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Spanish Political News

There was a lot of people on balconies at both 8 and 10 applauding. It was so very moving.

But there's others besides the obvious ones. There are shop workers, distribution drivers, etc. We need them too.

Well it was at 8 ó clock so maybe it was a coincidence but just at that time the paramedics arrived.
We let go all six teachers and two admin this morning. At least the government will pay them while we can't.

I was weeping after I had phoned each of them.

All my problems with social security and haciendas and banks is just money. I wont really starve. This is people, who had a a reasonable expectation of a decent job for honourable employers (if that's possible) and I can't help thinking I have let them all down.
We let go all six teachers and two admin this morning. At least the government will pay them while we can't.

I was weeping after I had phoned each of them.

All my problems with social security and haciendas and banks is just money. I wont really starve. This is people, who had a a reasonable expectation of a decent job for honourable employers (if that's possible) and I can't help thinking I have let them all down.
I feel for you. Years ago I was in that position. In my case I was the CEO, not as you the owner. I resigned. I just couldn't sack decent hardworking people with a clear conscience.

I've no problem sacking twat's. But good people...that's so difficult.
We let go all six teachers and two admin this morning. At least the government will pay them while we can't.

I was weeping after I had phoned each of them.

All my problems with social security and haciendas and banks is just money. I wont really starve. This is people, who had a a reasonable expectation of a decent job for honourable employers (if that's possible) and I can't help thinking I have let them all down.

This was a bolt from the blue. ELT is in total chaos. International House, British Council .... everyone is going to be letting people go. It's not your fault.
Just heard from SIL in Spain (who works at International House in Barcelona). She is isolating in Roses. She can see the army on the streets.
Because I am, let's say, distinctive and quite well-known round here the many police patrols mostly know that there are two of us in the car because I am dropping my wife up to the supermarket. Even so we have a letter to show them in case. She has to sit behind and across from me.

People who walk into the shop clap the cashiers and shout encouraging things. Its very moving,

In the street there are only single people making their purposeful way to or from a bakery, a shop or their necessary work. And dog-walkers, which is allowed.

And an eerie silence, just the sound of storks fucking.

It's very strange for sociable people who are used to being out and about. I think there'll be a lot of stress very soon, and perhaps violence from being cooped up in such an unaccustomed way.

On the other side of the Spanish stereotype coin there is the stubbornness of 'Los tercios no se rinden' (which is a bit right-wing) and 'No pasaran' (not so much!) so if they get it into their heads that this is a good idea then they'll do it obstinately and wholeheartedly. Even when told to stop!

I am feeling much better. The gov is stepping up in theory but we'll see how easy it is to get help in practice. Tomorrow we are going to keep our students sweet with homework and activities online, now that the shock and trauma seems to be largely over.
In Portugal 🇵🇹 + TEFL🙋‍♂️

Can I squeeze in for a cuppa and a chat??

I seem to have retaind about 65% of workload by migrating online. But fuck knows what next month brings. I've already had students shutter me out as they look forwards to trouble brewing on the horizon .
In Portugal 🇵🇹 + TEFL🙋‍♂️

Can I squeeze in for a cuppa and a chat??

I seem to have retaind about 65% of workload by migrating online. But fuck knows what next month brings. I've already had students shutter me out as they look forwards to trouble brewing on the horizon .

Course you can. If we get scaked we get rehired when this is over. It's a question of how good unemployment benefit is in Portugal.
Course you can. If we get scaked we get rehired when this is over. It's a question of how good unemployment benefit is in Portugal.

havent gone thru the process before but I imagine pretty pitiful

(Also I owe Ss a ton of money, wooops, was paying it back promise likes)

also unpemloyed what??, you see I'm
self- employed, free-lancer,, even though I have bosses who decide my timetable, their building where I give classes using their material and teaching students who have registered with the school.

