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Spanish Political News

You might be right. Riklet used to be in Sevilla but I think is back in the UK. Stanley, of course has left. I can't think of any other Spanish residents now. It might be worth putting something in general later.

JHE is also Spain-based

I'll def be coming back for a visit if and when this all calms down. Was living in Madrid for a few years, was great. Was back a few times last year too although havent been to Sevilla for a while sadly... apparently it's become all hipster!

Think everyone at my former job is on an ERTE now. Hope everyone here is managing ok with work, sounds real hard. Biggest ever increase in paro in March, unsurprisingly.
Groundhog day.

This, the paperwork needed to get a state guaranteed loan, is keeping me busy:

Documentación a presentar en el expediente de riesgos
• Modelo IVA 390 (2019) •
Declaración Renta 2019 : 4º trimestre del modelo 130/131(+ declaración Renta modelo 100 si la hubiera presentado)
• Argumento y racionalidad de la cifra solicitada y justificación del destino de los fondos avalados.
• Detalle ingresos resto unidad Familiar
• Detalle de las obligaciones financieras del ejercicio, tanto a nivel particular como empresarial
Empresas hasta 900.000 euros de facturación
• Modelo IVA 390 (2019)
• Argumento y racionalidad de la cifra solicitada y justificación del destino de los fondos avalados.
• Balance y PyG 2019 provisional o definitivo
• Cuentas anuales del ejercicio 2019 (formuladas o aprobadas) o del último ejercicio cerrado
• Informe de Auditoria del ejercicio 2019 o del último ejercicio cerrado, si la empresa estuviera obligada
• Solo se ha de explicar en el expediente de riesgos las diferencias notables entre la información 2019 con respecto a 2018

You don't think they're trying to put people off?
You're not heading to the beach for easter are you?

Course not!

We're not allowed out are we? I have an allergy to something in the flat I've just moved into in Madrid. It's the hardest thing about quarantine so far. God, I'd love to be at the beach. I think I'd like to live next to the sea again. I'd miss the city but maybe I'm ready now.
Groundhog day.

This, the paperwork needed to get a state guaranteed loan, is keeping me busy:

Documentación a presentar en el expediente de riesgos
• Modelo IVA 390 (2019) •
Declaración Renta 2019 : 4º trimestre del modelo 130/131(+ declaración Renta modelo 100 si la hubiera presentado)
• Argumento y racionalidad de la cifra solicitada y justificación del destino de los fondos avalados.
• Detalle ingresos resto unidad Familiar
• Detalle de las obligaciones financieras del ejercicio, tanto a nivel particular como empresarial
Empresas hasta 900.000 euros de facturación
• Modelo IVA 390 (2019)
• Argumento y racionalidad de la cifra solicitada y justificación del destino de los fondos avalados.
• Balance y PyG 2019 provisional o definitivo
• Cuentas anuales del ejercicio 2019 (formuladas o aprobadas) o del último ejercicio cerrado
• Informe de Auditoria del ejercicio 2019 o del último ejercicio cerrado, si la empresa estuviera obligada
• Solo se ha de explicar en el expediente de riesgos las diferencias notables entre la información 2019 con respecto a 2018

You don't think they're trying to put people off?

They don't know any other way of doing things. I guess us employees don't have to do the declaración now do we? I mean they can't fine us for doing it late!
TBF stuff like IVA is just 'Not applicable' and the accountant says that autonomos with far more sketchy bookkeeping are going to be looked after so it's box-ticking and paperwork for the most part, to be optimistic.
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Course not!

We're not allowed out are we? I have an allergy to something in the flat I've just moved into in Madrid. It's the hardest thing about quarantine so far. God, I'd love to be at the beach. I think I'd like to live next to the sea again. I'd miss the city but maybe I'm ready now.
I want to move to the beach. We had enough money to buy a small place but are now going to have to live off some of that.

We would love to move to Málaga where you can have both city and beach but will more likely end up in Motril. Prices there are quite low. We have found a small place that needs refurb. The price has been slowly dropping. It's now 19k. Apart from having no kitchen it is habitable. But no parking, no balcony or terrace. But 19k...
I want to move to the beach. We had enough money to buy a small place but are now going to have to live off some of that.

We would love to move to Málaga where you can have both city and beach but will more likely end up in Motril. Prices there are quite low. We have found a small place that needs refurb. The price has been slowly dropping. It's now 19k. Apart from having no kitchen it is habitable. But no parking, no balcony or terrace. But 19k...

The thing is that I'm fijo indefinido (I'm very lucky) now and that would be very hard to find elsewhere in the TEFL world. I'm 43 now and don't know what else I could do for a living anyway. I've heard Malaga is alright but how would I live?
"Spain recorded a daily death toll of 605, the lowest figure since 24 March. Spaniards have been off the streets since mid-March, but a slowdown of the disease’s spread and its death toll has enabled officials to start discussing a gradual easing"

So some construction and industry from next week. I hope it doesn't lead to any kind of upturn or slowdown or, please not, some uncontrollable stampede back to normality and more deaths as a result.

OTOH selfishly I want things how they were asap
"Spain recorded a daily death toll of 605, the lowest figure since 24 March. Spaniards have been off the streets since mid-March, but a slowdown of the disease’s spread and its death toll has enabled officials to start discussing a gradual easing"

So some construction and industry from next week. I hope it doesn't lead to any kind of upturn or slowdown or, please not, some uncontrollable stampede back to normality and more deaths as a result.

OTOH selfishly I want things how they were asap
I'd like things to go back to normal ASAP, but I like the peace and quiet too.
Guess which opposition leader said this:

“Señor primer ministro, cuente con nuestra colaboración. Todo lo que podamos, ayudaremos. Le deseo coraje, nervios de acero y mucha suerte. Porque su suerte es nuestra suerte”

Trick question. They're Portuguese.
Guess which opposition leader said this:

“Señor primer ministro, cuente con nuestra colaboración. Todo lo que podamos, ayudaremos. Le deseo coraje, nervios de acero y mucha suerte. Porque su suerte es nuestra suerte”

Trick question. They're Portuguese.
PSD . Comically named as a social democratic party as they are conservatives . They were the largest party when I first started to come over here , formed a government with some other Tories lost a vote of confidence after 11 days ( must be a record for shortest government ) and thats when the SP.BE/PCP minority coalition formed a minority government, They were expected to do well in last years election but stalled.
Here things are much the same. Deaths have increased to 9. But it is hard to confirm because there's no reliable news source. The general figure for Córdoba is also a bit vague.

There seems to be no real change in the way people are reacting. Very few people are out and about. Occasionally there's a work van but nothing much.

How about you?
Some more cautious optimism. But because there's very little industry here there hasn't been much change. The bodegas and grape growers were working any way. The spice must flow
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