really enjoy being able to watch Star Wars without the weight of the Skywalker saga…

I just find I’m not as emotionally engaged in it like I was for Andor (which remains the best Star Wars since rogue one)…
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Enjoying it but finding I don’t love it. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Do really the aesthetic, the characters, time, and interesting argument for turning to the dark side (in the Skywalker saga it’s all about fear and loss turning to suffering and hate which the fuels the dark force) being about individual freedom (comment on Libertarianism?), and really enjoy being able to watch Star Wars without the weight of the Skywalker saga…

I just find I’m not as emotionally engaged in it like I was for Andor (which remains the best Star Wars since rogue one)…
Agreed. And yet, we should still expect to be served quality spin-off shows even if lighter, style-over-substance ones.

Like Mandalorian. Which managed to get adults emotionally involved in the fate of an animatronic soft toy. And whose co-star main lead spent 99.9% of his screen time wearing a full-size helmet obscuring his facial expressions and who didn’t ever raise or change the tone of his voice, yet managed to convey far more acting emotion by tilting his head a few centimetres than just about all other live action actors in all other Disney SW series excluding Andor. And that includes the likes of Ewan McGregor.

I would actually name an exception, funnily enough also behind masks. I found the story of the Sand People in the Boba Fett series not just fascinating but surprisingly moving. But everyone else, blergh. I can’t literally remember the first thing about the Obi-Wan series.
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Agreed. And yet, we should still expect to be served quality spin-off shows even if lighter, style-over-substance ones.

Like Mandalorian. Which managed to get adults emotionally involved in the fate of an animatronic soft toy. And whose co-star main lead spent 99.9% of his screen time wearing a full-size helmet obscuring his facial expressions and who didn’t ever raise or change the tone of his voice, yet managed to convey far more acting emotion by tilting his head a few centimetres than just about all other live action actors in all other Disney SW series excluding Andor. And that includes the likes of Ewan McGregor.

I would actually name an exception, funnily enough also behind masks. I found the story of the Sand People in the Boba Fett series not just fascinating but surprisingly moving. But everyone else, blergh. I can’t literally remember the first thing about the Obi-Wan series.
Yeah I loved the Sand people strand in that show, so cool to see them beyond the one dimensional savages Lucas rendered them as…
The 'truth' Sol keeps promising to tell Osha will also be a let down. I don't think I've ever seen a character repeatedly say 'yeah, I'll tell you later' used as a form of suspense.
The truth is likely that the Jedi killed the witches independent of the fire started by mae. Not very exciting.
Yeah I loved the Sand people strand in that show, so cool to see them beyond the one dimensional savages Lucas rendered them as…

Yeah, best element of that show. Expanding the universe instead of wringing the last drops out of what we know most about already.

I enjoyed the Andor episods about the scientist too. It got slated, but I found it interesting.
Yeah, best element of that show. Expanding the universe instead of wringing the last drops out of what we know most about already.

I enjoyed the Andor episods about the scientist too. It got slated, but I found it interesting.
I think the scientist episode was in the mandalorian not andor although it was more like an andor episode in style. I don't remember it getting "slated" though. I thought it was a good episode.
Back to complete and utter tripe this week.

The boring as hell script and glacial pace of the "mystery" is just shite.

I was almost screaming "get on with it ffs!" at the television.
Watched the third ep last night.

Well, that was a drop in quality.

how did the powerful coven get wiped out so easily? That fire spread remarkably fast. And what was Mae's motivation for starting it? She went from bratty to the dark side in the blink of an eye!
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