Thats about 2/3rds of my income

the rest is work I drummed up myself

feeling dead sorry for myself, sorry

fffffodaaaa-ssssee :) c'um caralho, filho-de.....
havent gone thru the process before but I imagine pretty pitiful

(Also I owe Ss a ton of money, wooops, was paying it back promise likes)

also unpemloyed what??, you see I'm
self- employed, free-lancer,, even though I have bosses who decide my timetable, their building where I give classes using their material and teaching students who have registered with the school.

Thats about 2/3rds of my income

the rest is work I drummed up myself

feeling dead sorry for myself, sorry

fffffodaaaa-ssssee :) c'um caralho, filho-de.....

It's okay. It's a tough time for a lot of people , but we're definitely in a group that's getting hit hard and fast. Are you okay? Do you have people to talk to?
I wonder what 'after' will look like. EG round here if the bars don't sell wine, the small bodegas who supply them go bust too. along with coopers, capsule makers, cork sellers, label companies and a whole support system. Somewhere down that route are their workers: people on the dole or with more precarious jobs than before who will have to choose between either English classes or a shopping trolley of food. We also give classes in those types of businesses as well as in the bodegas themselves. 'When everything gets back to normal' may not be possible.
I wonder what 'after' will look like. EG round here if the bars don't sell wine, the small bodegas who supply them go bust too. along with coopers, capsule makers, cork sellers, label companies and a whole support system. Somewhere down that route are their workers: people on the dole or with more precarious jobs than before who will have to choose between either English classes or a shopping trolley of food. We also give classes in those types of businesses as well as in the bodegas themselves. 'When everything gets back to normal' may not be possible.
I was talking to a friend of mine whose staple business is teaching in a bodega. He was saying it can’t ever go back to as it was. Although it’s a very large winery it runs to slim margins, for all the reasons you give they’ll struggle this year. Do they really need English classes four days a wee?
In Portugal 🇵🇹 + TEFL🙋‍♂️

Can I squeeze in for a cuppa and a chat??

I seem to have retaind about 65% of workload by migrating online. But fuck knows what next month brings. I've already had students shutter me out as they look forwards to trouble brewing on the horizon .
Pull up a chair. As long as you are at home, in your pants, unshaven and/or unmade up you're in good company.

And I've stopped worrying about this being a 'politics' thread. Losing your job and being almost under house arrest is political.
It's okay. It's a tough time for a lot of people , but we're definitely in a group that's getting hit hard and fast. Are you okay? Do you have people to talk to?

Cheers mate just feling a bit low-energy now.

Yeah married in, in-laws, neighbours, and friends & been here for years. Prtty good support network.

Pull up a chair. As long as you are at home, in your pants, unshaven and/or unmade up you're in good company.

And I've stopped worrying about this being a 'politics' thread. Losing your job and being almost under house arrest is political.

Check and check.

I'm really crossing my fingers for French style rent-freeze. THe psychological side of this would be pretty easy to deal with were it so.
I've had a fucking ace time emailing landlords on idealista with offers.

'Hola, me interesa mucho el piso pero tendrás que bajar el precio de 800 euros al mes bastante. Estoy dispuesto a pagarte 550 - es que las cosas ya han cambiado y tendrás que aceptar la nueva realidad. Mándame confirmación inmediatemente antes de que cambio de opinión, ya que hay un montón de pisos iguales, debido a la cantidad de Air B 'n' B's que han cambiado a idealista en los últimos dias.
My partners Mother in Spain ( near Madrid) says people are shouting from their balconies that they want to go out.

Also friend of hers is in hospital with the virus and no one can visit.
Some people are thinking of visiting elderly relatives who are alone and sick.

They cant just let them die alone or not get care.
I'm not at all sure about the Spanish policy of not letting people out for exercise. The mental health effects are obvious, but also elderly people who lose mobility due to lack of exercise will often not be able to recover it. There will be many earlier deaths just because of that.

Is it being debated much in Spain?
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